Christopher Suse posted an update in the group
EXPOSING FAGGOT COCKSUCKERS! 3 years, 5 months ago
• Ruzon Gorham 4:46 PM I want to talk about what a faggot cocksucker you are. And you know you are..
• Christopher Suse sent the following message at 4:48 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 4:48 PM Click or press enter to display IMG_3313.jpeg in the image preview
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 4:49 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 4:49 PM That’s fucking right, faggot. How many cocks have you sucked?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 4:51 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 4:51 PM Click or press enter to display IMG_3311.jpeg in the image preview
• Too many to count. I especially love my place in the bnwo servicing superior BBC.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 4:53 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 4:53 PM Thats right. Very good pussy. Who turned you out on cock? Fucking slut.
• Christopher Suse sent the following message at 4:55 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 4:55 PM My ex-girlfriend started my sissification and feminization because my useless clitty didn’t measure up to what her perfect ass deserves.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 4:56 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 4:56 PM What type of sissicication have you performed, pussy?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 4:57 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 4:57 PM My former girlfriend turned me into a sissy and my young, pretty, femdom evil hardbody bitch team leader, Sheila dominated Chris Suse and the chump gave control of his cock and balls forever. Now the loser begs Sheila to humiliate ‘him’ as a sissy, cocksucker, faggot, and swore his soul to Satan if only Sheila Laurence would castrate him with castration bands, and a gelding tool, shocking the faggot into it’s proper place, as a Eunuch, who’s sole purpose Sheila has commanded to serve real mens cocks with ‘his’, now bitchboi’s mouth and boipussy. Especially Big Black Superior Cocks. Chris Suse, now known as Heather, because Heather Hunter slayed me with her picture on Vivid Video’s VHS Box for her movie “Performance.”
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:00 PM
• Forced Feminization / Forced Sissification
• My former girlfriend turned me into a sissy and my young, pretty, femdom, evil, hardbody, bitch, team-leader, Sheila, dominated me bad. I gave control to her of my cock and balls forever.
• Now I beg Sheila to humiliate me as a sissy, cocksucker, faggot, and swore my soul to Satan if only Sheila would make me wear elastrator castration bands, and give her a gelding tool to shock me into my proper place, as a Eunuch, who’s sole purpose Sheila commanded, is to serve real mens cocks and the Orc’s.
• Dominate, Bully, Sexy Fucking Hardbodies With A Perfect Ass, Sheila And Janice both loved to use Sissy Faggot Gay Cocksucker Hypno Pic’s and Videos to turn Christopher Jason Suse Into wanting to be a girl, and accepting that his real self wants and desires desperatley to be a girl, like Paulina Gretzkya, and have her perfect ass, the pathetic cunt. Christopher Jason Suse is not smart and can’t even figure out that the two FemDom’s are reprogramming ‘him’ to no longer have male urges to fuck woman, but to become one, to be a girl, an ugly, sad pathetic LOSER Chris Suse Is for ‘he’ knows the truth is, tee hee, that ‘he’ will never be pretty or be able to dominate weak cunt cocksucker faggots like himself, with just a dirty look, and get the eternal LOSERS to do anything ‘she’ wants by showing off a perfect ass, like Paulina Gretzkya’s perfect hot ass. The only female contact ‘he’ will ever have is when a girl wants to humiliate ‘him’ by wearing gloves (so as not to touch the sick faggot) and giving ‘his’ dicklette a reach around as ‘he’ humiliates, and disgraces ‘himself’ sufficiently for the FemDom, ohhh, as music to her ears is the squeals she gets from Christopher Jason Suse, the LOSER that is being forced feminized and forced sissified, mmmmm, the real girl gets wet and soul satisfied as like an orgasm when she hears her prey act like a girl. Chris Suse would squeal loudly when she let ‘him’ get naked, and on all four. Christopher Jason Suse would arch ‘his’ ass up as far as ‘he’ could, practically breaking ‘his’ back trying so hard to do what Janice White does with ease, arching her perfect naked ass to destroy Chris Suse’s soul by denying ‘him’ to act like a man and let ‘him’ fuck her (she and ‘he’ didn’t fuck for religious reasons, but in short order, Janice made the cocksucker Chris Suse admit that ‘he’ no longer wanted to fuck her, but to always cave in to her powers of sissification /feminization, and crave acting like a girl for Janice as she jacked ‘him’ off, eventually Chris Suse stopped trying to get Janice’s pussy wet, but to beg Janice to let ‘him’ lick suck her perfect ass and lick her asshole as she sits on the faggots face, letting ‘him’ worship her perfect ass, but never EVER even trying again to fuck her. Chris Suse would squeal like a bitch as Janice was fully clothed, and the sissy was naked, on all fours ass up, head tilted back, mouth wide open, exclaiming to the Goddess, “FUCK MY LITTLE PUSSY!!!!” over and over, loud enough for Chris Suse’s neighbors to hear ‘him’ being feminized, and even more heard the faggot loser because Janice would always open the window, unbeknown to Chris Suse, so all would know Christopher Jason Suse wants and acts like a girl while a real woman with a perfect ass makes ‘him’ cum, oh, and whenever she started whacking ‘him’ off, she was the soul terminator, in that she WOULD NOT EVER STOP until Christopher Jason Suse starts pumping cum everywhere, and at the moment climax, when Chris Suse was most vulnerable, Janice would command the demons and devils inside her soul to rush out of her and enter Chris Suse’s chest, right when the chump cuts, the devils go into Christopher Jason Suse all the way through to ‘his’ soul, and finalize the LOSER’S eternal fate as an Orc’s Sissy, Tee Hee. Janice, with her perfect fucking sexy as hell ass, and those demonic powerful seriously sexy and soul stealing dirty looks, let the Devil use her in order to turn Chris Suse into a Sissy, Faggot, Cocksucker who still craves to be Janice’s LOSER bitch and humiliated today, over 20 years since the last tryst when she dumped Chris Suse for a real man…but she set Chris Suse up with a friend, the first guy she forced feminized and turned into a faggot, and now Chris acts like a girl on all fours still, but instead of getting a reach around by a demon filled sexy bitch with a perfect ass, Chris Suse is sqealing, “FUCK MY LITTLE PUSSY, JANICE!!!” As Janice first boyfriend pumps his big dick deep into Chris Suse’s faggot asshole over and over until he spurts all of his balls full cum load into sissy Chris uses asshole, and pulls out, taking pictures of his cum dripping out and all over Chris Suse little sissy clitty and posts them on Facebook for Janice’s amusement…truth is, Janice doesn’t even look at the pathetic losers pictures, because she hasn’t giving Chris Suse, a LOSER, any thought for over 20 years, Tee Hee.
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:03 PM Click or press enter to display Sissification Complete…Janice White Wins….Colage of Chris And Sandy.png in the image preview
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:04 PM Me and my ex-girlfriend, Jancie’s previous boyfriend that she also turned into a Sissy, Faggot Cocksucker. We now fuck each other for Janice’s amusement.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 5:11 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:11 PM He fucks you, pussy?
• View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:13 PM And when did you last suck a cock?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:17 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:17 PM He does fuck my boipussy, Janice turned me into a bottom.
• About a month ago. You want me to throat your BBC?
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:19 PM Per the bnwo, all black men may top me at as their pleasure is my priority. #fuckmylittlepussy
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:20 PM Click or press enter to display 3E5C9862-3965-4CFC-94CE-2505C6BBA1DA.jpeg in the image preview
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 5:20 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:20 PM That is correct, pussy. And I do. You’re too far away from me, though. I do want to talk with you about what a pussy you are. Are you working?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:21 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:21 PM Email me at Sheila.Laurence.Sissified.me@gmx.com
• Click or press enter to display IMG_1850.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display 14DE02F8-E683-4C11-B887-31743C0C78CE.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display 8D81C780-051B-497B-8701-FE728B4F249C.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display 2A745903-5152-4D7D-BDF9-53C8EB701B92.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display FullSizeRender.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display 95D18292-BA60-46DA-9562-8E1E0FE8C4F6.jpeg in the image preview•
• Click or press enter to display IMG_3314.jpeg in the image preview•
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 5:26 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:26 PM Good pussy.
• I emailed you.
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:27 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:27 PM Click or press enter to display 845D2185-72E3-4B95-B6FA-73C837AFC35E.jpeg in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display IMG_3279.jpeg in the image preview•
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 5:29 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:29 PM All of that is correct, pussy.
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:30 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:30 PM Click or press enter to display E23598D6-49AA-40C2-B9E2-2F4901CFD771.jpeg in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display 649C0B98-F3A5-4CC9-A807-7398AACB9C27.jpeg in the image preview•
• I wanna be this red hot bitch, with her perfect ass.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 5:31 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:31 PM You’ll never be that, pussy.
• View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:39 PM So you’ve been sucking cock, getting fucked, and not having any pussy for over 20 years.
• Allowing yourself to be dominated into submission..
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:44 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:44 PM Click or press enter to display 475bcc.jpg in the image preview
• Mmmmm, yes. I am a pussy free sissy who lives to pleasure real men’s cocks with my mouth, throat and boipussy. And the bnwo says Sissy’s can only watch censored porn.
• Click or press enter to display image3.jpeg in the image preview•
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:49 PM My obsession’s for over 26 years, because the red hot perfect hardbody evil fucking hitch on the right looks exactly like my former team leader at work. Sheila dominated, humiliated and mindfucked me and had me watch sissy gay porn for at least three hours a day at work. Somehow Sheila just knew I wasn’t a real man, but a sissy Faggot Cocksucker the instant we first met.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 5:50 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:50 PM You met her on your job, pussy?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 5:52 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 5:52 PM I sent you a video of me obeying Sheila to your email that Sheila took of me after dominating and bullying me into submission.
• Click or press enter to display 6AEA59A9-A906-478E-B4A0-4AB71266F17F.jpeg in the image preview•
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 5:55 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 5:55 PM It hasn’t come through yet, I’m waiting for it.
• Did you think you’d become a cocksucking faggot when you first met her?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 6:08 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:08 PM Yes. She had me sucking her former bosses dick within two weeks after meeting her. I was squealing over and over “Fuck my little pussy”. As she fucked my boipussy with her big black strap-on the following week in the girls bathroom after work. She loves to humiliate me and continues my sissification. She controlled my schedule at work, so, I eagerly started obeying her commands to suck off her friends in the elevator at work, watch a lot of sissy hypnosis porn and after she had me wearing her bra and panties under my work clothes, I accepted that Sheila Laurence was right about who I really am, and how I am a much better sissy,Faggot, Cocksucker than all my attempts of being a real man. She saw right through me that day we met, and decided she would never let me attempt to fuck a woman again because of my tiny clitty.
• Click or press enter to display E1874852-8F3F-4920-89A4-661B3642DC9F.jpeg in the image preview•
• I wish I was her with that perfect ass. Goddamn that body.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 6:10 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:10 PM That is a tight body.
• Are you working, pussy?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 6:11 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:11 PM No, not today.
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:12 PM I obsess over that picture for 20+ years and like to stare at her ass when I’m on my knees sucking some strangers dick at the Porn theater.
• Click or press enter to display SISSY_EXPOSURE_CONTRACT.jpg in the image preview•
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 6:13 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:13 PM I want to talk ti you and hear about how this happened, pussy.
• View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:16 PM Are you available to speak?
• Christopher Suse sent the following message at 6:23 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:23 PM Sure
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following message at 6:26 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:26 PM How will I contact you, pussy?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 6:31 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:31 PM True story. Me and My girlfriend in highschool, Cathy, were having thanksgiving diner at her familes house and without warning, her dad grabbed my arm, pulled me into his office, through his daughters bra and panties at me and told me to put them on. I was stunned, but then saw his big, thick dick that he pulled out and wiggled at me, and I couldn’t get her panties on and on my knees quick enough to wrap my lips and throat around her dads cock fast enough. Click or press enter to display I am a slave to Superior Big Black Cock.png in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display My girlfriend broke up with me because of my 5 inch clitty. I went to her house and her dad let me in…pulled out his cock and I throated all of him. He had me wear his daughters cheerleading uniform while he fucked my boipussy.gif in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display 7ee816f1-ab74-42ef-b9a7-c262457d253d_900_3d16~n1a1.JPG in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display The BEST shot of the bitch who cuckolded me.png in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display Chris Suse Cocksucker 3.jpg.png in the image preview
• View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:33 PM The top picture of the blond fucking some dude in the bedroom is from a scene in a movie called “Body Double” from the 1980’s. Ever see it? The scene of her boyfriend walking in on her, and her fucking hot face, emotion and gaping mouth totally turned me into a cuckold.
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 6:33 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:33 PM Damn, pussy.
• I haven’t seen it. Thats hot.
• How will I call you pussy?
• Christopher Suse sent the following message at 6:40 PM View Christopher’s profile• Christopher Suse 6:40 PM This is Sheila, next to the February 1995 HUSTLER magazine cover. Don’t they look alike? Both bullied, dominated, out smarted and greatly influenced a rapid increase of sissification, cocksucker and getting fucked by real men, doggie style, the way I used to fuck hot young high school girls. Sheila made me write an email to all the girls I fucked and apologize for my useless clitty, for not satisfying them, and that I was a cocksucking faggot and shouldn’t have ever even seen them naked, much less, act like I was there boyfriend. She also would have me attach many of the pics I’ve sent you….with a dick in my mouth. Click or press enter to display Sheila Gwen Laurence and Chris Suses Obsession Sheila Laurence Projected on HUSTLER girl Jessica..png in the image preview
• Click or press enter to display My girlfriends perfect ass dominated and destroyed me, exposing me as a sissy faggot cocksucker cuckold LOSER. Â @chrissuse #ass – Imgur.png in the image preview
• Ruzon Gorham sent the following messages at 6:40 PM View Ruzon’s profile• Ruzon Gorham 6:40 PM Wow
• They do.
• Look alike.
• Did any of them respond?
• To the emails?
• Christopher Suse sent the following messages at 6:46 PM View Christopher’s profile