Crotch shots are usually the bane of fetish porn pics–boring! So I’ve always focused on exposing myself with humiliating pics of my gigantic diapered ass. Here’s a few fav pics of my bulging, sagging, squishy, ripe diapered crotch 😉

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My name is Jacob Goforth. I love to be exposed and humiliated. Im 24 years old. My dream is...
A gallery to feature everyones tumblr page. To get on the gallery add your picture to the gallery...
Submissive Mexican faggot ready to be used
im a gay fag from Uk that needs exposing really would like to shared every where and there’s nothing...
This stupid faggot needs to be exposed publicly and shown around - showing off ioutdoors
I am Jon Polasek I am simply another pathetic sissy fag. i like dressing like a girly fairy, sucking...
I'm a faggot transvestite husband who loves being used sexualy by dominant men
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