Hello I am Sissy Miguela and I have no shame and no filter; its all 100% me. I begin sharing just some photos of myself without showing face, but some perv I was talking to begin posting slutty intimate photos with my face, I lost my shame and begin liking my exposure as a crossdressing sissy slut. Actually, I realised how faggot I am by only being able to fuck my girlfriend whilst thinking it was me being fucked in the ass, wishing to be wide spread by two fat black cocks at same time. She still hasn’t found out my kinky perversion but I believe she already suspects. However I can’t ignore how much I enjoy being a slut and fuck myself in the ass with the dildo she uses in her. Not only that but I have some other huge horse dildos hidden from her eyes in the lower part of our shoes Cabinet that I use to stretch myself 😊😊. I really wish to continue to use this platform and others to show myself. Kisses from Miguela in Porto.

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