Andrew P from Sevenoaks, Kent, UK is a fag who likes to show his tiny dick.
The 56 year old bus driver loves playing risky games that involve naked dares or forfeits, and will happily let real men use or humiliate him in public.
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Andrew P from Sevenoaks, Kent, UK is a fag who likes to show his tiny dick.
The 56 year old bus driver loves playing risky games that involve naked dares or forfeits, and will happily let real men use or humiliate him in public.
A Bubble Butt Sissy Slut Obsessed with exposure and BBC Daddies
it is a58 year old faggot slave that will eat any ass dirty or clean drink piss from any...
FUCK my faggot arse
Tiny dick faggot Guy Trepanier
I am Jon Polasek. i am a sad excuse for a diaper fag. I live in Medicine Hat, Alberta,...
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Time for a full exposure…. ID and all
Yes Andrew. Do the full exposure – You know you want to!
Yes Andew, Do the full expo!
Comment if you want me to do another exposure with my full name, ID and contact details.