
We are going to start publishing posts from free users once again.
All posts must include a picture of you holding a sign saying exposedfaggots.com, or have it written on your body.

This is to prove it’s actually you in the photos, and someone did not post your photos without you knowing.
This picture must be included in every exposure you make. People without this picture, we will message and tell to add it. If they continue not to add it, we will remove them from the site.
Upgraded members only have to show this picture to us once, then in their posts they do not have to include it. This is because people who upgrade never complain about posts they make. It’s only the free users runing it for everyone else.

Soon we will have a feature in place for all users, where you upload the photo once. And then you will get access to the page to create new posts, and without uploading the image you will not get access.
This will mean you only have to upload it once. Kind of like how you prove your indentity when joining up camming sites.

We have also started deleting all posts over 1 year old. So your exposure will be on the site for one year, unless you pay to get it removed earlier.

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5 years ago

good idea:)

5 years ago

It is a pity that old posts older than 1 year will be removed

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