There is still one spot on the login screen up for grabs. Since quite a few of you faggots have been upgrading accounts, and getting exposure packages I am able to give this spot away instead of selling it.
I am going to hold a contest, and the winner will get the spot for 1 month. Then we will hold another contest to give someone else a chance and so on.
The contest will be to do with users submitting pictures, then members voting for the best picture. Comment below some ideas that you would like to participate in.
My ideas are:
Sissy in pink dress
Best fag picture in public
Most disgusting faggot
Biggest dildo in ass
Where do I join
fattest fag / most bukkaked / most cocks around face / all those who use real name / biggest black cock in ass , biggest turd log in mouth
Hotdog Stuffing/Eating Contest