Some time ago, I once again searched for my name on Google and discovered it on a Reddit website. I was surprised and decided to check it out. Turns out, a journalist from the Sunday Sport publication had published an article about a guy named Mike. Mike sells his intimate photos through the OnlyFans website. What’s more, he bears a striking resemblance to the famous British journalist, commentator, and TV presenter Adrian Chiles. The article stated that Adrian Chiles’ fans were asking Mike to take photos and videos and were paying good money for “naked Chiles.”

The article was a fake. There is no Mike. However, there were two photos in the article, and both of them were of me! My face, my office, a very noticeable birthmark on my stomach, and my little “friend” with a smiley face. And there was even a photo of my face on the cover! The article is available online and in print.

And then Adrian Chiles found out about the article, read it, and wrote his own. He was surprised too. He published it in the British newspaper The Guardian. And guess what? It also had my face! How many copies does it have in circulation? A million or more? Plus, there’s the online version. All British publications reprinted the article, and many worldwide, including my own country. The news even made it to television. And my photo was everywhere on social media—Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, and forums like 4chan.

Thankfully, if any of my friends saw the article or the show, it was without my photo. Only on the Reddit website did someone recognize me and write my full name. With that, it’s not hard to find the rest—all the compromising photos.

The original photos


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Dom Te
Dom Te
1 year ago

You should contact all publishers and demand that they print an explanation that these are your photos. And sign with your own name

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