i came out as trans almost 10 years ago.

  1. If i’m being honest, for me only (not all trans folks) i’m just a sissy boy faggot, though. i continued to constantly feel the need to be treated like the sissy faggot i am after coming out. i was thinking about being a sissy faggot the entire time i was working up to getting hormones.  i thought it would go away, but ot never did. At least i got tits and am sterile for whoever becomes my Master. i want so badly to finally come out as what i really am.

Oddly, the fear feels the same as a “trans person” as it did when i was still in all the closets. At least everyone knows i’m queer now. Not the extent of my need to be owned and treated like a faggot piece of shit though. sissy faggot exposure

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