Hello everybody,

Thanks for taking some time to take a look at my exposure. Let me introduce myself. My name is CHRISTOPHER JOHN RYAN but here, on exposefaggots.com, I’m SISSY DIAPER FAG CHRISSY WADDLEBOTTOM.

There are a few things I want you to know about me. The first thing (but it’s pretty obvious) is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WEARING ADULT DIAPERS. I’ve been wearing them for a very long time now. I love WETTING THEM and feel how SQUISHY and WARM they get. I try to wear PAMPERS as much as I can and I also have two online Daddies who make sure I also wear them when I don’t really feel like it.

The second thing I want you to know is that regular adult diapers are not enough for me. I want HUGE, MASSIVE, BULKY PAMPERS between my thighs at all times. I should never be able to forget that I’m WELL PADDED and that’s why I combine adult diapers and booster pads to make my NAPPIES huge. I’ll post a diapering video to show you how I do it! My Daddies decided to my minimum diaper has to be 3 diapers and 6 booster pads and they always make sure I obey like the good little boy I try to be. You’ll probably understand that walking normally is absolutely impossible when you wear that kind of underwear. The only thing you can do is WADDLE in front of everyone and even if it’s VERY VERY EMBARRASSING, it also TURNS ME ON SO MUCH!

Third thing is : I want my DIAPERS to be VISIBLE UNDER MY CLOTHES. That’s the reason why I love wearing SPANDEX RUNNING TIGHTS and WHITE SHORTS over them. That way, even if I’m wearing clothes, everybody can see that I’M WEARING ADULT DIAPERS.

That leads me to the 4th point :  I crave PUBLIC HUMILIATION. I gave personal info to my Daddies to make sure they will FORCE ME TO GO OUTSIDE IN HUMILIATING OUTFITS. I usually freak out when they ask me that so I have to be FORCED TO OBEY. They know I have some limits. I’m not ready to go to the grocery store wearing COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT WHITE TIGHTS OVER MY PAMPERS. Wearing diapers AROUND MY FAMILY, or AT WORK is also quite frightening. I know they want me to do all these things and I also know that I’ll have to do it at some point if I don’t want them to DESTROY MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE. I just don’t know when this will happen and it makes me CRAZY.

The 5th point is probably one of the most humiliating. I asked my DADDIES to EXPOSE ME ONLINE and through DIFFERENT PLATFORMS AND APPS. My pictures are visible on INSTAGRAM and some of my videos are on YOUTUBE. They’re pretty easy to find as my name is always in the title of the video (just type CHRISTOPHER JOHN RYAN in google). I also asked them to force me to expose myself to some FRIENDS and COWORKERS. I have to admit they did a pretty good job. They know that it’s even more humiliating if I have to send pictures to CUTE GUYS I had a CRUSH ON. That’s how they select the recipients of my embarrassing texts.

Okay this is the last point. You may have noticed that I love PINK! That’s because (but you already red it at the beginning of this exposure), I’m not just an ADULT BABT. I’m a real SISSY BABY FAG. For those who don’t know what it means, it’s pretty simple. I love FRILLY OUTFITS, BABY DRESSES, PINK PVC PANTS, RUFFLED PANTIES, PINK BABY BONNETS, SKIRT, LEOTARD, DANCE OUTFITS, PETTICOATS, EVERYTHING THAT IS FEMININE and that a real man would hate wearing. I also like wearing HIGH HEELS and, even if I’ve never done it, I fantasize about being a DIAPER SLUT, SOLD TO A LOT OF MEN WHO WOULD USE ALL MY HOLES BEFORE RE DIAPERING ME UNTIL THE NEXT GANG BANG. That’s my ULTIMATE FANTASY.

Well, that was a long and pretty detailed text. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. You know you can share this everywhere if you feel like it. Thanks for helping me be THE MOST FAMOUS SISSY DIAPER FAG IN THE WORLD. My daddies will thank you too.


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Erika McNutt
1 year ago

You are such an inspiration to us all!

5 years ago

well said chrissy XD

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