
Christopher FatAssSmallDick

Personality Type

Fag Sissy


Morristown Nj US




28 – 35


About me

Hello I am Chris aka FatButtSmallNub but FatAssSmallDick everywhere else. I actually had an account under the user name FatAssSmallDick but like a big pussy I freaked out and had it removed and started over a year or so later.

So yeah Why I chose FatButtSmallNub. Well if its not obvious I am a very FAT OBESE dude with a very big FAT BUTT or FAT ASS and very tiny itty bitty SMALL NUB or SMALL DICK. So yeah I could have also used my man tits or the fact I look like a giant baby but I prefer to go simple and to the point so yeah FATBUTTSMALLNUB or FATASSSMALL DICK works haha

What role am I: I am sort of complicated at best I can say I Bottom-from-the-top. Meaning I tend to want and fantasize about being dominated and abused and all that and it does turn me on but physically or mentally whatever, I dont really bow to others will I mean maybe because I havent given power over or what. But I prefer to dominate others. I like the mind fuck it feels knowing others are bowing down and worshipping someone like me. So yeah call me god feels good or call me loser baby hey I am ok with that too.

I like to expose myself and be scene which is why I am all over. But to a lesser degree I do like helping others expose themselves. Cal l it fun chaos watching others do as I do and indulge in the drug that is exhibitionism and watching them cycle from yeah I am scene to oh shit this will fuck my life to back especially if I am in control and they cant take down. But I sometimes do pro-bono if I choose the person. Otherwise I love cashraping people and exposing them. Nothing feels as good as being paid to expose someone. Have them soon say take down and I make them pay me to do that only to ask them and they say no keep going and cycle continues

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