- Name
Carl Perrett
- Address
- City
Brownsville, Texas
- Age
28 – 35
- About me
Carl Perrett aka DiaperFagCarly is a failed male, weak willed and insecure he agreed to be blackmailed and trained by real men to transform him into a diaper fag. He now exists as pussy-free diaper-sexual. Carl wears his toilet 24/7 all his messes end up in his diaper. Piss, shit and when he’s allowed cum. Carly is incontinent of urine and well on his way to being bowel incontinent; he will never not be in diapers.Through long term chastity his already small ‘penis’ has shrunk drastically (1.5inches) and he can no longer get hard enough for penetrative sex and Is likely impotent. Carly has accepted that his future will be that if diapers and humiliation.