Draven Navarro
AKA Baby Donny

40 years old
Location Las Vegas

Twitter is @draven_navarro

Instagram @draven_navarro
Email dravennavarroxxx@gmail.com


Profile – https://exposedfaggots.com/members/babydonny/


There are a ton of pathetic loser faggots on this site, but it doesn’t get much more humiliating than being 40 and still wearing diapers LOL.

Draven Navarro is  40years old faggot that still wears diapers LOL.

He’s a spoiled little brat and proud of it!

This diaper-wearing faggot still wets the bed and even gets skid marks in his jocks regularly!
He may be 40 but Draven Navarro loves to act like he’s still 18 months by sucking his thumb >.< 

The faggot also wears a chastity cage,

but desperately needs someone to help and teach him to keep it on longer!

If he could find someone to throw away the key that would be perfect! A diaper-wearing faggot like him shouldn’t be allowed to jerk off!

It’s not just diapers this little brat is into he also loves getting spanked,

mouth-soaping, and of course force-fed baby food LOL.

Not just any baby food tho, he prefers the baby food laced with laxatives so he can make a real mess of his diapers. Disgusting.
His bedtime is at 7 pm LOL,

so ideally he would love to be forced-fed several baby bottles full of laxative-laced baby formula LOL


Im not sure how many people who view this site are into diaper-wearing faggots LOL, but if you’re interested in this spoiled little brat,

he’s desperately in search of someone to train him online or in person. He lives in Las Vegas but travels to Los Angeles once per month!
He also claims he’s a porn star, I didn’t know diaper-wearing faggot porn stars were a thing.. but I guess they are LOL



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fag slave
11 months ago

This 67 year old sissy faggot also loves to wear diapers from time to time. it loves when it is forced to wear them out in public under its clothes with the top of the diaper is exposed over the top of its waist so everyone can see it is wearing a diaper.

11 months ago

Pathetic. But hot. But pathetic LOL

fernando fernandez
11 months ago

pathetic faggot! love it

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