0 FM0 CR0 Prmid2 mxDrkA5.99 mxBrtA0.00 mxPkNSat1.43 dr66.80 br0.01 wdr54.77 wbr0.00 sbr0.00 ldr68.12 lp42.0 [f0] 000000000bfalic 00000

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FatFaggot needs exposing as the worthless thing it is
hi everybody just want the truth known. Im a cock lusting faggot. Hi mom!
Sensual Russian Sissy Faggot- PIDORAS Valery
Leicester UK sissy fag exposure
#myrtlebeachfaggot #extremefaggotexposure #exposedfaggotmyrtlebeach # FaggotDougAube
Me exposed
I’m a cocksucking fat faggot who wants to be used as a cumdump. I love sucking cock and getting...
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