Updated Gallery
We have deleted the old gallery, and created a new one.
Before you can upload your PEA, you must sign a legally binding contract.
This contract is not just for fun or show. It is %100 legally binding.

How it works
Fags fill out and sign the contract, the contract is then emailed to us and stored away. The contact needs all your real legal details. It will never be published on the site.
After you have submitted the contract, you will be redirected to the PEA upload page.

The public exposure agreement you upload to the gallery is just for fun, and can have a stage name if you don’t wish to use your real name.
We are no longer allowing PEA’s to show IDs. This is becuase there is a risk of people using this site for identity theft if we allow that.
You will be shown examples of PEA’s we accept on the upload page.

To sign the contract, and upload your PEA click here

Note: Fags are not required to upload a PEA. This is just something fun for the fags that like to display that their images are free for the internet to use.

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John Nelson
John Nelson
5 years ago

I’m a little sissy transgender girl who craves to be completely exposed and humiliated and punished by a woman who is completely superior to me

5 years ago

Understand why this must be done. It blocks me as I have no way to download, then, sign and upload the PEA. Others are confused as well. I spun the wheel like this stupid fag I am but simply can’t get past the uploading the PEA to do any more exposures. I am sure this will please Master Ashton as I know how my stupidity can get on His nerves.

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