
Matthew Cooley

Personality Type

Fag Sissy


Glenwood MN 56334, US

About me

I AM A TOTALLY Submitted Gay sissy boi.
ENSLAVE ME MASTER AND BECOME A BLACK MASTER AND I willingly and permanently surrender to be made into a FAGGOTED SISSY training for my Master to be BRED BY BLACK MASTERS ON DEMAND to be EXPOSED to the public as a sissy boi lol I love to eat cum and be able to make MASTER’S COCK into my God. I’m not a Man and I don’t have any attraction to women cockslavemattcooley in the process of getting a new identity and destiny as a sissy and a half way impotent cuckolded FAG TO BE BRED BY BLACK MASTERS ON A church altarpiece and marry you MASTER AND BECOME A TOTALLY ENSLAVE ME MASTER AND I AM A TOTALLY FAGGOTED SISSY lol

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