Julian Bellec
Diaper Wearing Sissy
1 rue de kerbasquen
29160 Crozon
Bretagne, France
Mail: jinna.sissy@outlook.fr
Twitter:Â https://twitter.com/29160_b
Skype:Â https://join.skype.com/invite/dGrG5OowECH1
Phone: +33 (0)628431076
Xvideo page:Â https://fr.xvideos.com/profiles/jinna69sissy
Messenger ;https://m.me/julian.bellec

Julian Bellec, a closed faggot that everyone takes for a virile man in their life. Â but the reality is that Julian is a sissy. Â he loves wearing very short and sexy feminine clothes. Â In these moments she becomes jinna. Â Jinna is a big overweight slut with a small penis and a well-dilated asshole. As soon as he is alone at home Julian becomes Jinna and releases all his slutty fantasies.

 but that’s not enough for this big bitch in heat.  in addition to destroying her ass with bigger and bigger toys she loves walking around in a very wet diaper or even drinking her own piss in a self facial.
 she also likes to drink her sperm or that of another it doesn’t matter as long as jinna has her dose of sperm. Â

expose this Sissy slut on the internet to help her to be more jinna and less Julian. Â by the way jinna is an amateur pornstar on xvideo. Â soon 1 million views on his sissy faggot videos.