• Faggot Brandon Xavier Gonzalez posted an update in the group Group logo of Exposed Faggot NumbersExposed Faggot Numbers 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Out me to the world and let them know then faggot that I am. I need permanently exposed by as many people as possible. I give full permission to save, download, and share my personal information everywhere. Please if you do share any of my exposures to any site please send this faggot the links so I can see. Thank you in advance Exposers Contact me Faggot Brandon Xavier Gonzalez aka Sissy Faggot Candi Gonzalez by text608-642-2124 email fagotbrandonxaviergonzalez@gmail.com sissyslutcandi83@gmail.com for all my personal information links and photo album access shareable joinable link as well. I beg for permanent exposure humiliation and I want beg 2 be ruined.

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