Jacob Douglas Mainord


You see me call faggots pathetic a lot in the exposures I make, and it’s true they are all pathetic. But this FAT faggot Jacob Mainord is next level pathetic. (And probably has one of the tiniest cocks)
Exposedfaggots.com has been around for quite a few years now, in the histroy of the site Jacob Mainord is the FIRST faggot to have to pay off an exposure package.  This fat cunt didn’t even get the most expensive one, he went for the cheapest LMAO.
He started paying it off MONTHS ago, and today he finally paid off the last $15.
This is partly because he’s a broke dumb faggot, and also partly because his bf (yea i know this fat fag has a bf!) controls all his money, and pretty much every other aspect of his life!


Jacob Douglas Mainord has always been a kinky little fuck, always interested in bondage, even before it was a sexual turn on for him. Being tightly bound in sleeping bags, strapped to rides at carnivals and even just the feel of leather/rubber surfaces interested him. Seriously one weird faggot!

This is how much of a loser this fat faggot is…. as you can probably tell he’s always been on the heavy (fatasfuck) side, he occasionally attempted to workout but like everything else realized he was no good at it LOL. This one time he was a stationary bike at the gym (and his fat thigh rubbed against his tiny little dick… and it got him hard.. and eventually made him cum LMAO. And by the way… that was the first time this tiny dick fag has ever came!


Don’t take my word for how much of a pathetic loser this fag is. This is from the faggot himself!
“After a disastrous religion suggested marriage, I finally came out around 24 years old. At 28 I entered my first m4m relationship, although it was mostly vanilla. When we broke up 5 years later I really started looking for kink. Found some in chatrooms and video chatting. One night was chatting with a hot guy and he started making fun of me, then called some girls and had them watch my video stream, I could hear them laughing through his phone. That was a huge turn on and how I got into exposure and humiliation. Have been exposing ever since, so for 7 years.

Hoping to find guys to use and humiliate me in person, maybe on cam or at least recorded.”

Interested in contacting this faggot? Want to humiliate him on cam or maybe tie him up and make him drink your juices?
Here is his info!

Jacob Douglas Mainord
2761 Quebec Ct
Las Vegas, NV 89142
vegas.fag.jake on kik
jakeinlv4slz on Skype
@FagVegas on Twitter
702-416-5121 cell phone


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4 years ago

Fucking gross and disgusting fat pig!!!. Can I suck your pee pee and lick your ass clean???

Claudio Brambilla
4 years ago


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