Aka CashCunt
Dumb cunt is doing what he does best, living up to his dumb cunt name.
I saw him on the site, so of course I messaged him asking if he was feeling dumb.
He told me he was just looking around, and didn’t want his images posted LOL
10mins later, he had sent his fagtax and had an exposure contract to sign LOL.
We played the decision wheel to decide on the amount for the termination fee. Of course, the dumb cunt got stuck with the highest fee LOL
Just to double down on what a dumbcunt he is, he even took a new picture holding the contract he just signed LMAO
Didnt take long for the dumbcunt to be begging for more exposure and a harder contract to cancel. So instead of having a termination fee, the contract will terminate after 12 months, and the fag will have the choice to pay A $125 fee for early termination, however I can use this fee however I want, and do not have to cancel the contract if he pays it LOL. The dumbcunt did not hesitate and signed it right away
— Master Ashton (@fagexposures) September 24, 2023
Fuck. Your faggot name suits you!