HOMO FAGGOT | DAVID NICHISTI – Exposedfaggots.com


My name is David Nichisti, like most other members on here I’m a Homo Faggot with low self esteem and VERY low IQ.
I need validation from REAL MEN



I need to expose my inferior pants wetting as a self aware adult  and my inferior homosexual service desires. I truly am a pathetic faggot.  So pathetic I put away money each week just to afford this exposure and tiny bit of attention I will receive





I look to serve and provide entertainment for real men. My biggest dream is to be a party favor at a college kegger, to be slapped around, laughed at used as a urinal . I like to be made to pee my pants, suck cock and be penetrated by large and small cocks. I like my useless dick to be caged…






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Brandon Rocha
Brandon Rocha
4 years ago

What a total loser!! You know what would be more humiliating, is to have you opening your used diaper. You need to lose all control, it’s never been a part of your life to begin with. You take orders from other men And do as told. Now take a photo saying “I am proud to be fucked up in the head.” Amuse me!

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