Fag Don Willis Mansfield Ohio D.O.B 10/23/1973

complete loser begging for non stop exposure by anyone anywhere, i don willis give full rights to all images and video to anyone who wants to make sure i stay exposed

i freely give Master Ashton  and exposedfaggots.com complete ownership and rights of use to any and all pictures or videos of me and Sir may use them any way he sees fit. even for commercial use

i Don Willis do also hereby publicly release all rights and ownership over any my files, photos, and videos  ALL shall be considered public domain and have no copyright claims attached. Anyone is free to download and or redistribute in any manner they see fit, even for commercial use, Please help my continued exposure and let everyone know what a loser i am


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4 years ago

Nice exposure faggot. Your quite the loser. Can i lick your toilet clean?

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