Eliran R.

Age: 32

Height: 6’2-6’3 (190cm)

Dick size: 1.5 inch flaccid, 3.5 inches erected.

Mail: goltzvi@gmail.com

Kik: Goldtvi

Eliran claims hes not gay on a sissy on his profile LOL. But I can gurantee hes a faggot. For two reasons.
No guy joins a site called exposedfaggots.com without being a faggot AND obviosuly no women is coming close to someone with a dick this tiny LOL.
His only choice to fuck other loser guys like himself LOL
Elirnas hobbies include having people laugh at this little dick and ofcourse abuse and humiliate him LOL. So pretty similar hobbies to the rest of you fags here LOL.
Make his day, send him an email or a message on this site telling him how pathetic he is
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