Member's groups
You are a faggot who is married or have a girlfriend but you sneak around behind her back and let random strangers use your mouth and fuck your throat
The name says it all … the Exposure Brothel is the place to be if you want to be exposed.
This Group is primarily for Full On 100% Pure Faggot Cocksuckers and Sissy Faggot Cocksuckers to let Alfa Doms know that you are a Despicable Sperm Guzzling Sucker of Their Superior Dicks!
This group is for fags who like to receive abusive messages and extra humiliation via their tumblr and twitter accounts, why not share the link to your tumblr or your twitter name or both and get ready for Dominant […]
a group for anyone wanting to make stupid faggot slaves like faggot gary wayne waldon do as they please and take photo and video proof. Check out my other group faggot clown gary wayne waldon..
fuck you losers i […] -
Faggot looking for master or anyone who would get mz twitter password , takes over the entire profile including a nicely filled media studio and snd starts acting and tweeting as original faggot