Hi this is Kelly Michelle Powell male name is Kevin William Powell, I got rid of all the male clothing i had this past May 2020 and have been dressing like a girl only ever since. I wear panties, bras, female sweat pants and unisex tees around father, sister and brother and they have no idea. I live at 8 Pence Ct Greensboro, NC 27455 number is 336 588 9754 shoot me a text, the speaker is busted so i cant do voice calls. I want to be exposed permanently and ruined so i have to come out of the closet completely. I have told a few female friends on facebook that i am a trans female or at least becoming one. I want all the women i know to find out about me first then all the guys i know. I want to be exposed badly or is more like being released and being set free :). my sissy facebook https://www.facebook.com/kellysis32/ and my male one https://www.facebook.com/k.pow.2131/ and my tumblr https://kellypowellsissy.tumblr.com/

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