Public Group
active 3 weeks, 6 days agoEstablishing a place for sissies, fags, sluts, whores, and any other identifier you wish to apply can fly their flag. Giving Dom’s and Domme’s a place to find local toys.
As always be aware of Master Ashton’s TOS as well as thoughts for your safety
pre orgasm dumb/post orgasm regret
total exposure joined the group
Wisconsin sissies, fags, sluts etc 1 month, 1 week ago
Jade posted an update in the group
Wisconsin sissies, fags, sluts etc 5 months, 1 week ago
Lonely Sat nite so thought I’d do some practicing.
Anthony Pompa joined the group
Wisconsin sissies, fags, sluts etc 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Jade created the group
Wisconsin sissies, fags, sluts etc 7 months ago