• Douglas Sajdyk posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Friday’s 1/17 is my 57 birthday, and all I want is to have somebody come, and visit me here in Hopkinsville. Ky. for the day. I fucking know that’s an extreme request for a Crossdressing, Cock Sucking, Gay, Sissy Fag like myself, especially being stuck here in this backwards, way behind the times that the rest of this country is living in, but if I don’t ask, or put it out there I wound deffinatley be sitting here in my bedroom alone, by myself as usual which is exactly what my expectations are for that day, and night. So if theirs anybody who is in the Hopkinsville, Ky., Clarksville, Tenn. area please look me up and come keep me company. Feel free to call me @ 270-987-1591 anytime day, and or night. Love Deana

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