This exposure is to celebrate the first official wedding

on between Faggot Steve and Maid Carolin

Normally I wouldn’t waste my time doing such a stupid thing. No one cares about these faggots getting married, and they are both going to be sucking many different cocks every Friday night LOL. They are faggots after all, and only live to suck cock and expose themselves as cock suckers. But I made an exception and chose to marry these two losers. After all these two are some of the most dedicated faggots this site has, and plus Maid Carolin paid for this to be done LOL.

Faggot Steve (pictured above)

Faggot steve is without a doubt one of the biggest losers on this site, this faggot has so much time on his hands and he spends it all exposing himself and others. Sometimes you will see the site chat dead, but there is always one faggot in the chat, and that’s faggot steve. And no he hasn’t just left his computer on, the stupid faggot is active in the chat posting his pictures exposing himself to anyone that will take 5 seconds to look LOL. Even if no one else is there, exposing himself to himself is enough to get this faggot off LOL. Without a doubt a deadset loser.  Faggot steve is also one of the only fags I allow to expose other fags.  You want your pictures posted on Twitter, or maybe photos of you put up in public toilets. Steve is more than happy to do it.  This faggot never expects anything in return. 

Alot of you know I never do anything unless I’m paid to do it. But steve is the only faggot that I have created galleries and other exposers for without him paying. For me to do that, shows you what a dedicated loser he is. 


Maid Carolin (Pictured above)

Maid Carolin also like Steve is extremely dedicated but in different ways. She is also annoying af at times, so the fact she is still here and I’m making a post about her shows you her level of dedication is levels above other faggots.

She puts 100% effort into everything she does. Which for her is a bad thing, as if she does it wrong she puts 100%  effort into doing it wrong, and this faggot gets it wrong more than she gets it right. But she does learn, and once you have taught her the right way to do things she will do it no questions asked. Alot of faggots tell me they will get an tattoo, to this day Maid Carolin is the only fag who has ever got it done. A truly dedicated and stupid faggot LOL. Carolin and Steve are both very dedicated but in a way they are opposites. Steve will do whatever is asked of him, and even what is not asked of him and expect nothing in return. Maid Carolin will expect the world in return for anything she does LOL, but you can be sure I don’t give her shit. 


The similarities and differences these two faggots share make them a perfect couple. Even though they are both huge sluts and will be sucking many different cocks multiple times a week. I am sure this faggot marriage will last.

I now pronounce these two loser faggots as a married couple


Below are some videos and pictures Maid Carolin has put together for the wedding. She spent a lot of time working on this, and I’m sure none of you give a shit, just like I don’t. But here it is. Enjoy



Dear Master Ashton.

Many thanks from my future husband and me.

For the honor and marrying us.

Your obedient mascot Carolin


Hello Steve…my love.

Thank you for saying yes.

I hope we will experience many beautiful moments.

As your wife, you can fuck me whenever you want…

and I’ll suck your cock…as often as you can


We belong to Master Ashton and that’s wonderful.

As his first faggot couple, we will serve HIM.

Kisses from…Mrs Carolin Ryan



YES…I want Steve to be my husband

I will serve Him obediently…in good and in bad times.



Hello Steve,

Pictures say more than 1000 words

that’s why I’m sending you this lovely greeting.

I hope that you keep me chaste forever

so I’ll become your always horny wife.

Use me as your personal wife whore

and expand my boundaries.

Thank you for that,  your slave Carolin




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Steve Mack
6 months ago

Congrats to you both forever be happy and in love kisses Maria. Xxxxxx

6 months ago


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