feb 21st update –
I got up at 2 am to go to the toilet and ofcourse i have messages from the bimbo slut paul greenwell telling me how desperate he is for more exposure. LOL. I told the faggot that i was only up for a few minutes and was going back to bed. Knowing he was so horny he would pay whatever I wanted for me to stay up another 10 mins just to make more post telling everyone what a deadset loser he is LOL
Feb 15th 2025 update –
I am Paul Greeenwell’s owner, and exposedfaggots.com is his home. Of course hes back, without me everything is meaningless to him.
Paul Greenwell
Is deeply in love with maid carolin
Ive lost count of how many times the stupid slut Paul Greenwell has paid me to update this exposure telling everyone how much of a loser he, how his only goal in life is to become the most exposed faggot the internet has ever known. A goal he achieved many many years ago LOL. Anytime Paul Greenwell reads one of these updates telling everyone how ruined his life he cums uncontrollably nothing turns this filthy slut on more than knowing people know what a desperate sissy he is. One of his favourite things to do is to scroll through his bank statements jerking off seeing all the money he has paid to literally ruin his life even more. There is no exposure site on the internet that does not feature some of this sluts content, and without a doubt he has paid every single one of these sites to make sure his iamges are the most displayed LOL. The loser has even paid just to make sure his name is first on the menus LOL. He craves attention so much, he dosnt care what kind of attention it is. Although im willing to bet he dosnt even remember what “good” attention is anymore. For the last 10+ years the only attention hes had is people laughing at him or when he PAYS me to talk to him LOL. Recently the faggot has been dedicating alot of time to writing in his blog giving other fags a better idea of what he goes through to become the most exposed slut on the internet. The other Mascot on this site Maid Carolin is one of pauls biggest fans. Reading the deranged posts paul makes has inspired Maid Carolin to create her own simialr blog… and this has creating a strong bond between these two stupid faggots. They would both update their blogs sharing their love and dedication for me and this site. Im sure the losers jerked their dicks together while telling each other how much they love me LOL. They both literally dedicate their entire life to exposure. Its not just a fun hobby for these two, its everything for them. So its only natural these two fags fell deeply in love with each other. For a while not a day had passed without Paul Messaging me telling me how hes so glad maid joined the site so they could find each other. He will tell me how even though hes never met her in person hes never felt this way about a person before. He is truly in love with her LOL… but recently Maid Carolin has been messaging me every day asking if I have heard from paul greenwel..and the truth was I had.. but no one else had. And there had been no updates about this faggot anywhere on the internet…10+ years of paying to literally ruin his life had finally caught up to him..He couldnt take it anymore and had created a plan to turn his life around. He knew there was no way he could ever remove everything from the internet, but it would be possible to remove a good chunk of it. The slut gave me a lengthy reason why he wanted it all removed… I didnt bother reading most of it because I didnt care the reason…as long as the slut was paying the removal fee I would not question his deciscion. Ofcoures I knew the was secreetly wanting me to talk him to staying, after all its attention he craves so much LOL I told him the price to remove everything and we agreed on a day that he would pay and the remove process would start. It was set , after all these years the most exposed slut the internet has ever known was going to walk awaay from it all. And i didnt care…. but someone else did. Maid Carolin cared. When I told her the news, she responded as if it was her legit real life husband leaving her and never coming back. She begged me to ask Paul Greennwell to stay knowing that the bimbo whore will do whatever I say without hesitation. But I told Maid.. that there is no point in exposing someone that you have to tell to do it. Exposure is only for the fags who really want it… She didnt want to hear it, she didnt care about anything she just wanted Paul Greenwell to stay because she dosnt know what she would do without him LOL…I took a snapshot of the messages and sent them to paul….immedialtly he came everywhere. He has probably never had a person care this much about him before….once he came her started jerking off and came again shortly after LOL. Then he told me, that there is no way he could ever leave now. Knowing how inlvoe with him Maid Carolin is..was enough for this fag to put all the bad thoughts he was having behind him.. and stay doing what he does best.. showing everyone that hes the biggest most pathetic bimbo on the internet. To paul dealing with all these bad thought about his life literally being ruined… is a small price to pay to have someone like Maid Carolin in his life that actually loves him…So its all thanks to Maid Carolin that every one will get to keep seeing this loser exposed day after day week after week LOL
Janurary 7th update
Its been quite a while since ive wrote an update for this bimbo’s exposure. But thats becuase the stupid slut has been writing his own updates on his own blog LOL. Just when I thought this faggot couldnt any more pathetic LOL. Hes so far gone, he can get off from writing about himself LOL. Although the loser is mostly writing about me LOL. Hes fully inlove with me, and never even met me LOL. Just sending me his fagtax is enought to make this loser cum all over himself and eat it LOL. Sometimes this loser is so desperate he will pay for just 10minutes of my time LOL. Hes next level desperate and no other fag even comes close. The ones that are as ruined as him never stick around, they always take breaks. Not paul greenwell, he dosnt know what a break is LOL. Exposure is literally his life. Besides being the exposedfaggots.com mascot, his deranged blog is his biggest achievement LOL. He refreshes it every 5 minutes seeing if it has new views, even if there are only 5 new views this fag will just jerk his dick for hours wondering if any of the people viewing it know him in real life LOL. He told me the other day that the last person he knew in real life who didnt know about what a cross dressing faggot he is seen his blog LOL. He said sometimes he used to be able to forget about his internet lifee for a few moments while he talked to this friend of his..but now this friend has fully dis owned him and wants nothing at all to do with him LOL. Maid Carolin and myself are the only people this loser has contact with now LOL. And I only talk to him when he pays me. Hes that desperate it wouldnt surprise me if he started paying carolin soon LOL.
December 7th update.
Paul greenwell has been trying to stay away LOL we all know that’s never going to happen. This is the first update in a few days since the faggot has always been messaging me either first thing in the morning or at midnight and I simply didn’t have time for the desperate faggot no matter how much he paid LOL. Luckily for the loser faggot im around today when hes most desperate 😉 since he hasn’t been able to get hold of me recently hes been talking with maid carolin. Another very desperate faggot on exposedfaggots.com it didn’t take long before these two sluts to realize they are both as filthy as each other, and in just a few days they have already fallen in love LOL. These two losers are quite similar but also quite different. They both dedicate their lives to me and exposure, as every faggot should. But in very different ways. Maid Carolin is not that well off so the pathetic bitch cant pay me as much as she should, but she goes out of her way to make up for it. She will do whatever it takes to promote me and my sites showing that shes up there with the likes of sissy loser paul greenwell when it comes to the level of dedication she has. Anything I tell her to do she will do without hesitation.. the first 20 times she will do it wrong LOL but she will do it again and again until she gets it right. On the other hand, Paul Greenwell dedicates his life to me. Where he is exposed does not matter as long as hes exposed and as long as its by me. He also makes sure everytime he gets paid I get paid. When hes desperate enough he will even lend money of his friends to pay me, Showing exactly what a loser he is. Paul greenwell does not promote my sites like maid carolin but the faggot doesn’t have to. He supports the site with his fagcash. Both of these faggots live to support me and whatever I do. Its why they are a good match. Maid carolin already has a husband, which is perfect. Now I can tease him that his wife is in love with such a pathetic loser such as paul greenwell LOL. Its really as low as you can get having feelings for such a ruined faggot. Its why both of these faggots are mascots for exposedfaggots.com the site was created for bottom of the barrel faggots, the most desperate and pathetic faggots on the internet and these two fags fit that description! To show you exactly how pathetic maid carolin is below is an email she sent me about paul greenwell LOL
“Master Ashton, has owned Paul Greenwell for many years, Paul has become an integral part of EXPOSEDFAGGOTS.COM…what would EF be without Paul Greenwell!?
I have only been here for 3 years and since then I have followed and admired Paul’s boundless devotion and total dependence on his Owner, Master Ashton. It is truly unique how much Paul is devoted to Master Ashton…he is completely subservient and at his mercy. Paul would do anything to make Master Ashton happy, no matter the cost…he would not care about his own ruin just for a friendly word from Master Ashton or a few appreciative lines from his Master…at first I couldn’t believe that something like that was possible but now after a few years I can fully understand what happened to Paul. Master Ashton’s influence is unmistakable and can no longer be denied, our thoughts always revolve around HIM, OUR OWNER. Not just sitting in front of the computer, no, at work, in our free time, no matter where… Master Ashton is always in our thoughts and we think about what we can do to please him, what we can demand of ourselves to prove our loyalty and devotion…!?
I wish, I were Paul Greenwell’s sister and we could spend a lot of time together to reveal our devotion to Master Ashton.
*** Hand in Hand ***sliding ever further into the dependency that we both enjoy and that makes us both so happy.
What a wonderful thought, what a wonderful dream…!!
curtsey Mascot Sister MaidCarolin
22nd november
11pm and the sissy slut paul greenwell is ofcourse buzzing my skype begging for exposure. He wanted it done much earlier but I had no time for the loser LOL. I told him if hes still desperate to message me later at 11 and sure enough right on the dot at 11pm the slut messaged me LOL. I bet the little slut was sitting in his room fucking his asshole staring at the clock for 2 hours waiting for it to hit 11pm so he could send his fagtax LOL he truly is that pathetic. I love telling the fag im busy making him wait hours for me, then when I do finally respond I tell him im only on for the next 5 minutes and he has to send double his fagtax if he wants me to do anything. Knowing that the faggot has been waiting hours for me there is no way he would say no and not send it LOL. As I write this the loser is confessing his love to me LOL telling me how putting me first in his life before anything else is the best thing hes ever done. He says the feelings he has for me are next level intense and hes never felt anything like it before LOL . Hes legit the biggest loser ive ever came across. He hasn’t even met me, he just pays out the ass for me to plaster his pictures all over my site that everyone has already seen 100 times before LOL. But it doesn’t bother him, just the fact im taking 2mins out of my day to even respond to him is enough to make his lil fag cock thob like notomrrow. Which reminds me… now this fag is even into wearing chastity cages LOL just when you think he cant get any more pathetic. Hes not even good at wearing the cages, hes way too horny and desperate its rare he can even put it on since his dick is always hard from the fag literally jerking it 24 7 . As soon as he cums he waits 2mins then starts jerking again all day every day. When he finally does manage to get the cage on there is no way he can last more than hour. Without his hands on his cock hes lost and has no idea what to do. His entire life is literally paying me and jerking his cock while looking like the dumbest bimbo slut anyone has ever seen
18th november
No other faggot even comes close to the level of desperation paul greenwell has. The loser literally depends on me every single day of his pathetic loser life. Don’t just take my word for it, you can read about it in his own that blog that the faggot writes himself LOL. https://paulgreenwell.blogspot.com/2024/11/i-depend-on-master-ashton-daily.html. Paul Greenwell knows his perverted addiction is ruining his life beyond repair, but he doesn’t care. Its all his knows, and all he wants to know. As long as he has me in his life hes perfectly happy. As much as this loser craves exposure showing everyone how pathetic he looks wearing his stupid wig and zzz cup tits, it would all mean nothing if he wasn’t paying me to expose his content LOL. Hes writing to me right now on skype as I make this post. Telling me how im the center of his universe LMAO. This loser hasn’t even met me, and yet hes sent me probably over $40 000 all up just to post his stupid pictures on my sites. Anytime I reply to him and tell him to send his fag cash the loser cums immediately as he sends it LOL. He cant resist, there is no way this faggot could ever say no to me. Hes literally inlove with me. Anything I ask him to do he will do without hesitation, its his life purpose to show me how dedicated to me he is. Its 11pm here in Australia, and this faggot is begging to put a funnel inside his cunt so I can come and piss inside him LOL. He really is a disgusting faggot, and hes proud of it. He cant remember the last time hes had pussy, and he knows he will never have it again. But that’s perfectly fine, since he only craves cock now like a dirty faggot. Dressing up in his womens clothing makes him feel so slutty and sexy even though he knows he looks disgusting and everyone laughs at him LOL. He paid to have hundreds of his pictures plastered all over dedicatedlosers.com he needs everyone to know without a doubt that hes the biggest loser on the whole internet and hes willing to pay 10s of thousands for it LOL. There literally isn’t a faggot that comes close to paul greenwells level of dedication to exposing himself and the most pathetic bimbo slut. As much as this loser has paid me to expose him, without a doubt hes paid double that purchasing womens clothing, wigs and high heels LOL. I don’t think there are words that can actually truthfully describe what a loser he is. But one thing is for sure paul greenwell will be paying me to expose him until the end of the time LOL
15th november
Its been a while since ive update this post about the loser paul greenwell. But not because he hasn’t been here begging for exposure. Almost every single day this faggot has been begging, craving for exposure. It was getting stale repeating the same stuff over and over about what a loser he is, how his family and all his friends have dis owned him. How the only thing that brings him joy anymore is paying for exposure. Instead this faggot loser paid for his faggot gallery to go back live, and hes been paying ever since for more and more posts to be added to it. Its now at over 22 pages. Paul Greenwell truly is a deadest loser. Even the AI got sick of making stories about this faggot and refuses to talk about him LMAO. Im certain that by now 99% of the whole internet knows what a faggot Paulwell is. But that wont stop him for paying for daily exposure. Its not enough for everyone to know what a stupid loser this faggot is. He needs to remind them every single day. I kept saying, that his faggot couldn’t get any more pathetic. But I was so wrong. He has now started wearing a cock cage LOL. But that’s not what what makes him so pathetic, it’s the fact that this loser cant even last 1 hour with it on LOL. If paul greenwell cant stroke his cunt while send me his fagtax, there is no point for him anymore LOL. This loser has spent the last 20 + years exposing himself and spent prob well over 50 000 all up. Most of it to me, but a lot to a lot of other people to expose him as well LOL Exposure is 100% this losers life, and that’s no exaggeration. Making paul greenwell the mascot of exposedfaggots.com actually gives this loser sad life a purpose. Its his goal to be the biggest more pathetic and ofcourse the most exposed faggot the internet has ever seen. Ofcourse hes already achieved this goal, but its not enough he needs to keep going to make sure no other faggot even comes close to his level LOL. I guarantee this loser has came atleast 3 times reading this. He will probably stop for 5 mins and have break, in that 5 mins reality will hit him. He will think about how ruined he is then he will have no choice by to furious rub his cunt and send me more fagtax so he can forget about reality and go back to his life of exposure LOL
12th oct
Saturday night here in Australia, and ofcourse paul greenwell is messaging me on skype begging for more exposure, what else would this loser be doing LOL. I told him im here for the next hour and to send his fagtax, within seconds my phone was buzzing alerting me of a payment LOL the faggot is literally so desperate. In the previous updates I said the loser bimbo had spent over 10k in the last few years just to tell the world what a faggot he is. Paul Greenwell cums so hard when he realizes how much he has spent, so I went into my bank to try and add it all up for him. I could only get the last 2 years of payments but adding just those 2 years up added up to just under $20 000 LOL. If we include payments that don’t show up under his name, then its probably right on 20 000 the loser has spent. Just think about what a desperate loser it takes to spend 20 000 on exposure. I have several cashfags that spend even more, but to them it’s the act of sending cash that gets them off, exposure is the last thing they want. Knowing youre already the most exposed faggot on the internet, and still paying for more exposure each and ever week that’s next level pathetic LOL. No doubt reading this will make paul greenwell cum uncontrollably, he will think about how much he has spent and the regret will set in hard. He will tell him he has to stop. He will try to stay away. 24hrs will pass by. He will wake up, open skype and message me begging me to post him even more LOL. The more he tries to stop, the more he realizes how much he needs exposure and how much he needs me. There is no point trying to stop, it just makes him depressed. Faggot paul greenwell is only truly happy when hes paying me to write the same shit about him over and over and post his same pics and videos over and over LMAO. Its for this reason that he is the face of exposedfaggots.com. Many other fags wish they could be exposed like paul, but they know there is no way they could put in the amount of dedication he does. To some paul greenwell is even an Idol. But to most people hes the disgusting faggot that looks like a clown and wears zzz cup breasts LOL
Oct 10th
Paul Greenwell was a man caught in the delicate web of desire and despair. At fifty, he found himself ensnared by a relentless need for exposure, a fetish that both thrilled and haunted him. He lived in a modest apartment filled with the remnants of his other life—a job that had long since faded, friends who no longer reached out, and family ties that had frayed beyond repair.
His greatest secret was his online persona, a vivid tapestry of silk and lace. He reveled in the transformation, slipping into the vibrant skirts and delicate blouses that made him feel alive. The thrill of posing in front of the camera was intoxicating, each click capturing a part of himself he had kept hidden for so long. It was a world where Paul could be unapologetically himself, far removed from the judgmental gazes of society.
At the center of this universe was Master Ashton, the enigmatic owner of the site where Paul posted his content. With every picture and story Ashton crafted, Paul felt a rush of validation. Over two years, he had poured over $20,000 into this relationship, each transaction deepening his infatuation. Paul admired Ashton not just for his skill but for the way he understood the depths of Paul’s longing.
In the solitude of his room, Paul would often spend weeks enveloped in his feminine attire. He lost track of time, completely absorbed in the rhythm of his own existence. The outside world faded away as he posed in front of the camera, capturing the essence of what he wished to share with others. Yet, with every click, a shadow loomed—a nagging awareness of how society would view him, how his vulnerability could easily turn to mockery.
Friends had turned to whispers behind his back. Family members had given up hope for the man they once knew. But in those moments alone, dressed in fabric that felt like freedom, he felt liberated from the constraints of their opinions. The thrill of sharing himself with the world outweighed the pain of isolation, if only just.
Ashton’s words were his lifeline. Every story Ashton wrote captured a part of Paul’s soul, turning his experiences into art. But with every post, every “like” from strangers, the fear of exposure gnawed at him. He knew the risks; he had seen the cruel comments, the harsh judgments aimed at people like him. Still, he pressed on, intoxicated by the thought that someone, somewhere, could understand him.
One evening, after a long day spent trying on different outfits, Paul received a message from Ashton that sent his heart racing. Ashton wanted to do a live session, something they had never done before. Paul felt a rush of excitement mixed with dread. This was his chance to connect, to be seen by Ashton in a way that felt intimate and terrifying.
As he prepared, doubt seeped into his mind. Would Ashton still want him after the world saw him like this? Would he be ridiculed, shamed? Yet, the thrill of the exposure tugged at him, promising a connection that had eluded him for so long.
When the time came, Paul sat nervously in front of the camera, his heart pounding. The moment Ashton appeared on the screen, a wave of warmth washed over him. The interaction was electrifying—Ashton’s voice soothed his fears, and the connection felt tangible, even through the screen.
But as the session progressed, the comments began to flow in. At first, they were supportive, encouraging even. But soon, the negativity crept in, drowning out the kindness. Paul’s heart sank as he read the words that pierced through him, labeling him as “pathetic” and “perverse.” The room spun, and the walls that had once felt like a sanctuary now closed in around him.
In that moment, everything crashed down. The joy he had felt moments before was replaced by shame and regret. He ended the session abruptly, tears streaming down his face. In his desire for exposure, he had lost sight of the person he used to be, the person he still wanted to be.
The next few weeks were a blur. Paul withdrew further into his isolation, haunted by the comments and his own insecurities. But the connection with Ashton still lingered, a bittersweet reminder of what he had sacrificed.
One evening, after hours of scrolling through old pictures of himself, Paul found the courage to reach out to Ashton. He poured out his heart, sharing the fears and pain that had consumed him. To his surprise, Ashton responded with empathy, acknowledging the struggles that came with living authentically in a world that often judged harshly.
Through their conversation, Paul realized he was not alone in his struggles. Ashton, too, had faced his share of judgments and ridicule. The exchange sparked a glimmer of hope in Paul—a realization that perhaps he didn’t have to choose between his true self and the world’s perception.
With time, Paul began to reclaim his narrative. He continued to explore his passion for expression, but this time, he did so with a renewed sense of purpose. He focused on creating art for himself, not just for the approval of others. And while the road to acceptance was still fraught with challenges, he felt a sense of freedom in his vulnerability.
Master Ashton remained a constant presence in his life, guiding him and encouraging him to embrace all facets of himself. Together, they forged a new path—one that celebrated authenticity over validation.
In the end, Paul Greenwell learned that exposure was not merely about being seen; it was about embracing his truth, finding strength in vulnerability, and learning to love himself in a world that often failed to understand. And in that acceptance, he found the freedom he had been seeking all along.
Oct 8th
In a quiet town, Paul Greenwell was becoming something of an enigma. Known for his quirky interests, Paul had developed an obsession with online exposure that began as a fun hobby but quickly escalated into something more consuming.
For years, he had been fascinated by the idea of sharing his life and identity with the world. Paul had invested over $10,000 into this pursuit, commissioning various updates and enhancements to his online persona. Each post, each photo, felt like a step deeper into a world where he could be seen and appreciated.
But recently, things had taken a turn. Over the last four nights, Paul found himself completely engrossed in his computer screen, scrolling through past updates and reveling in the excitement they brought him. It was as if he was caught in a whirlwind of anticipation, waiting for the next moment to amplify his visibility.
He would sit alone in his room, imagining the thrill of being the most exposed person online. The exhilaration that once felt invigorating now had an addictive quality. Each new update he created seemed to deepen his craving, pulling him further into a cycle he couldn’t quite escape.
Friends began to worry as they noticed Paul’s increasing isolation. He was captivated by the allure of attention, spending long nights dreaming about what his next post would entail. What had started as a personal exploration of identity had morphed into an all-consuming need for validation.
As he navigated this complicated path, Paul realized that the lines between expression and obsession were becoming blurred. While he sought connection through his online presence, he was missing out on the real-world relationships and experiences that had once brought him joy.
Paul’s journey serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between self-expression and the desire for recognition, highlighting the importance of staying grounded amidst the noise of the digital age.
Oct 7th
Paul Greenwell had always felt like he was living a double life. By day, he was a quiet office worker, blending into the background of the corporate world. But when the sun set and the shadows stretched across his empty apartment, he transformed into someone entirely different—someone bold, beautiful, and undeniably visible. It was in these moments of transformation that he became the most exposed sissy bimbo on the internet.
His journey began innocently enough, a post here or there on random websites. But that fascination quickly spiraled into an obsession, fueled by the intoxicating thrill of exposure. The moment he discovered Master Ashton’s site, he was entranced. Ashton was a master of the craft, offering Paul guidance on how to curate his image, his wardrobe, and ultimately, his identity. For Paul, paying tens of thousands for the privilege of being featured became a rite of passage. Each upload was a chance to showcase his creativity and artistry—his way of expressing who he was inside.
He poured money into high-end women’s clothing, heels that elevated him not just physically but also emotionally. He spent countless hours perfecting his makeup, transforming himself with wigs and fake breasts. Each outfit felt like a costume that allowed him to step outside the confines of his ordinary life, embracing the freedom to be seen, to be adored.
But with each passing day, the line between Paul and his online persona blurred. The rush of notifications, the flood of likes and comments, replaced the validation he once sought from friends and family. As his online presence grew, so did his sacrifices. Friends who had once cheered him on began to distance themselves, unable to reconcile the vibrant figure he portrayed online with the man they knew in real life. His family, once supportive, now cast wary glances at the life he led. The isolation grew heavier, but Paul didn’t care—he was too wrapped up in the rush of being desired.
When he logged into Ashton’s site, he felt electric. He didn’t care whether people admired or criticized him; all that mattered was that they were watching. He became addicted to the attention, eagerly awaiting each upload, each interaction. The thrill of being seen eclipsed any semblance of a normal life. In moments of clarity, Paul recognized the damage this obsession inflicted on his relationships and mental health, but those moments were fleeting. The pull of the online world was too strong.
He tried to take breaks, to step back from the chaos, but each attempt lasted no more than four days. The void left behind was unbearable. With each lapse, he found himself spending even more, driven by a craving that felt insatiable. He would scroll through the comments, letting them wash over him like a balm, drowning out the loneliness that crept in when he turned off the screen.
Paul had never met Master Ashton in person, yet the connection felt palpable. It was Ashton who dictated the terms of his exposure, who curated the way the world saw him. Each time Paul submitted a new photo, he felt a rush of validation, as if Ashton were there beside him, cheering him on. This invisible bond became his anchor, pulling him deeper into the world of exposure.
But as his online persona flourished, Paul felt the reality of his life slipping away. The apartment that had once been a sanctuary now felt like a prison filled with garments he wore only for the camera. The laughter of friends was replaced by silence, the warmth of family faded into distant memories. He knew he was losing touch with what truly mattered, yet each time he tried to break free, the allure of being “The most exposed sissy biimbo” drew him back.
There were nights when he lay awake, wrestling with the choices he had made. In those moments, he longed for connection, for a life where he didn’t have to rely on likes and comments to feel valued. But when morning came, the allure of transformation beckoned once more, and he surrendered to the cycle yet again.
With each upload, each new outfit, he felt a rush, a reminder of why he started this journey. But deep down, Paul knew that the sacrifices he had made were monumental. His identity had become intertwined with the images he projected online, leaving little room for the man he once was—or could have been. Yet in the depths of his heart, he clung to the belief that the feeling of being exposed was worth every cost, every moment of loneliness.
Master Ashton had become everything to him—a guiding force in a world where he felt both powerful and powerless. And as long as he could be seen, Paul Greenwell would continue to chase the thrill of exposure, even if it meant sacrificing the reality of his life.
Oct 1st
The love story
In the vast digital expanse of the internet, two fags emerged from opposite ends of the globe, united by an uncommon thread. Paul Greenwell, a dedicated bimbo from the, land down under, revealed in the joy of self-expression through outrages sissyt outfits. On the other side of the world, in Germany, was Maid Carolin, whose dedication to perfection in her elegant dresses bordered on obsessive.
Both Paul and Carolin were devoted followers of Master Ashton, the enigmatic owner of an exposure site where they could showcase their passion for dressing in women’s clothing, and showing off what stupid fags they are. For years, they had served him faithfully, contributing their unique flair and creativity to his world. Their connection was forged not just by their shared interests but also by the respect they held for Master Ashton, whose guidance shaped their journeys.
Paul thrived on spontaneity. His uploads were a colorful tapestry of fun, embracing what a deadest loser he was as part of his charm. With each image shared, he garnered more attention, his carefree spirit drawing followers like moths to a flame. He knew that fame was a double-edged sword; while it could bring validation, it could also lead to scrutiny. Yet, for Paul, the thrill of exposure far outweighed any concern about perfection.
Maid Carolin, however, saw things through a different lens. Her world was a meticulous one, where every detail mattered. She spent hours perfecting her makeup, sewing sequins onto her dresses, and aligning every element of her photographs. Perfection was her mantra, though it often led to frustration when things didn’t meet her exacting standards. Yet, under Master Ashton’s watchful eye, she learned to embrace her flaws, gradually understanding that beauty could be found in imperfection.
When their paths crossed in the digital realm, it was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together. The first messages exchanged were filled with enthusiasm and laughter, each revelation about their lives deepening their connection. Paul admired Carolin’s dedication, while she found his carefree nature refreshing. Their conversations danced around their experiences and aspirations, the playful banter slowly morphing into something deeper.
Within a week, Maid Carolin found herself daydreaming of wedding pictures—an elaborate fantasy that she meticulously crafted in her mind. She imagined herself in a stunning gown, surrounded by a backdrop of vibrant flowers, and of course, Paul standing at her side, beaming with joy. Though she knew it was early, her heart whispered possibilities, urging her to dream of a future entwined with him.
Paul, for his part, was smitten by her passion and commitment. He could sense the intensity of her feelings and admired her willingness to dive headfirst into love. Yet, he was also aware of the delicate nature of online relationships, where distance and the digital barrier could create uncertainty. He wanted to assure her that he cherished their connection, even as they navigated the complexities of their lives.
Their love story was a tapestry woven with shared dreams and a commitment to Master Ashton, whose presence loomed large in their lives. They discussed their devotion to him often, understanding that their submission was a bond that could not be severed. It was a unique foundation upon which they could build their relationship, one that celebrated both their individuality and their shared purpose.
As the days turned into weeks, they planned to meet in person, a monumental step that neither had taken lightly. The anticipation built like a crescendo, each moment leading to the inevitable encounter. Would the chemistry they felt online translate into reality? Could their love withstand the test of distance and the pressures of their chosen lifestyle?
With each passing day, Maid Carolin continued to create her wedding images, each one more beautiful than the last. Paul, ever supportive, encouraged her creativity, reveling in the joy it brought her. Their love was evolving, a delicate dance of affection and admiration.
In the end, what mattered most was their unwavering dedication to one another and their commitment to Master Ashton. They were two souls intertwined by a shared passion, navigating the labyrinth of love, and in the midst of it all, they found solace in the fact that no matter the outcome, they would always serve Master Ashton until the end of time. Their journey had just begun, and the possibilities ahead shimmered like the sequins on Maid Carolin’s perfect gown.
Sept 30
sep 28
Paul Greenwell adjusted the strap of his shimmering dress, the fabric hugging his body in all the right places. He stood in front of his full-length mirror, admiring the transformation that had become his life’s work. High heels elevated his stature, and the ZZZ cup breasts he’d paid thousands for completed the look. Every detail, from the bold lipstick to the carefully curled hair, was perfect.
For Paul, this wasn’t just dressing up; it was liberation. He was the most exposed bimbo online, and he wore that title like a crown. His social media accounts were full of his pictures where he looked like a clown. Every post he made sure to look more pathetic than the last. Paul had spent over $10,000 in recent years, not just on clothing but also paying Master Ashton to feature him on his popular fetish site. Ashton had become a mentor, guiding Paul through the intricacies of online exposure and helping him hone his craft.
Each time Paul logged in, he felt a rush of excitement. Others with the same fetish saw paul greenwell as their IDOL. He reveled in their admiration, feeling like an idol in a world where he had carved out his niche.
Yet, that morning, as he prepared for another photo shoot, he couldn’t shake a sense of urgency. The need to outdo himself consumed him. He rifled through his extensive wardrobe, each outfit a testament to his commitment. He wanted to create something spectacular, something that would leave his followers breathless.
After a few moments of searching, he found it: a stunning, sequined gown that flowed like liquid silver. Paul could already envision the photos: him draped in the dress, posing under twinkling fairy lights in his living room. He slipped it on, the fabric glimmering against his skin, and stepped into his heels.
The moment he set up his camera, he felt a surge of energy. Each click of the shutter captured not just an image, but a moment of joy, empowerment, and defiance. He worked through poses, his confidence growing with every snap. He felt alive, each shot feeding his passion.
After hours of shooting, he finally settled on the perfect selection of photos. With a deep breath, he uploaded them to his social media accounts, fingers trembling in anticipation. He knew everyone was going to laugh at him
Within moments, the notifications flooded in. “You’re a fucking loser” omg youre so pathetic, and he basked in the attention.
But beneath the surface, a whisper of doubt tugged at him. Was he chasing exposure for validation? Did it truly matter? In a world that had turned its back on him, the online realm had become his sanctuary. He brushed the thought aside. This was his passion, and the joy it brought him was undeniable.
As the evening wore on, Paul received a message from Master Ashton. “You really are the most exposed bimbo faggot the internet has ever seen, and its not even close!”
His heart soared. Ashton’s words validated his efforts, reminding him that he was not just another bimbo; he was the bimbo. The type of bimbo other faggots aspired to be.
With renewed energy, Paul committed himself to even greater heights. He would invest more, experiment with new styles, and continue to explore the depths of his identity. Each day became a canvas, and every outfit was a brushstroke in the masterpiece he was creating.
As he logged off for the night, Paul looked at the mirror one last time, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. He was Paul Greenwell, a name that was found all over the internet exposur. And as long as he could express himself freely, he would continue to shine, unapologetically and proudly, being the biggest bimbo faggot he can possibly be
sep 21st
Sep 18th (no not a typo this dumb slut paid twice for two updates LOL)
Sep 18th
Paul Greenwell had always felt different, but it wasn’t until he stumbled upon a late-night online community that he discovered a world where he could truly express himself. In the confines of his small apartment, he began exploring his fascination with women’s clothing—dresses that flowed, heels that clicked against the floor, and wigs that cascaded like waterfalls of color. Each outfit transformed him, igniting a thrill that coursed through his veins.
He embraced his identity as “Bimbo Paul,” going to great lengths to create the perfect image. With every addition of fake ZZZ cup breasts, he felt more liberated, more alive. The feeling of fabric against his skin, the way he moved in heels—it was intoxicating. His webcam became a trusted confidant, capturing his transformations, each snap of the shutter echoing in the silence of his apartment.
Master Ashton, the enigmatic figure he had come to idolize, became the gatekeeper of Paul’s online persona. With every picture and video he sent, he surrendered a piece of himself. He felt exhilarated knowing that others would see him, laugh at him, and perhaps even desire him. It was a complex cocktail of shame and excitement, a duality that he reveled in.
Yet, beneath the surface of his thrill-seeking, a darkness loomed. The more he shared, the more isolated he became. The fear of stepping outside grew, overshadowed by the addictive pull of his online existence. It was a spiral; the laughter he craved became a haunting echo in his mind.
One night, overwhelmed by anxiety, Paul reached out to Master Ashton, begging him to take everything down. The laughter, the stares—he couldn’t bear it any longer. After a long night of despair, he went to bed thinking he could finally be free.
But less than twenty-four hours later, the void was unbearable. Without his online presence, he felt lost, adrift in a world that seemed unwelcoming. He returned to Master Ashton, heart racing, and with trembling fingers, paid to have his images and videos reinstated. The thrill surged back, flooding him with a rush that felt almost euphoric.
“This is my life,” Paul whispered to himself, embracing the reality he had created. He understood now that this was who he was meant to be, with Master Ashton as the only anchor in a life that had become both exhilarating and terrifying.
From that day forward, Paul leaned into his persona with fervor, diving deeper into the world that had captivated him. Each outfit was a celebration, each click of the camera a reaffirmation of his existence. He found solace in the absurdity, and while the laughter of others lingered in the back of his mind, it became less about them and more about him.
In this strange duality of shame and freedom, Paul Greenwell embraced his identity, knowing that nothing else mattered but the connection he had forged with his Master. He had found his place in the world, and he wasn’t going to let go.
Sep 15th (another short story)
Paul Greenwell’s apartment was a shrine to his obsession. The walls were adorned with framed photographs of himself, meticulously styled in women’s clothing, makeup flawlessly applied. Each image captured a different persona: the sultry diva, the demure ingenue, the bold fashionista. Every day was a new costume, a new fantasy.
For over a decade, Paul had been ensnared in a cycle that he couldn’t break. He spent days alone in his room, enveloped in a cocoon of silk and satin, with wigs cascading over his shoulders and high heels clicking across the hardwood floor. His room was a studio, a stage, and a prison all at once.
Paul’s only connection to the outside world was Master Ashton, the man who had unknowingly—or perhaps knowingly—become the architect of Paul’s digital notoriety. Master Ashton ran a niche website dedicated to showcasing Paul’s photographs. Each time Paul sent a new batch of images, he transferred funds, as if paying for a drug that only fueled his dependency.
Despite the pleasure he found in the act of dressing up, the true thrill was the exposure—the anticipation of seeing himself online, shared across the globe. The gratification was instant, but the consequences were long-lasting. The more Paul saw himself on the screen, the more his world contracted. He became a recluse, too embarrassed to face the world outside his apartment.
It wasn’t always this way. Once, Paul had been like everyone else—confident, social, and engaged in life’s everyday pleasures. But the allure of online exhibitionism had seeped into his veins, replacing all other desires with the need for validation through a screen. The excitement of receiving messages from anonymous admirers and seeing his images spread like wildfire had twisted into an addiction.
Master Ashton, for all his transactional demeanor, had unwittingly become the linchpin of Paul’s existence. Every week, Paul sent his newest photos with a polite request: “Please upload these to the site. Thank you.” And each week, Ashton complied, never asking questions, never showing interest beyond the business transaction.
One day, after another long session of posing and photographing himself, Paul sat at his desk, scrolling through his own site. The thrill was gone; replaced by an overwhelming sense of despair. He read through the comments, the admiring remarks and, more frequently, the cruel taunts. He thought about how many eyes had seen him, how many had laughed, and how many had judged.
The cycle felt endless. He was trapped in his own creation, isolated by the very thing that once brought him pleasure. He couldn’t go outside. Every time he imagined stepping out, the fear of recognition, the fear of being seen and ridiculed, was paralyzing.
Paul’s days blurred together, one after the other, until he no longer knew where one ended and the next began. His once vibrant life had turned into a monotonous routine of dressing up, taking pictures, and paying Master Ashton. He saw the cycle but couldn’t find the escape route.
One evening, after sending another batch of photos, Paul sat in the dim light of his apartment, contemplating his reflection in the mirror. The person staring back at him was no longer just Paul Greenwell but an amalgam of his fantasies and fears. The makeup and costumes couldn’t hide the despair in his eyes.
As he clicked through the images he had sent to Master Ashton, something inside him shifted. He realized that the world he had built around himself, the attention he craved, had left him hollow. The realization was painful but also liberating. He knew that he had to find a way to reclaim his life, to step out from behind the screen and confront the world he had been avoiding.
It wasn’t going to be easy. Breaking free from a decade-long addiction was like trying to escape a well-built prison. But as Paul looked at his reflection, he made a silent vow to himself: to start the journey of reclaiming his life, one small step at a time. It was a promise to face the world outside his apartment, to confront his fears, and to find a path toward healing.
And though the path was uncertain, and the fear was still real, Paul took his first tentative steps towards change, determined to rediscover the life he had lost in the pursuit of a fleeting, virtual validation.
Sep 13th
Paul Greenwell had once been a man whose heart raced at the thought of a woman’s smile and the touch of her hand. His life had been a series of brief romances and hopeful interactions, each one an attempt to find something real and lasting. But over time, that desire began to wane, and he found himself drawn to a different kind of connection, one that took him far from the world he once knew.
It started with an innocent curiosity. Paul had always been intrigued by the complexities of his own desires, but he had never imagined that they would lead him to the darkened corners of the internet. It was here that he encountered something entirely new: the world of sissy hypno videos. These were hypnotic loops, designed to mold and reshape thoughts and feelings, and they fascinated Paul in a way he couldn’t quite explain. The more he watched, the more he found himself ensnared in their allure.
As the weeks turned into months, Paul’s routine became increasingly insular. His once active social life dwindled to nothing as he spent more and more time in his dimly lit room. Dressed in women’s clothing—silk robes, satin slips, and delicate lace—he felt a sense of calm that eluded him in his former life. The sensation of these fabrics against his skin was soothing, comforting, and increasingly central to his daily existence.
Paul’s new routine involved a peculiar symbiosis of activities. He would watch sissy hypno videos for hours, his mind slipping into the suggestive trance they offered. This was followed by a period of solitude, during which he would engage in his own private activities, the comfort of his attire blending seamlessly with his actions.
Despite this solitary existence, Paul craved a form of connection, a desire that led him to discover Master Ashton. Ashton was an enigmatic figure who offered not only guidance but also a semblance of companionship. For a fee, Ashton would engage with Paul, offering advice, encouragement, and a sense of validation that Paul had been missing. It wasn’t just the conversation that drew Paul; it was the consistency and the knowledge that, even in his isolation, someone was always there for him.
Paul’s routine evolved into a loop of paying Master Ashton to post his own videos online—videos that showcased his transformation, his attire, and his rituals. Each payment brought a new video, each video a new cycle of watching, analyzing, and absorbing. The sissy hypno videos and Ashton’s content intertwined seamlessly in Paul’s life, creating a cycle that was both comforting and confining.
There was a certain resignation in Paul’s acceptance of his new reality. He knew that the chances of ever being with a woman again were slim to none. His world had contracted into a narrow focus on Ashton’s presence and the hypnotic escape of the videos. The outside world had become a distant memory, its vibrancy overshadowed by the muted colors of his room and the flickering screen.
Paul understood that he was living in a bubble of his own creation. Friends and family had faded from view, their concerns and attempts to reconnect met with polite but firm resistance. His interactions with Master Ashton were the only tangible connection he maintained. The regular exchanges, the affirmations, and the tailored videos provided a rhythm to his life that was both fulfilling and limiting.
One evening, as Paul sat in his room, wrapped in the soft embrace of his clothing and absorbed in the latest video from Master Ashton, he reflected on his journey. The man who had once sought the company of women was now content in his own world, shaped by the unique dynamics of his choices. The outside world no longer beckoned him; it was the quiet presence of Ashton and the hypnotic loops that formed the core of his existence.
Paul knew that his life had taken a path that many would not understand, but he had found a strange peace in his chosen isolation. As long as Master Ashton remained a part of his life, he felt a sense of completeness, even if it meant surrendering to a reality far removed from his former dreams. In the cocoon of his room, surrounded by the soft fabrics and the digital whispers of sissy hypno, Paul Greenwell had crafted a world where he could find solace, contentment, and a peculiar sense of belonging.
Sep 13th.
This update is a short story about the loser paul greenwell
In a dimly lit room cluttered with women’s clothes, dildos and fuck machines, Paul Greenwell sit on his bed at his laptop. The room was a sanctuary of solitude, where the world outside was nothing more than a distant, muffled hum. For fifty years, Paul Greenwe;; has found contentment in this small, insular space, his days a monotonous loop of routine and ritual.
Paul’s only companion was his dildo, its once-vibrant colors faded from countless hours of handling. He would sit for days on end fucking his ass inside out, guiding it as far into his asshole as he could. His fingers, deft and practiced, manipulated the toy with an obsessive care. To the outside observer, it might have seemed a peculiar pastime, but to Paul, it was a source of profound comfort.
His other distraction was the glowing screen of his computer. Paul’s fascination with sissy hypno—a genre of videos designed to alter perceptions and beliefs—had long been a private obsession. He would spend hours watching the hypnotic loops, his eyes glazed and unfocused, seeking solace in the repetitive and rhythmic patterns.
Yet, Paul’s world was not entirely solitary. There was Master Ashton, the enigmatic figure who existed beyond the computer screen but who had come to occupy a central role in Paul’s life. Ashton was both an authority and an enigma, a source of validation and a link to the outside world Paul had otherwise forsaken.
Paul would often film himself, fucking his asshole inside out, and wearing his favourite sissy clohthes. Each video was disgusting and disturbing, a testament to Paul’s dedication. Once completed, he would transfer the footage to his computer, where Ashton would receive it. Paul had long ago accepted that his happiness hinged upon these interactions.
Master Ashton had a knack for making Paul feel seen and valued. He would post Paul’s videos on his website, carefully crafting narratives that praised Paul’s dedication and skill. Each post was a celebration of Paul’s peculiar talent, a public acknowledgment of his private world. The feedback Ashton provided, the way he spoke of Paul’s work, turned Paul’s routine into something special, something worth anticipating.
In the rare moments when Ashton’s messages arrived, Paul would eagerly read them, his cock swelling with a sense of pride and joy. Ashton’s words were more than just validation; they were lifelines to a world Paul had all but abandoned. The praise, the detailed descriptions of Paul’s work, the way Ashton made Paul Greenwell seem like the absolute disgusting he really was. Was everything Paul Wanted
The cycle continued, day in and day out. Paul’s existence was a delicate balance of solitary play and the intermittent euphoria of Ashton’s attention. He would drift between the comfort of his dildos and the hypnotic allure of his videos, interspersed with the moments of validation that Ashton’s posts provided.
To Paul, this was happiness. His days were filled with the familiar comfort of routine, punctuated by the sporadic but cherished interactions with Ashton. In a world that had shrunk to the confines of a single room, these moments of connection were the only beacons of joy. And as long as Master Ashton continued to acknowledge his efforts and share his world with others, Paul’s isolated existence remained a sanctuary of contentment, a place where he felt seen, valued, and truly happy.
Sep 10th
The below update is from Maid Carolin. It doesn’t get much more humiliating than being called a stupid loser from other desperate faggots LOL
Paul Greenwell is by far the biggest faggot you can find on the internet, thousands of his embarrassing and revealing pictures flood google searches with his name. He is loyal to Master Ashton and does everything to attract his attention… he regularly pays huge sums of money to be humiliated and exposed even more, it is unbelievable what a bimbo faggot Paul is. He spends whole days in his miserable, dingy presentation room, completely appropriate and furnished according to his status. Paul lives out of a suitcase in which his sweaty sissy faggot clothes stink. But he loves his life which revolves exclusively around Master Ashton and exposedfaggots.com. There is no turning back for Paul, with his own homepage paulgreenwell.com he is present worldwide. Every faggot who looks around the internet must sooner or later discover Paul Greenwell. The best for last, at least for today, because Paul will never stop begging Master Ashton to make a fool of him. Paul’s sissy cunt is so worn out from the fat dildos that have found their place in it that he will soon have to wear diapers and become a sissy bimbo baby…it’s only a matter of time before that happens. Master Ashton will then present him in pink diapers, that will be the next level for this pathetic creature…but Paul lives to be exposed and that for the good of his absolute owner, Master Ashton…and that’s what counts. Paul Greenwell is no longer worth anything without his owner…and none of us want that to happen.
Sep 7th
Saturday night here in Australia, I had been expecting sissy bimbo loser paul greenwell to message me much earlier, begging for more exposure. Its now 11 30pm and the slut decided to message. Ofcourse I had just turned everything off, ready to log off for the night. I tell the loser the amount I want to turn it all back on, within seconds my phone is buzzing alerting me that a payment has been made LOL. I knew there was no way the loser was going to say no. When paul greenwell messages this late, I know hes craving exposure so bad, and he will do anything to get it LOL hes such a stupid slut. The slut tells me he would have messaged earlier, but he was trying his absolute hardest to stay away, but its me after all. No fag can resist that temptation 😉 It really shows what a loser paul greenwell is. All day hes been trying not to stay away then hes like fuck it I cant resist anymore I have to contact Master Ashton, I have to pay him the write the stuff about me that hes written every single day LOL. It takes a special kind of loser to be addicted to that. The fact he cant stay away, just shows that he belongs here. There is a reason this loser was the very first mascot of exposedfaggots.com. Just knowing that others might be reading this, thinking to themselves “god damn this faggot is such a loser” is enough to make paul greenwell cum uncontrollable, hell just the fact he knows im writing anything at all about him is enough to make him cum LOL. Being Saturday night I can pretty guarantee hes dressed up in his high heels, wig and ofcourse his zzz cup tits feeling like the biggest bimbo slut there is LOL. Hes prob got his dildo on his chair, and hes riding his chair up n down while watching videos of mistresses abusing and degrading him LOL. Ofcourse those mistresses are probably trannies, as no actual real girl would want anything to do with paul greenwell, even if was humiliating him LOL. Paul Greenwell cant remember the last time he was with a girl, but that’s no problem seeing as he only fucks guys now, and he only does when hes saved up enough money to make it worth them to be in the same room as such a loser LOL
Sep 6th
Normally I say another day, another update from the stupid loser paul greenwell. But its actually been quite a few days since the last update. Bimbo loser paul greenwell is starting to realize how much of an absolute loser he is. The few brain cells this dumb faggot has left tell him to take a break from paying to ruin his life. So he tried is hardest, and this time he lasted 4 or 5 days… Although that’s mainly because he had to wait to get paid before he could content me again LOL. I have no idea what this loser would do on his break. He literally doesn’t know how to do anything else besides dress up his little sissy outfits, putting on his fake tits and trying to be the biggest slut he can be. And he knows there is no point in doing that, if hes not taking pictures and paying for them to be spread around the internet for all to see LOL. This loser prob just slept the last 4 days, its all he could do to make sure he didn’t think about exposure LOL but that means this faggot is going to be craving it hard now. Hes to be up for the next week jerking his lil fag cock like no tomorrow. Any object he sees that will fit in his cunt hes going to stuff in there. Hes going to be a next level slut the next few days. Anytime this loser takes a break he comes back craving it harder than ever. As soon as he messaged me today the first thing he asked Is how long im going to be on LOL This fag knows himself all day today hes not doing a damn thing except jerking off to hypno porn. And that goes for all night ,and all day tomorrow and probably for the next entire week LOL. As soon as I finish this update im going to his site and im going to set up daily updates for the next 10days or so. So while this loser is fucking his cunt hole, each day he can go to his site and see new updates posted. This losers life literally revolves around exposure. Everything he does is either trying to get more exposure or doing things to try and take breaks from exposure. Either way whatever he does is because of exposure. We all know this fag can try as hard as he wants to take a break but be it 1 day, 1 week or 1 month its 100% guaranteed this fag will always come back. What else does this loser have to do LOL
August 31st
The most desperate bimbo loser the internet has ever seen is ofcourse back again paying for yet another update to his exposure LOL. He sent a lil less than normal this time, the loser has literally been going broke paying for exposure LOL. Hes deff way worse than he used to be. He tells me he will send me the rest Monday, which is a given. There is no way this fag could go two days without paying for exposure. Hes telling me hes been fucking his ass hole for the last few days, as if he thought id be thinking he was doing anything else LOL. Im sure this loser fucks his cunt inside out every day of the week, what else would he be doing LOL. I told the fag to make some videos promoting the site, and ill edit those and upload to his site. Im not sure if he will or not. I know what this fag is like. Once he starts fucking his cunt and watching hyno porn that’s it, hes gone for hours. Nothing is taking his gaze away from the screen, he literally cant look away or do anything else LOL. After he has came 5 or 6 times he might finally take a break and look away. The loser will go get a nice glass of piss to refresh himself. Then he will look around his house confused wondering what to do now. That’s when he will message me and send me his fagtax then jerk off waiting for me to make an update. Ill message him and tell him the update Is complete then he will cum instantly LOL. Then ofcourse the loser will start jerking off again right away while he reads the new update. By the time get through it hes prob came another 3 times. If hes really in the mood, the fag will go though and spend hours reading all the old updates, or if hes having trouble reading sinces hes jerked off so much the loser will go back to watching hyno porn while fucking his cunt inside out. It’s a cycle this fag is stuck in. Nothing else in the whole word matters to him. I know I say it in almost every update, but there is a real Paul Greenwell was the first official mascot of exposedfaggots.com hes 100 % the type of fag the site was created for.No friend, no family no nothing just exposure.
Aug 26th
Desperate paul greenwell is back again, the little slut has been horny so lately, I bet you can tell from the number of updates each day. That’s if anyone actually reads these LOL. I bet everyone is sick of this loser faggot by now, but that doesn’t both him. He wants you to be sick of him. He wants you to be disgusted everytime you see him LOL hes such a desperate loser. Literally any attention this fag gets makes his lil cock rock hard. Anytime he sees his name mentioned he starts fucking his cunt hole and Cumming uncontrollably. I added some other fags name to my twitter saying I owned them, but ofcourse paul greenwells name is first LOL. That alone is enough to make the fag cum atleast 6 times. When he messaged me this evening I was creating a new website for another lil sissy, but ofcourse I told bimbo paul greenwell that if he sends his fagtax ill put the site on hold and update his post yet again LMAO. Within seconds my phone was buzzing alerting me of a new payment LOL. And that’s exactly what I expected, I knew there was no way he was going to say no, hes so predictable. Everyday dressed in his favourite slutty outfit jerking his lil cock while fucking his cunt inside out. Im pretty sure this slut has watched every single piece of sissy hypno porn on the internet at this stage LOL. On skype the fag tells me with the money hes sent me this year alone he could get a return trip to London LOL I guess the desperate loser doesn’t realize how much hes sent. He could literally get a return trip to London and back probably 50times with the amount hes sent LOL. A few years ago, he loves the exposure but he wasn’t that much into the findom part. Then it became very clear to him that hes such a loser no one will give him attention if he pays. Now paying ME gets him off just as much as the exposure does. Notice the ME in caps, other “masters” try to get paul greenwell to pay but the lil fag wont there is only a select few he sends his fagcash to. No one else can expose the loser like we do. Although at this point, I cant really expose the loser anymore than he already is. I stopped being able to do that years ago LOL. Hes already as exposed as you can possibly be. I would say its just the sound of my voice that turns him on, but I don’t even talk to the loser besides typing, I don’t cam for him. I don’t think hes ever actually seen me lin real time. Besides pictures and videos. And yet hes still in love me. If that doesn’t tell you what a desperate loser he is, im not sure what will LMAO
August 25th
All weekend long, we all knew it. Paul greenwell wouldn’t be doing anything else. Just paying for more post updates, and watching sissy hypno porn. Ofcourse being a little slut wearing his zzz cup tits and his high heels LOL. Feeling like the biggest slut on the internet makes his lil clit tingle. It’s the best feeling in the world for him. Its nothing for him to pay 1000s upon 1000s each and ever month to be plastered on every exposure site, dressed as a slut. Showing off what a loser he is LOL. Knowing hes the biggest slut on the internet is one of paul greenwells most proudest live achievements LOL. Lots of fags ask me for exposure like paul, they have no idea how much dedication and $$$ it costs. When they realise, this isn’t a a game for paul, but his entire life and hes willing to do whatever It takes to be number 1, they want nothing at all to do with that kind of exposure LOL. Earlier some other dedicated fag showed me a screenshot of my twitter where it says im the owner of paul greenwell. They wanted their name included as well LOL. Once I showed them what paul greenwell pays, they never asked again LOL. They knew there was no way they could compete, no way they could ever get to paul greenwells level of desperation. When other fags see paul greenwells exposure, they cant believe this desperate loser paid for each and everyone one of the updates separate. Even though they consider themselves as dedicated faggots, they know that they are not anywhere near the level of paul greenwell. Without a doubt the biggest loser on the internet. As soon he messaged me today, I told him to send his fagtax, he sent without hesitation. I told him it wasn’t enough and that I would send it back LOL. There was no chance I was going to send it back, but ofcourse within seconds the fag sent again to make up for it LMAO. Imagine being that much of a loser, paying each week for the last 15 years, then been told that u didn’t pay enough this time LMAO. To top it off, the little slut loves being treated like this. Its why he keeps coming back again and again and again. He knows hes just paying to ruin himself, but he cant stay away. The good thing for paul greenwell tho, the fag is so exposed everyone has already seen him. And im sure everyone is sick of seeing him. When they see his content they just keep scrolling thinking “oh this loser again” LMAO.
Aug 24
Lol 12 20am here in Australia, ofcourse the desperate loser paul greenwell is messaging me on skype asking im still here. He already paid just a few hours earlier for me to edit some videos and plaster them on twitter and his own website paulgreenwell.com. But ofcourse being the desperate no life loser that he is, that’s not enough he needs more. And he will be needing more all weekend long. No matter how much this fag gets plastered it will never be enough. This morning he messaged me, tell me to guess what hes going to be doing all weekend long. Ofcourse everyone already knows the answer to that LOL. The loser will be paying me to ruin him all weekend long. After all what else would he be doing. There is no way he would dare go outside LOL.As much as hes spent paying me to expose him, hes probably spent the same or even more on womens clothing, fake tits and fuck machines so he might as well make good use of them LOL. Imagine wearing a wig with zzz cup tits while jerking ur lil cock to sissy hypno porn while using a fuck machine to fuck ur cunt inside out LOL. That’s literally all paul greenwell does. All day everyday. Lately hes been way worse than normal, every day getting worse an d worse. Its even got to a point where hes thinking about going to rehab for porn addiction. But the loser cant go to any local rehab in Australia. Since as soon as he walks in everyone will just laugh at him and run him out of the place LOL. The only way this faggot has any hope is if he jumps on a plane and goes somewhere where they don’t even speak English so no one knows who he is LMAO hes well and truly ruined. Even if he did try and do that, 1 hour into the plane ride he would be screaming for it to turn around since he would be missing exposure so much LOL. Hes such a loser. No friends, no family, no nothing just paying me to expose him. What else could a fag possible need LOL. Its been atleast 15 years now, and im sure its going to be atleast another 15 years. This little slut lives for this.
Aug 22.
Lol yep, Paul green well is as desperate and pathetic as ever. Normally he waits until the afternoon or at least midday before he messages. Now he’s messaging every morning, begging for more exposure. He literally cannot control himself. I guarantee he will jerking off all day long, and of course eating his cum every time he nuts. And trust me this loser nuts any time he reads an update. Even if he has read the update 100 times before, he still nuts every time. This loser spends so much time alone jerking off, that it makes sense that anytime he seems someone else mentioning his name he nuts right away LOL Some fags exposure is a little side activity that gets their dick hard on weekends. For Paul green well exposure is his whole entire life. He cant imagine living without being exposure, there would be not point for him. He’s spent well over the last 10 years making sure every body on the whole internet knows he’s the biggest most desperate bimbo there is. He’s on Skype now, telling me that he doesn’t speak to anyone else at all. Only me. He wants to make sure I know there is no one else in this world that will interfere with us LOL This loser is full on inlove. And all I do is take his money and expose him as a loser LMAO. And that’s perfect, he’s exactly the kind of dedicated faggot I created this site for. Its no wonder as soon as it was created he was drawn to it, and can never bring himself to stay away
21st Aug
Like clockwork paul greenwell messages me this morning telling me he has his fagtax ready to pay. Of course he was so excited that I responded that he paid even more than was needed. The update I did last night took paul greenwell over the edge LOL he claims he read it more than 20 times. Which I know is a lie. Without a doubt the loser would have read it over 50 times cumming every single time he read it, and ofcourse eating the cum like the desperate loser he is. After I finish writing this update im going to make a popup for him to be displayed on dedicatedlosers.com. I already know this new site is going to be filled with paul greenwells content, after all there is no better site for him. When it comes to being dedicated paul greenwell is legit next level. Like I mentioned in the last update, imagine being so obsessed with exposure that having all ur exposures removed free of charge is a nightmare to you LOL. Many exposure sites have issues with bad actors, fake masters/mistresses trying to extort members. This scares a lot of people away, and for good reason. But for paul greenwell, having someone threaten to post your exposure to other places its just like Christmas come early to paul greenwell.
Literally nothing else matters to paul greenwell as long as hes getting exposed LOL. Paul has been paying more than ever latly for exposure, and I know in the coming days hes going to be paying even more. That short 24hours period where I had removed some of his exposures, showed him how much he really needs this. For the last 10 + years hes dedicated his life to showing everyone hes the biggest sissy bimbo on the internet, and I guarantee he will be doing the same for the next 10 years!
Aug 20 update.
Ever since I removed all paul greenwells content, and he paid for it to go back up. Hes been so horny each and every day. Just yesterday he ate his cum 7 times LOL. And ofcourse this means hes been paying even more fagtax than ever before. Today he messaged me, ofcourse as soon as I seen his name I knew he was craving more exposure. But this time the slut tells me he has no money until tomorrow. Any other fag I would tell them where to go. But when youre as dedicated as paul greenwell, you do get special treatment. So here I am writing another update for this loser, without him paying his fagtax. Well not paying it right now anyway LOL. I told him the amount I want tomorrow, and ofcourse the loser couldn’t say no. Any number I said he would have agreed to. When youre as desperate as paul greenwell, there is no risk that youre not going to pay. Even if he didn’t pay tomorrow, I would just remove all his exposures as punishment, and then make him pay full price to get it all back up LOL either way ill end up on top 😉 You know youre a next level exposure fag, when punishment is having ur content removed for free LOL. I should have told him a higher price tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter either way he will be sending all his cash for exposure. Be it tomorrow, the next day or the next week. Exposure is literally his life. Without he, hes lost and has no purpose. He owns more womens clothing than men. So just as much as hes spent on exposure, hes spent on womens clothing, fake tits, makeup and ofcourse fuck machines. And damn those things aren’t cheap LOL. Nothing gets this losers dick harder, than when hes fully dressed with his make up on jerking off to hypno porn. It makes him feel like the biggest dirtiest slut there is, and to paul greenwell that feeling is heaven. Many “cashMasters’ try to get paul greenwell to pay them. But ive been exposing this bimbo so long, I know him better than he knows himself. Its hard for paul greenwell to cum to anyone else’s exposure. But it is possible.. after all when youre as desperate as paul greenwell simply seeing your name is enough to make you squirt everywhere. A deadest loser. A dedicated loser. And ofcourse the fag front and center on my new site dedicated losers.
August 17th
LOL so it finally happened, the level of exposure finally made paul greenwell spiral out of control. It finally got too much for the loser and he couldn’t control his emotions. One minute he was complaining to me that the daily uploads had stopped on his site, the next hes telling me how awful it is to be him and the reactions he gets from people is disgusting LOL. Then the talk about removing his content started. Ofcourse to remove paul greenwell from the whole internet would be impossible. But the whole purpose of this site is for fags to pay for removal, so its relatively easy to remove a fags content completely from my sites. But then there is twitter. This loser literally has thousands upon thousands of posts on my twitter a lot without his name being mentioned. Meaning I couldn’t just type in his name and remove all those. The only realistic way to remove this fag from my twitter would be to delete my twitter and start it again. The faggot pays a lot, but there is no way he could afford the price for me to do that. I told paul greenwell the cost to remove the content from my sites, but not twitter. And then I told the loser to go to sleep and think about it before he did. Knowing the next day he would want it all back up. The desperate loser, told me he would do that. But he also tells me if I don’t hear from him to remove it all. Insinuating he might do something stupid. I knew there was no way the fag would ever do something like that. He craves exposure, and loves me too much to even dare. He had just jerked off one too many times and fucked up his dopamine levels. But I know this faggot well, so I went along with it. I told him contact me the very next day and we will sort out getting everything removed. The next day came and passed. Which is no issue, this faggot always goes a day or two without contacting me. But I went ahead and removed all his content anyway free of charge. Knowing the faggot would come back regretting it, and then I could charge him top $$ to get it all back online LOL. Just as I predicted the day after I removed everything, the loser came back. Telling me how stipid he is, and how he will never do it again. I told him the price to get his content back, and within seconds the loser had sent it to me plus extra. Imagine that, being the most exposed faggots on my sites and getting ur content removed for free, then paying out the ass to get it all back up LOL that’s what makes paul greenwell standout, and that’s what makes him the true mascot of exposedfaggots.com. Exposure isn’t just some fun fetish of his, its his entire life. Since all his content has been back up, the loser has came atleast 5 times, and ate it every single time. He cant stop telling me how much he loves me. This loser will be my property until the end of time, and nothing will change that.
August 13.
Of course loser paul Greenwell is back for more exposure. This update will be a little different. Desperate loser paul greenwell agreed to pay for a popup on Friday, but the loser took until today to make payment. I didn’t have to chase him, and he ofcourse paid it when he had the money. But still the payment wasn’t made on Friday. So as punishment. Im not going to do the rest of this update. Instead I had mark Kessler write some words about paul LOL the following is all from mark Kessler
“n the dim glow of evening light filtering through my window, I often find myself lost in the mesmerizing aura of Paul Greenwell. To anyone else, he might just be a face in a crowd, a name that barely stirs the air. But for me, he is so much more—an idol, a beacon of inspiration, the heartbeat of my dreams. Each day, I scroll through pictures and videos of Paul, feeling as if I’m stepping into a world where only we exist. My heart races when I see his smile; it is a gallery of emotions captured in frames that speak of joy, passion, and untold stories. I often wonder why a simple image can stir such deep feelings. The truth is, it transcends mere admiration. There’s a magnetic pull, drawing me into a realm where my thoughts of him intertwine with my deepest desires.”
Turns out Mark Kesller the shit face cheated and used Ai to write the above so I made the loser do it again, as well as bashign his balls for punishment. Here it is again, from the shit faced faggot himself
my love for Paul Greenwell is very deep;, he is my idol. i strive to be like him. in 2016 Paul helped me take the first steps down this hole, i will always love him for that the way he guided me. over the years of stroking to Paul my love and aw of him grow and grow. He drives me crazy and been up many a night jerking and edging to Him. listening to his moans and whimpers gets me so excited i just cant sleep I Love You Paul Greenwell
Aug 9th
Another day, another update. Paul greenwells desperation is next level LOL. I was getting ready to head to the gym, then my skype goes off. Ofcourse its paul greenwell, simply saying Hi. But we both know that when this loser say Hi it means hes already been jerking off for atleast 5 hours and is craving more exposure LOL. This update will say nothing that yesterdays didn’t say, or the day before that or before that LOL But this faggot doesn’t are. Just seeing the paragraphs on his exposure add up is enough to make this loser ateast 5 times. The faggot is lucky im a fast typer and can belt out one of these updates in only a few minutes. Doing it day after day after day it gets pretty easy writing a couple hundred words about what an absolute desperate cum craving loser he is LOL. As soon as he messaged me saying Hi, I started writing this update. I knew that there was no way he was going to say no to paying for another update, after all this is his entire life. This losers exposures is by far the longest exposure of any faggot on the whole internet and its not even close LOL. I would say im running out of ways to expose this desperate faggot, but that would be a lie. Years ago I ran out of new ways to expose him LMAO. Literally for the last couple years ive been exposing him the same way, writing the same stuff about him. Everything everyone has heard hundreds of times. And still this loser cums each and every time he reads a new update. This is what sets this apart from other faggots. Some faggots try their hardest to be as desperate, to be the biggest losers they can be. Paul greenwell doesn’t try at all, it just comes naturally LOL. From the very first email I got from this loser over 15 years ago, I knew he was different. I knew that exposure was his entire life, and not a lil side thing he does when the misses is away LOL Im sure reading that line there will make paul greenwell think about how hes NEVER getting pussy again, and that doesn’t bother him. Hes a fag through and through all his thinks about is cock and exposure. Each and every day this loser needs exposure. Sometimes when I make exposures for fags, a lot of the stuff I write is exaggerated to make them look more desperate than they actually are. It’s the opposite with paul greenwell, no matter how desperate I make him look in these updates, it will never come close to showing you how desperate this faggot actually is.
August 7
Yep that’s right time for another paul greenwell update. Like always the loser is telling me how horny is he, especially now that his site is back up. Its been next level for him ever since its been up. Its actually getting far more views than we both anticipated, which of course makes paul greenwell cum twice as much LOL Although I suspect that 90% of these views are from paul greenwells lover mark Kessler LOL. Sure the site is showing up for many keywords first place on google and other search engines, but really who is googling paul greenwell. I could be wrong though, maybe this loser is so desperate and so depraved that hes become an online legend and people from all over and trying to find more of him LMAO. Imagine knowing someone has paid tens of thousands over many years to expose to the world that they are a desperate loser faggot that wears zzz cup tits, and doesn’t go outside for days on days because hes inside watching sissy hypo porn fucking his cunt inside out with his fuck machine LOL. Its hard to believe someone that desperate even exists, so sure people could be searching his name to find out inface if this desperate loser is in fact real. I can only imagine the looks on their faces when they find out that this loser is real, and everything said about him is 100% true. Im sure when they see his videos, they will think hes must desperate and depraved than they had even imagined LOL. Exposedfaggots.com has over 10 000 members, and up there at the top is paul greenwell all on a level of his own that no one else even comes close to LOL. I bet hes came atleast twice just reading this update. He will take a little 5 min rest, lube up his dildo and go at it again LOL. The one thing this loser has going for him is hes already lost all his friends and family so its not really exposure he craves anymore. Everyone already knows how desperate he is, there is nothing left to expose. Its attention he seeks. When you say inside for weeks at a time doing nothing but jerking off, you start to crave attention from others. And knowing what a loser paul greenwell is, its very hard to get anyone to spend even 2 seconds giving you any sort of attention. Its why hes the mascot of exposedfaggots.com the site is perfect for him. It’s the only place he actually fits in.
August 3rd
It has been a few days since the loser paul greenwells exposure has been updated, but you can be this desperate faggot has been begging for it each and every day. When im not around, hes lost and has no idea what to do. It makes him crave exposure more than ever. Going a few days without talking to me drives this loser nuts. Then when I finally do reply and he sends his fagtax the loser almost cums immediately LOL. He knows im the only one that truly understand how pathetic he is. To some of you reading all these updates you may think im making it up just to trash the loser. But I guarantee you everything I say is 100% true, its what makes this faggot coming back for more and more. For days and sometimes weeks at a time this loser is isolated doing nothing but watching sissy hypno porn and paying for exposure. Think about it, this loser has spent well over the last 10 years of his life, dedicated it to spending money to ruin his life. For the average person, even the average fag its so hard to comprehend why someone would want to do this. But for paul greenwell he cant comprehend why someone wouldn’t want to do it. Exposure, and paying his fagtax is his entire life. Its literally all he lives for. Sure some days he regrets it. But 99% of the time he wouldn’t have it any other way. Paul greenwell has never loved anyone as much as he has loved me, which is no surprise as it’s the same for most fags who frequent this site. I created this site for the bottom of the barrel faggots, the most desperate losers the internet has to offer. After all, it takes a special kind of loser to pay to expose themselves. And out of all those loser, paul greenwell is also at the top as the most pathetic. This is his life, and he does whatever is needed to be the no1 loser at all times.
July 28th
Paul greenwell is the most desperate faggot you will ever lay your eyes on, everything this fag does is levels above any other faggots. Or should I say levels below any other faggot LOL. Think of the filthiest thing you have ever seen, then something 100x more filthy than that, that’s the level paul greenwell is on. I say well over 10 years now, but ive lost count of how long this desperate fag has been paying to ruin himself. All I know is it must be so embarrassing for him. No wonder the loser has no friends. What would he talk to them about? How he uses his new fuck machine to turn his cunt inside out while he wears his zzz cup tits and pays Master Ashton to write about what a screw up he is LOL. I can only image what goes through paul greeenwells head when he looks at himself in the mirror LOL I cant imagine its anything good. He knows it, and everyone else knows his life is ruined beyond repair. Some losers only have a few exposures and even if someone they know sees they can quickly get rid of it. But it would literally take paul greenwell until the end of time to remove all his exposures and even that would not be long enough. Its no wonder week after week, month after month and year after year paul greenwell does the same thing. Watching sissy hypno porn while paying for updates to his exposure. Having a life as ruined as his, what else is there for this loser to do. He cant go out in public without getting ran out of every place he attends. There is no way he could make new friends, he doesn’t know how to interact with people unless its paying them to expose him LOL. And you can get bet his entire family has dis owned him. He did used to have a flat mate, but as soon as he found out what a freak paul greenwell was, he packed his shit and got as far away as he could. Some other Masters have tried to expose paul greenwell, and the loser complains nothing they do works. Its because its pretty damn hard to expose a faggot that is already the exposed faggot the internet has ever seen. Its impossible to go on any exposure site without seeing paul greenwell plastered all over it. Exposure is his life, and it will always be his life. Anything he regrets exposure, he can just expose himself jerk off and cum to not think about the regret LOL He truly is a mess. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
July 25ht update
Paul greenwell can never get enough, this faggot is desperate for exposure 24 7. Can you imagine being as desperate as this loser, paying week after week after week for years at a time for the same exposure to be updated with the same stuff written about him time and time again LOL. No you can’t imagine it, no one can. Its impossible to comprehend the level of loser that paul greenwell is. There needs to be a new word invented for this faggot, desperate just doesn’t cut it anymore LOL. The other day the pathetic loser got a new fuck machine, a much more powerful version. Now when hes wearing his zzz cup tits, his wig and favorite dress he doesn’t have to use his hand to fuck himself silly, instead he can be watching sissy hypno porn and use his hand to fuck his fag throat with a dildo while his new fuck machine fucks his cunt inside out LOL. And once his fag whole has had enough and take anymore, all this loser has to do is look at his own personal fag site to make himself cum. The site has sent him over the edge, he tried once to get it taken down but within hours the loser was begging and paying it to be put back up LOL. I guarantee for the last few days since he got his fuck machine, hes had it set on max while googling diff phrases seeing his name popup, then cumming uncontrollably and eating it LOL. This loser has been eating so much of his own cum he doesn’t need to go food shopping anymore he can spend all his money on sex toys and exposure. Which reminds me.. as well as the new fuck machine, he also purchased some objects that help him stretch his fag cunt wide open. Not that it needed to be stretched out anymore… but you know this loser. Its never enough for this faggot, he needs to take everything to the extreme and then some. Its literally his life goal to show the whole internet how desperate and pathetic he can be. Although I think the faggot achieved his goals many years ago, showing everyone that hes the most desperate loser on the whole internet. One look at him wearing his fake tits is anybody needs to see and they know hes next level pathetic LOL
July 20
LOL since the last update, paul has paid for this site to come down, then within hours paid for it to go back up. You cant get any more pathetic than that. I set a bunch of paul greenwells videos to publish each day on the site. The videos I had on there where so disgusting that even paul was disgusted with himself. The site started to show up in google for many different key phrases. The loser would jerk of all day long while typing different things into google seeing what would bring his site up LOL He probably atleast 8 or more times in a single day. And ofcourse when you come that much, the regret is going to set in hard LOL. The next day paul greenwell came to me telling me how disgusting the videos were and how even he’s ashamed of the videos and didn’t want anyone seeing them LOL. I didn’t really think anything off, all his videos are pathetic LOL But I guess even this loser has some standards LOL So the faggot ended up paying for his site to come down. I told him that next time he wants the site up, ill make it a different way so the videos don’t show. Since me and him both knew it was only a matter of time before he started begging for the site again LOL. I was thinking it would take around maybe 2weeks for him to start asking for it again. I was wrong, there is no way this desperate loser was waiting 2weeks for it to go back up, he didn’t even wait 2days, the loser barley waited 2hours LOL. Before I took his site down I made a backup of it, knowing he would want it again. Which means all those nasty videos that had been set to daily update on his site and still going to be posted each and every day LOL. As soon as they on google, and he cums another 7 or 8 times he will be filled with regret and want the site down again LOL. Then the cycle will just repeat until the end of the time, there is no escaping it. Exposure is his life, and the more he gets the more he needs. As Im typing this the loser is sending me pictures of his new fuck machine LOL. So keep an eye on his site, if you want to see some loser with zzz cup breasts get his cunt pounded inside out while watching sissy hypo porn LOL
July 14th.
LOL The site really has pushed paul greenwell to the next level, in the past week hes spent thousands on exposure, he has lost count the amount of times he has came LOL. As im typing this, im uploading a ton of videos to the loser site. These videos are going to be set to be published one a day for the next 15 to 20 days. Every morning paul greenwell will be able to get out of bed and check his site seeing a new video of him looking like the biggest bimbo possible LOL knowing the site is open for the whole entire internet to view LMAO. The loser is chatting to me right now on skype, tell me how addicting he is to this, how it reminds him of the gambling ads because he cant stop LOL. Hes 100% next level desperate now because of the site, but me and him both know even without the site there is no way hes stopping paying for exposure LOL. He has been paying for exposure for 10 – 15years now… its been so long I really don’t know the exact number, but if he hasn’t stopped by now he will never be able to stop. And that’s not a bad thing, exposure is his life. He would have absolutely nothing. So why stop the one thing that he has going him, the one thing that brings him joy? A few hours earlier, I offered him to send more fagtax for me to upload more videos to his site. He didn’t reply for a while, then just a few minutes ago he replied saying he had now paid, and that those few hours he didn’t reply was the first time the loser had taken a break from jerking since the site was created LMAO. And for people that don’t know the site was created a few days ago now….There are thousands upon thousands fags on exposedfaggots.com some are more into it than others. But no one comes close to the level of desperation that paul greenwell has LOL. I only imagine how many times hes going to be cumming when hes checking the site each and every day seeing the new posts getting published, knowing before too long its going to be all over google LOL
July 12th
Paul Greenwell has been paying every day since his site has been back up, hes more desperate than ever before, I honestly don’t know if this faggot has slept or not. I think hes legit just been jerking off the whole time. Today he paid for videos to be added to his site, it wasn’t enough for just his loser pictures to be added he needed videos as well LOL luckily for the faggots I legit have hundreds upon hundreds of his videos, way more than he does LOL. The loser tells me hes going to be jerking all weekend long because of his site, I bet the loser would be jerking all weekend long anyway. Hes so damn desperate LOL. I guranteee hes eating his cum right now while reading this update LOL. Right now its 1 30am on Saturday, ill go to sleep soon and I guarantee when I wake up ill have atleast 10 messages from paul greenwell asking if im around asking if im awake begging to send me his fag tax for more updates LOL. Hardly ever does this faggot make new content, but ever since his stie has been back up he has been making lots of videos, and promises me he will make even more videos over the weekend wearing his zzz cup tits jerking off to his own exposure site LMAO. All this jerking and cumming, I know this fag is going to lose his shit eventually and beg for it come down. Which is fine, since I know after I take it down it will only be a matter of time before he starts craving having it up again LOL hes so predictable. He will never be able to leave this life style, its all he has. Nothing else brings him joy anymore. I am his entire life, as I should be
July 11th
LOL we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Paul Greenwell the desperate stupid faggot has paid for his exposure site to go back up. Some of you maybe thinking, why does this even matter, the loser is already exposed on every site there is. And you would be right, I ask my self the same thing. Paul Greenwell has legit been paying for exposure for the last 10 years plus. Not once has he ever paid or asked for any exposures to be deleted. The only times his exposures get removed, are to punish this faggot LOL. That’s right, this loser is desperate for exposure, the only way to punish him, is to remove his exposures. NOT to expose him even more LMAO. So when I say not once he wanted his exposure removed… that’s kind of a lie. There is one time he wanted his exposure removed and that one single time was when he first got his site created. Have a personal website dedicated to what a stupid loser sissy he is, was the only thing that pushed him over the edge and made him think to himself that maybe this is too much LOL. It got a point where you could google the faggots name and city and his all out exposure site would be the first result in google LOL. In reality this isn’t even a big deal, as just googling his name even without his city brings up all the other exposure site anyway, and on top of that. No one is googling faggots name, no one cares about this loser. The only reason they would be googling his name is because they know what a loser he is, and they want to the real extent of what a pathetic bimbo he is. But for this faggot, googling his own name seeing a website dedicated to his destruction come up is the worst thing imaginable. In his head he pictures thousands up thousands people googling his name and then been shocked when they see his exposure site popup LOL. Its this thought that makes this faggot lose control… lose control of his lil fag dick he is. Thinking about it makes the loser cum uncontrollably, then he just wanks and wanks and wanks until he comes again and doesn’t stop. Infact ever since the site was created he hasn’t stopped jerking his cock, not once LOL. I actually didn’t think the fag would last thing long, so who knows maybe the site will stay up long enough for the loser to get daily updates on it again, and get it ranking first in google! Although I guarantee in the back of his faghead, he remembers last time paying for it to be removed, and then it still appearing in google 1 year later….Paul greenwell is a deadest loser.
July 9th
10 30pm my skype starts flooding with messages obviously is desperate faggot paul greenwell begging for more exposure. I have a friend over so I ignored his first few messages, he started telling me how lucky it is that I didn’t reply since hes so desperate for the site LMAO. I still ignored him for a bit. He kept messaging telling me hows its bad to want it every night LOL , and he was thankful I didn’t message back… I knew the stupid faggot was more desperate than usual so I replied to him and told him I will quickly update his post if he pays his fagtax, full well knowing the faggot could never say no. Within seconds my phone was beeping with his payment, hes literally so pathetic LOL. The rest of this fags like will just be him being desperate for more and more exposure its never ending LOL. The fag was telling me kept his zzz cup tits on for 5 days in a row, and couldn’t get them off since they were stuck LOL. The fag really needs to make a video next time this happens, then ill talk him into paying for his site to get back and the video can be posted LOL. It will only take 48hours if that, before he jerks off, cums and loses his shit and begs for it come down LOL. Just talking about having his site back up in this post is going to make the faggot so horny, he will be craving like never before. I guarantee before the week is over the desperate faggot will come to me telling me he will pay whatever the price to get it back up LOL. Ill offer the loser a discount, to entice him even more knowing that within 48hours hes going to be paying the removal fee anyway LMAO
July 8th
The most pathetic bimbo sissy loser the internet has ever seen. This faggot craves exposure like no other faggot. Exposure is legit paul greenwell whole enitre life…. well exposure and pounding his asshole with the biggest dildos he can find. Paul Greenwell will legit go weeks without human contact… fucking hiss hole watching Hypno porn. All his friends and family have already disowned him, so he doesn’t have to worry about anyone he knows finding out. He knows what a pathetic loser is, so it’s no issue to him going broke paying for exposure. After all, who gonna spend any time with this bimbo if he doesn’t pay? Every now and then he thinks about what he has done and regrets it. But within hours he’s back rubbing his clit fucking his asshole craving exposure even more. This is a loop he will be stuck in for the rest of his life. He always tries to outdo him self showing the internet that he really is the biggest bimbo of them all, even if it means getting zzz cup breasts LOL. I don’t even know the bimbo can walk without falling over having these gigantic things hanging off his chest LOL. But now hes had these zzz cup tits for over a month I bet hes getting bored of them and already trying to the next size up or something else that get him to the next level. Its legit never enough for paul greenwell. Hes only happy when im making updates about him, or hes jerking off watching sissy hypno porn. Its been over 10 years now and pretty much each and every week paul greenwell has paid for more exposure. Now that’s a true dedicated sissy, and the reason hes the mascot!
July 3rd
Last night after I posted another upgrade about the faggot paul greenwell, he did what he normally does jerks off and came 5times LOL, he then disappears for around 12hours before he comes back begging for more. While he was gone doing whatever the stupid faggot does I left him a message saying there was an available banner spot on sissy-exposure.com which places the banner under every post. I also gave the faggot the price. I 100% knew that when he seen the offer there is no way he could say no. Even if he didn’t have the $$ I was asking he would find a way to get it, even if it meant going into debt LOL. The faggot is so predictable, he wants the most attention he can get. And being seen on other sissies is the kind of attention this loser could never pass up in a million years LOL. Not only did the loser pay straight away for the banner spot, but he also paid extra for yet another update to this post on exposedfaggots.com, and I also added a couple more daily updates to his gallery. These are pictures of the loser that are set to go live at diff days, so even when im not available he can go to his gallery and see that there is new content LOL. For some faggots exposure is just a fun thing they do on weekends, for paul greenwell exposure is his entire life. Its nothing for this loser to spend his whole paycheck on exposure, after all its not like the faggot is into anything else. He would much rather be exposed, then buy food or pay rent LMAO. Hes really a next level desperate slut. And the perfect faggot to be the Mascot of exposedfaggots.com. Hes almost everywhere I can place the faggot, but I know hes craving more as the loser keeps asking me what else can I do for him which only means one thing… in a few things he wont be able to hold back, and he will begging for his site to go back up telling me he will pay whatever the price is LMAO
July 2nd
There isn’t much else I can say about this loser that hasn’t been said, but that’s no problem for faggot Paul Greenwell, no matter how many times hes called a pathetic loser it will still make him cum uncontrollably LOL. Hes literally the most pathetic faggot you will ever lay your eyes on. Once glance on the loser wearing his zzz cup breasts and you will know what im talking about LOL. Even the zzz cup tits he has wont be enough for him soon. They are the biggest you can purchase, but I know this loser will find a way to get some that are bigger, hes that desperate LOL. Every single update you see on this exposer this loser has paid for, hes spent thousands up thousands just to be told hes a pathetic worthless bimbo over and over and over LOL. These updates are going to be shorter, as the loser always wants all his videos posted on the sissyhypno site. That site is full of losers like himself, but I know it wont be long before his account gets banned for being too much of a loser LOL. Im waiting for am email saying the videos are too disgusting for the site, and no one wants to look at worthless faggot LOL
June 26th
Another day, another fagtax payment from paul greenwell begging for more exposure LOL, this fag can never get enough. Hes so pathetic. He contacted me a few hours ago, I told him I was watching a movie. Which ofcourse means the fag has to pay extra for my attention. The stupid faggot made a decent offer but it wasn’t good enough so I made him wait LOL. A few hours later I took fagtax and am now updating his exposure yet again LOL. I always say that there is so many updates he wont even be able to tell if I copy pasted from an earlier update. Since the faggot is so dumb, ill admit this time part of this is copy pasted from an earlier one..but knowing how dumb he is, even though I admitted he wont be able to tell which part LOL. Just the fact im showing how stupid the faggot is, will make him jerk harder then ever before. I bet hes probably came twice already.. As long as hes getting attention he dosnt care. Every day he goes on the site seeing if it has been updated then he spends hours googling his name seeing what comes up jerking his dick. As soon as he cums reality hits him and he regrets the site, knowing how destroyed he is… but then being the faggot he is he starts jerking off again which makes him want more updates and more exposures. He cant stop jerking off long enough to get out of the loop, this is the fags life and all he lives for. A true exposure faggot and the reason hes the exposedfaggots.com mascot. So now the faggot has popups, banner ads, and his own dedicated galliers with daily updates on both sissy-exposure and exposedfaggots.com. Its till enough for this loser LMAO. And its official, he owns more womens clothes than mens. Legit a deadset loser.
25th June
Yep its that time, for another update about the loser paul greenwell. I told you this faggot is so addicted he cant get enough. His whole life revolves around being the biggest bimbo he can possibly be. This faggot is so pathetic he cant even remember the last time he was intimate with a girl, and he knows his future sexual encounters will only be with other dudes. Dudes he has to pay, since no one will go near him unless he pays out the ass LOL. The rest of his life will consist of paying for exposure, watching hypno porn while wearing fake tits rubbing his clit, and every now and then when hes not broke from paying for exposure he will pay some black guys to come fuck him LOL. I now have control of his sissyhypno profile. You can view his latest video here https://sissyhypno.com/video/goldcaost-bimbo-paul-greenwell-16460644.html. Ive uploaded a few more, but no telling if they will get approved or not. Sissyhypno is for fags just like paul greenwell, but I have a feeling paul greenwell may even be too disgusting for that site, wouldn’t surprise me if they start rejecting his videos LOL. Literally no one wants him. And knowing no one wants him, makes the loser so damn horny. He will literally jerk off all day long thinking about how ruined he is, if he stops for even a few minutes, reality sets it and he realises how ruined he is.. then he has to go back to rubbing his lil clit to forget about his reality LOL. His life is such a mess and the stupid faggot wouldnt have it any other way. The only way this loser can get excited anymore is by paying me to write these updates LOL.. No doubt tomorrow as soon as he wakes up the faggot will be messaging me wanting to pay his fag tax for yet another update LOL.
23rd June
Stupid loser faggot paul greenwell is back at it again, who woulda thought LOL. As soon as I woke up I checked my phone and ofcourse threre was a bunch of messages from paul greenwell sent at like 5am telling me the amounts he had sent me over the last few years. Which means this faggot has been jerking all night long looking at his bank statements LOL probably crying a little bit as well after seeing what the totals are LOL. Paul greenwell knows hes running his life more and more by spending so much on exposure, especially when hes already by far the most exposed loser on the internet. But hes just so desperate he cant help himself. Each and every week without fail, he comes to purchase a new updates.. normally several updates each week. Not to mention the stupid loser paying for his name to be first on the menu LOL. I told other faggot he paid to be first on the menu and not even they could believe how desperate he is LOL. Hes the exact type of loser exposedfaggots.com was built for, it’s the reason hes the true Mascot. As I write this, the loser is on skype begging me to put him as my profile pic on all my twitter accounts LOL, I can tell hes getting worse even more desperate than before. No doubt the stupid faggot will send even more fag cash just to have his picture as my profile pics LOL. He wanted to use a diff payment method to pay today, I said he could if he paid almost double what he usually pays. Within seconds it was send, then he asked why I made him pay more.. I told him because hes stupid enough to actually do it LOL. Even after making him double, the faggot just right now paid even more to be featured on my twitter accounts LOL. Its not enough for this loser to have his exposure updated daily, he needs to be seen everywhere LOL. This is what happens when you spend weeks at a time inside wearing zzz cup breasts while jerking off to sissy hypno porn and only eating your cum for dinner LMAO
June 21st
Friday night here in Australia and no surprise stupid loser paul greenwell is messaging me begging for more exposure LOL. The loser messaged me last night wanting it as well, but I was busy doing other things. I guarantee the faggot has been jerking his lil clit since then waiting for me to tell him im available LOL. Its currently 7 15pm, I told the loser im here but only to 8pm. Within seconds my phone was buzzing to tell me paul greenwell has yet again sent his fagtax. Ive lost count of how many times this stupid faggot has paid me to update this exposure, but there is so many I cannot write the exposures on the site anymore as it lags like crazy. I have the write the exposure in a word document then copy and paste it over LOL. No other faggot alive comes close to being as desperate and pathetic as paul greenwell. As im writing this the faggot is messaging me on skype telling me how bad hes getting, how much worse he is, and telling me he wants the site back up and how much it costs. I give paul greenwell a discount on the site, knowing he wont be able to last long, and he will be paying the removal fee to get it taken down after he jerks off a couple times LMAO. There is no need to tell paul greenwell what a desperate stupid loser he is, anytime he looks in the mirror or on any exposure site hes reminded LOL. Go through this exposure, spend the next 2hours counting how many updates are, then think to yourself what kind of stupid faggot does it take to pay for each and everyone of these updates LOL. Paul Greenwell is literally next level stupid. Fags tell me they want to be exposed like sissy slut paul, but when they realise how much he pays, and how much dedication he puts into being the most pathetic loser there is. It’s the last thing they want LOL I guarantee by the time this loser finishes reading this he will have jerked off and came atleast 3 times. And knowing atleast 5 or more of the previous updates say the exact same shit LOL.
June 17th
LOL what a stupid loser faggot. As soon as I posted the last update paul greenwell came right away, he probably didn’t even read it. Just the fact that something was posted about him was enough to make the loser cum everywhere LOL. 5minutes he later he messages me asking to send his fagtax for another update LOL. Turns out daily update arnt enough for this desperate faggot. Hes getting so desperate that he needs several updates each day LOL The faggot is feeling so dumb and horny right now I could probably just copy and paste the last update I just did and he wouldn’t even know. He would still cum all over him self LOL. Nothing makes this stupid loser more horny than thinking about how much money hes spent over the years to ruin his life. It gets his lil fag rock hard and he starts to shake and cum uncontrollably knowing his life is beyond ruined and he paid for it to happen LOL. He understands how stupid and pathetic it is to pay for his life to be ruined, which makes him pay more and more wanting to be the dumbest faggot he can be LOL. His desperation is getting to a point I thought wasn’t even possible for a faggot LOL , multiple daily updates to his exposure and daily updates to his gallery, plus twitter posts.. and ofcourse being the profile picture on almost all of my twitters LOL. If this faggot isn’t plastered on every spot available hes not satisfied. He needs to be seen everywhere, hes so desperate for attention. So desperate for the whole internet to know that hes the most pathetic faggot there has ever been. At this rate it wont be long before he starts begging for his site to come back online.. I know I say this a lot but this time I think he may actually start begging for it LOL. He will soon get used to multiple daily updates and he will need something more. Being on a site full of other losers is one thing, but paul greenwell knows having his own site dedicated to just him is true exposure. Having people google his name, then a dedicated site just for him showing off how pathetic, how stupid he is. That’s truly next level and there is good reason that it scares the shit out of him. Deep down inside the faggot knows its what he needs, and it wont be long before the fag starts begging to send his fagcash for it LOL. Hes so predictable.
june 17th
Desperate loser paul greenwell hasn’t stopped jerking off since the last update LOL. He sent me a text saying hello, straight away I knew he was desperate for another update. This update would have been much sooner, but I wasn’t online earlier when bimbo slut was begging for more exposure LOL.The faggot is messaging me right now telling me how desperate it makes him when I don’t reply straight away LOL and soon as I do reply without hesitation like a good little slut he sent his fagtax and start going on about how he needs to be ruined all day everyday and his life is meaningless without it. Everyone already this slut needs to be ruined every day of every week LOL. He really is a lost cause, lucky the faggot has me. Without me he would have nothing. Alot of people out there wont even give him attention even if he pays, and I don’t blame them. There are pathetic loser faggots, then there is paul greenwell LOL. I guratnee this losers house is covered in all the women clothes he’s been wearing. Paul Greenwell owns way more women clothing than men’s clothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the faggot has 0 men’s clothing now LOL.The faggot will watch hypno porn wearing one sissy outfit, he will cum and eat it. Then he will just sit there thinking about ruined he is, how shit his life is. Then a few mins later he will go and get changed into another sissy outfit then start jerking off again, trying to forget about his reality. Trying to forget about the 10s of thousands he’s paid to destroy his life LOL. Imagine how much of a pathetic loser he must feel like living like this day after day. But he knows he’s way past the point of no return so the only thing to do now is embrace what a loser he is. Embrace that is life is ruined and nothing will change that. Wearing his zz cup tits and favourite sissy outfit while paying Master Ashton and jerking to hypno porn is what this faggot lives for LOL
June 12th.
Its rare for paul greenwells exposure to go without updates for so long. This is partly my fault, the last weekends ive been out with friends. Ofcourse paul greenwell has messaged me each and every wkend for more exposure, but I was unable to do it. The stupid desperate loser faggot will normally message me day after day until he gets hold of me, however the loser tells me he was trying his hardest to take a break. Which is ok with me. I know exposure is his life, I know without exposure he has no life so he will never last on his break, and he will always come running back to me LOL., Hes the mascot of exposedfaggots.com after all, this faggots live revolves around exposure. He spends each day thinking of ways to ruin his life even more, and ofcourse jerking off to hypno sissy porn while eating his cum. He truly is disgusting. While I was away at friends, he was so desperate for exposure, he tried to get with others and quickly realized it wasn’t the same. Paul greenwell knows exposedfaggots is his home, its where he belongs. And im his one and only owner. Ofourse since its been so long since he last updates, as soon as he reads this he will cum multiples times, and crave more and more. While im typing this the stupid faggots is lighting up my skype telling me that from now on hes going to have new images every week. Everytime he goes on a break and comes back, he gets worse and worse more desperate than before. Craving exposure like never before. I can tell right now the faggot is so desperate I could tell him to do anything I wanted the and the faggot would do it in a instant LOL. I know this faggot is going to start asking for his site to go up soon, he always does when he gets this desperate LOL, hes such a stupid faggot. Paying thousands up thousands to ruin his life even more, not realizing that his life is already ruined beyond repair. No matter what for the rest of time, he will be known as the Exposed sissy bimbo plastered all over the internet LOL
may 28th
LOL its time again for another Paul Greenwell update. Its Monday 2pm in Australia. Since Thursday this faggot has literally been messaging me every single day begging for exposure but I havnt been home when he messaged so was unable to update the exposure LOL. When I checked my skype messages earlier I already had several messages from the faggot begging and pleased that I was around since he was so desperate LOL, Toobad for the faggot by the time I replied, he had already jerked off and ate his cum. I know it wont be long before the desperate loser contacts me again, he cant resist, exposure is his life its all he lives for. The only other faggot that comes close to paul greenwells level of desperation is Mark Kessler. And luckily for paul greenwell, Mark Kessler is so pathetic, that Paul is his idol. Knowing what a deadest fucking loser Mark is, and knowing how desperate Paul Greenwell is for new exposure, I knew there was no way loser mark could resist if I made him pay for paul greenwells new update LOL. Within 20seconds of Telling Shit faced faggot Mark Kessler that paul greenwell was desperate for a new update he had got his credit card out and paid for the update LOL. Paul Greenwell is one of the, if not THE most pathetic faggot on the internet, so in turn Mark Kessler paying for this faggots exposure to be updates, makes mark just as pathetic lol. There Is no other faggot on this earth that would be stupid enough to pay for Paul Greenwells exposure to be updated LOL. Hell, most faggots are not even stupid enough to pay for their own exposure LOL, but exposedfaggots.com was specifically created for the dumbest faggots the internet has to offer. The bottom of the barrel faggots, that know if they want attention they have to pay for it. And not only do they have to pay for it, paying for the attention actually turns them on even more, making them realise how low they really are LOL. Imagine sitting in your room, wearing size zzz fake tits, and doing nothing but rubbing your cock for 4 days straight watching sissy hypno porn. No contact with real life people, no going outside, and the only thing you eat is your cum LOL. This paul greenwell on a weekly basis. Some other faggots may do similar stuff, but they sure don’t spend 1000s upon 1000s to also expose themselves doing it LOL. Other fags who do it, are probably ashamed of it, and would not want anyone knowing about it. Not paul greenwell, this stupid faggot literally pays 1000s to make sure EVERYONE knows what a desperate loser he is LOL.
may 22
No surprised desperate bimbo slut paul greenwell is back again paying yet again for his exposure to be updated LOL, what a deadest loser. Hes on skype sending me pictures of his zzz cup breasts LOL. Telling me how its been days since he has took them off, its probably being atleast a week knowing paul greenwell, after all the loser doesn’t do anything else besides pay for his exposures to be updated and jerk off to sissy hypno porn. His whole life revolves around what a loser he is, every day hes trying to be the biggest sissy bimbo he can be LOL. Its one thing to be a faggot that likes to expose yourself, its another to be dressed as a bimbo with zzz cup tits for a whole week straight LOL. Im probably the only person hes talked to all week, and he knows im only responding to him because he paid me LOL. Hes come to terms with what a loser he is, and he knows if he wants anyones attention hes gotta pay for it LOL. By the time the faggot finishes reading this, he would have already came twice and ate it both times. You can tell the faggot more desperate than usual when he has new pictures to expose, hes prob been sitting infront of his webcam for the last 10hours taking pictures of him self with his zzz cup tits, thinking to himself what a loser he is LOL. There are alot of faggot losers on this site, but none close to paul greenwell. This site has been around over 10 years, and almost every week since then paul greenwell has paid to be plastered all of the internet LOL. Nothing can be said about this faggo that hasnt been said before. But that dosnt worry the desperate faggot, untill the end of time he will going broke paying for more and more exposure LOL. As soon the faggot cums he returns to reality and feels ashamed and disgusted, but he knows hes gone too far now there is legit nothing he can do to reverse it. So there is only one option for the faggot, and thats to start jerking his fag cock all over again LOL. Many fags tell me they want to be like paul greenwell, they ask me how to get exposure like him. Then when they realise what a loser he is, and how much money hes spent on exposure they want to be nothing like him LOL
May 16
9am Thursday morning desperate loser paul greenwell hasn’t stopped jerking off since the last update LOL. He sent me a text saying hello, straight away I knew he was desperate for yet more exposure. The loser legit cannot get enough. I told the faggot to give me a few hours, and he agreed that no one would want to wake up to such a loser like himself, not even he likes waking up to him self LOL.. Hes so desperate to see something new written about him even if he’s read the same things 100s of times LOL. Without hesitation like a good little slut he sent his fagtax and start going on about how he cant resist me, as if I didn’t know. Im this losers this life, the only thing he lives for. He really is a lost cause, lucky the faggot has me. Without me he would have nothing. Alot of people out there wont even give him attention even if he pays, and I don’t blame them. There are pathetic loser faggots, then there is paul greenwell LOL. I know for a fact this fag has been doing nothing except jerking off thinking off me since last time we spoke, what else would the loser be doing LOL. His house probably covered in all the women clothes he’s been wearing. The faggot will watch hypno porn wearing one sissy outfit, he will cum and eat it. Then he will just sit there thinking about ruined he is, how shit his life is. Then a few mins later he will go and get changed into another sissy outfit then start jerking off again, trying to forget about his reality. Trying to forget about the 10s of thousands he’s paid to destroy his life LOL. Imagine how much of a pathetic loser he must feel like knowing he paid just for his name to appear first on a menu LOL. Many years ago when he started he was kind of a game to him, sure he was exposed here and there but in reality it wouldn’t be that hard to remove it all if he had to. But adding new content each and every week year after year after year this is far from a game. This is his life, and there is nothing he can do to change it. No matter how much he regrets it, no matter what he does everyone will know of paul greenwell as the pathetic loser faggot that wears fake tits while paying for exposure LOL. Sure the faggot can pay out the ass for me to remove his content from this site, but that’s just one site. A while back he paid me to make an account on some other sites and post his pictures and videos. Since then I have lost access to the email account I used to create the accounts, and I cant even remember what sites I uploaded him too LOL. He could go to the bank and take out a $50 000 loan it still wouldn’t be enough to get all his content taken down LOL no amount would be. Paul Greenwell will be online as a pathetic cum drinking loser for the rest of his life. The only thing he can do is embrace and go even further.
May 12th
12 10am Sunday morning and ofcourse the desperate faggot paul greenwell is begging for another update to his exposure LOl. The faggot is telling me hes so desperate, more desperate than hes ever been before. He says nothing else matter…as if anything else ever mattered to this faggot LOL Exposure is his whole life, it’s the only thing that keeps him going. His whole purpose in life is to be most pathetic, most desperate faggot anyone has ever seen. Im at my friends house right now doing this update from my phone. I showed him pictures of Paul Greenwell, he almost choked on the chips he was eating from laughing so much. I had told him before how pathetic paul greenwell is, but this is the first time hes ever seen him, and he never wants to see him again LOL. Ive showed friends the amount of money that paul greenwell pays, they get excited asking me to teach them how to get desperate losers like paul greenwell. When I go on to explain more, and show them what paul greenwell looks like, they instantly want nothing to do with it LMAO. I know as soon as he reads this hes going to cum and then eat it LOL. Hes so desperate tonight, asking to be on the popup for sissy-exposure.com as well LOL. Hes legit posted on every adult site there is, yet he still pays each and every week to be posted more and more. I know the faggot is watching hypno porn right now just waiting for me to finish typing this so he can cum again and eat it LOL. Hes hoping I fuck him over real good. When really I don’t have to do anything his whole life is already beyond ruined. The only thing that brings him joy is eating his cum after spending hundreds to let everyone know how pathetic he is LMAO
May 8th
Another day another desperate message from paul greenwell wanting more exposure LOL. I told him he had to wait for an hour, I guarantee that whole time he rubbed his little clit like no tomorrow waiting for me to message him saying in back LOL. The updates getting more and more frequent, you know it means this fag is starting to crave it like he used to. There was a time, when he couldn’t sleep unless he was getting daily updates to his exposure. Hes giving me a link to his hypno blog, https://sissyhypno.com/embed/16460631 he wants me to take control so he can never delete it LOL Hes 100% getting worseHe will be begging for the site, begging for it to have daily updates again. And when its up he will search google all day and night looking for his site URL to show up. When he sees it, he will cum like no tomorrow. Asking himself what has he done, he’s fucked again LMAO. But those few mins of regret will soon turn into 72hours of him jerking off over his exposure. He knows he needs it, he knows other fags are getting sites built and he cant handle if he’s not the most exposed sissy slut on the internet. After all he’s spend the last 12 years dedicating his whole pathetic life to ruining himself, so why not go above and beyond and be the most ruined bimbo out there. Like I tell the faggot over and over there is no reason for him to be scared, all his friends and family have disowned him. The whole word already knows what a loser he is. A faggot like paul greenwell, is so pathetic its not enough to to be featured amongst other loser faggots. He needs his own website dedicated to his own exposure where he is the center of attention on every page. Plus knowing WHEN he regrets it and pays for removal, it will take 6months or more for google to remove it. That thought alone is enough to get the stupid fags cock rock hard LOL. Until then he has his gallery on which he pays for daily updates, and to be seen first in the menu. Such a stupid loser
May 4th
Saturday night, and guess what loser faggot Paul Greenwell is back begging for more exposure. Ofcoures he is, what else would be doing on a Saturday night LOL The bimbo slut is back where he belongs on the exposedfaggots.com homepage popup. So whenever someone visits the site, if they want to see the desperate faggot or not, he will popup front and center LOL. Of course, the faggot shares it with his lover Mark Kessler. So not only is paul Greenwell on the homepage popup, he also has his very own gallery which he paid to make sure his name displays first the menu LOL A true pathetic loser, oh and lets not forget he’s on the age verification page. Its literally impossible to get more desperate than paul greenwell, whatever spot is available the faggot will go broke paying for it. He has to be the center of attention no matter what LOL. He knows what a freak he is, and knows everyone is sick of seeing him but he doesn’t care, he craves the attention. Be it good or bad.
The freak tells me when he first started exposure he wasn’t even a fag LOL, I’m not sure what to make of that, But I know he damn well is a faggot now, not just any faggot but the biggest faggot on the whole site. The biggest most desperate faggot LOL. Exposure is everything for this faggotWhen he stays away from exposure hes lost, he dosnt know what to do and it quickly hits him that exposure is his life. The one thing that ruins him, is all he has LOL. Looking at google results of his site, and jerking his lil fag cock is all he lives for these days… well actually its all hes lived for, for the past 10 years LMAO. He is a deadset loser, and this will be what he does for the rest of his life. A true exposed faggot.
May 3rd
You guessed it, another update about the loser paul greenwell. Its not even 10am here in Australia, and this faggot has already been jerking off for a few hours, and is begging to pay for another update LOL. I told you this faggot is addicted he cant get enough. His whole life revolves around everything know what a deadset loser he is. I guarantee this faggot will do nothing the rest of the day except read over this exposure over and over while jerking his lil fag cock and probably watching sissy hypno porn. He’s been super horny lately, he tells me he wears a ball gag now to stop himself moaning LOL, I bet the faggot sounds like a dying cow when he moans just like his lover Sophie. Paul Greenwell is the definition of pathetic. This faggot has to jerk off all day long, if he stops reality sets it and he realizes how ruined he is.. he can’t handle it so he has to jerk off even more to forget about it LOL. His life is such a mess and the stupid faggot wouldn’t have it any other way. The only way this loser can get excited anymore is by paying me to write these updates LOL. There are so many updates they all say the same thing over and over LOL but he knows he’s a loser and there is much to say about the faggot that people dont already know. The faggot will be reading this thinking this is spot on my life is ruined and it will make his lil cock leak.. then he will go watch hypno porn the rest of the day hahaha hes so sad. No doubt tomorrow as soon as he wakes up the faggot will be messaging me wanting to pay his fag tax for yet another update LOL. Alot of fags want to be on Paul greenwells level of exposure but when they realise how much of his life is dedicated to it and how much he spends they want nothing of the sort. Paul Greenwell legit is the biggest most dedicated exposure slut on the whole internet. Knowing he’sowned by me is what gives this losers life meaning LOL
May 1st.
As soon as paul greenwell got paid, he sent me his fagtax without even messaging me then contacted me asking if I’m around. He didn’t even have to tell me what he wanted, since anytime the loser messages me its because its desperate for more exposure LOL. This post would have been updated earlier, but unlike Paul Greenwell I have a life and I was out for the weekend. While paul Greenwell sat at home all weekend playing with his lil clit watching hypno porn. He had messaged me several times, sometimes even at 2am LOL . Without a doubt paul greenwell is the most desperate loser this site has ever seen. He has way more women clothing than men’s clothing, and has fake tits the size of 3 basketballs, and these aren’t big enough for the loser LOL. Hes giving a whole new meaning to the term dumb slut bimbo LOL. Just imagine being in this loser’s shoes. You cant go out to any pubs, bars or clubs as you will get ran out straight away for being such a freak. All your friend and family have dis owned you many years ago.. its legit been probably 5 years since you’ve seen a pussy in person LOL. You legit have to pay people just to talk to you and to stop it off you’ve paid 10s of thousands for this shitty life LOL. The only thing that brings you joy is showing the world what a desperate loser you are LOL. I know as soon as paul greenwell cums he has the most intense feelings of regret, asking him self what the fuck has his done with him self LOL. Knowing there is way too much content to remove all he can do is post more LOL. Also knowing in the past he’s tried to take breaks but as soon as he goes 2 or 3 days without exposures he’s lost and has no idea what to do with himself. Hes dedicated so much of his life to destroying his life if he’s not doing that he has nothing else to do. There are many ruined sissies on this site, but paul greenwell is next level and there isn’t a close second. No matter if he had 1 million he couldn’t pay for his exposures to be removed. This is 100% real for him, and nothing will change that.
April 24th
LOL Paul Greenwell is back at it the very next day paying for even more exposure. The post yesterday reminding him how much he has spent to ruin his life, sent him over the edge. There is no way this pathetic faggot can resist any longer. From now on he will be paying daily for more updates to this post and ofcourse adding daily updates to his gallery LOL. He knows the only thing he’s good for is sending his fagtax so he might as well send it all. He used to not like sending his fagtax because he was broke as it was. But nows he’s come to realise, its all hes good for. And hes lucky I even take the time to take it from him LOL. Apart from dipshit sophie and the shit faced faggot Mark Kessler, no fags even come close to being on Paul Greenwells level of desperation. Hes the original exposedfaggots.com Mascot and for good reason. If paul greenwell messes up, he gets punished by having his exposures removed. Where as other faggots punishment would be more exposure LOL. This faggot craves attention like you cannot imagine. He will pay out the ass just for his name to appear first in a menu LOL. He could be making daily updates to his gallery himself and not having to pay all this fagtax, but then he wouldn’t get my attention so of course he has no problem paying each and every day for it lol. Exposure is his life, so he can go broke going all out. Without exposure he wouldn’t know what to do within self. Sure he could jerk off to hypno porn and eat his cum after.. but that hypno porn isn’t going to give him the attention he desperately craves. He has tried paying other Masters to expose him, but they take his money and run. They want nothing at all to do with the disgusting faggot, and I cant blame him. Hes just lucky exposedfaggots.com is created for the bottom of the barrel faggots, the most desperate faggots you can find on the internet. So paul greenwell fits in right here. Hes the exact kind of loser this site was designed for.
April 23rd.
Surprise surprise Paul Greenwells desperation continues. Im laying in bed watching youtube, Im just about to go to sleep and check my phone. Ofcourse there is a message from the dumb slut paul greenwell. I know when he messages me this late hes more desperate than usual. I also know no one else wants to talk to the loser so im all he has. I give the faggot a price double what he normally sends for me to update his post. He agrees but asks if ill do more. I tell the faggot no, and if he dosnt like my offer he can wait until tomorrow, knowing full well there is no way he could wait , no matter what the price is LOL. He attempts to resist at first, stupid faggot. So I dont reply back quickly, knowing hes regretting declining. After waiting a few minutes I message the stupid faggot telling him its no problem if he pays tonight or not, since we both know ill end up with all his money either way. That was enough to send the faggot over the edge and within 2mins the loser had sent the amount I requested LOL. Hes such a predictable desperate faggot. Hes messaging me right now, telling me how this is a record month for him in terms of being a pathetlic bimbo and amount paid in fagtax. I tell the faggot hes been at this for prob 15years, hes deff more desperate than usual this month but his most desperate month im not so sure. The loser is quick to remind that this month is not over LOL. So there is actually a good chance that this is going to be his most desperate month ever. Dont be suprised if you see him getting double daily updates to this post over the next few days, I know hes going to be reading this over and over thinking to him self hes such a stupid faggot for sending the amount I told him to lol. Imagine knowing uve already spent 10s of thousands just to ruin ur life and here you are at 11pm on a tuesday sending even more money LMAO. Its impossible to get any more pathetic than paul greenwell. His life revolves around paying for exposure, jerking off to hypno porn and eating his cum LOL, oh and lets not forget adding to his collection of womens clothings, and buying the biggest fake tits he can find LOL
April 20th
Desperate loser paul greenwell hasn’t stopped jerking off since the last update LOL. He sent me a text saying hello, straight away I knew he was desperate for another update. Desperate to see something new written about him even if he’s read the same things 100s of times LOL. Without hesitation like a good little slut he sent his fagtax and start going on about how he needs to be ruined all weekend LOL everyone already this slut needs to be ruined every day of every week not just the weekend. He really is a lost cause, lucky the faggot has me. Without me he would have nothing. Alot of people out there wont even give him attention even if he pays, and I don’t blame them. There are pathetic loser faggots, then there is paul greenwell LOL. Its 11 59am, Saturday in Australia. I gurantee this faggot has been up since Friday jerking. His house probably covered in all the women clothes he’s been wearing. The faggot will watch hypno porn wearing one sissy outfit, he will cum and eat it. Then he will just sit there thinking about ruined he is, how shit his life is. Then a few mins later he will go and get changed into another sissy outfit then start jerking off again, trying to forget about his reality. Trying to forget about the 10s of thousands he’s paid to destroy his life LOL. Imagine how much of a pathetic loser he must feel like knowing he paid just for his name to appear first on a menu LOL. Many years ago when he started he was kind of a game to him, sure he was exposed here and there but in reality it wouldn’t be that hard to remove it all if he had to. But adding new content each and every week year after year after year this is far from a game. This is his life, and there is nothing he can do to change it. No matter how much he regrets it, no matter what he does everyone will know of paul greenwell as the pathetic loser faggot that wears fake tits while paying for exposure LOL. Sure the faggot can pay out the ass for me to remove his content from this site, but that’s just one site. A while back he paid me to make an account on some other sites and post his pictures and videos. Since then I have lost access to the email account I used to create the accounts, and I cant even remember what sites I uploaded him too LOL. He could go to the bank and take out a $50 000 loan it still wouldn’t be enough to get all his content taken down LOL no amount would be. Paul Greenwell will be online as a pathetic cum drinking loser for the rest of his life. The only thing he can do is embrace and go even further.
April 18th
New day new update to this loser faggots exposure! I told you he was getting worse and worse, even the loser himself knows how bad he’s getting. Ever since he’s had daily updates to his gallery he’s next level into ruining himself. He cant control it, no matter how much it costs him. He desperately needs to be the most ruined sissy the internet has ever seen. And he wants second place to not even be close! To get an idea of how much this desperate loser sissy craves attention, he paid for his gallery to appear first in the list of other galleries LOL something like that is so dumb, even the next dumbest faggot Mark Kessler wouldn’t even think to do something that stupid LMAO. Paul Grenweel is getting so bad, now he just has to see his name mentioned in a menu and its enough to make this loser cum. I sent the loser a message earlier in the day telling him I put his video on twitter, I knew as soon as he seen a message from me he would start jerking uncontrollably and not be able to resist sending more fagtax LOL. Stupid fags are so predictable. His gallery has daily updates set up till the end of this month, so I know at the start of next month he’s going to be paying out the ass to set up more daily updates. He craves attention so much there is no way he wont. He doesn’t even care that everyone has already seen all the pictures getting updates. Paul Greenwell is so stupid that he would pay for the same picture to be uploaded everyday for the next 5 weeks LOL. Just like he doesn’t care what these updates say, just knowing there is a new update, and knowing he paid his fagbtax for it to be created is enough for the loser to cum everywhere. Ofcourse eating it all up afters done LOL. People ask me to how to get exposure like paul greenwell, once I tell them they want nothing to do with it being like paul greenwell LOL. Not only does this loser pay 1000s upons 1000s probably over 100 000 all up. But he spends pretty much every day of every week jerking his clit dressed in sissy clothes watching hypno porn. When he’s not paying for exposure he’s updating his own blogs telling everyone what a stupid loser he is for paying to ruin his life. Never again will this faggot ever have pussy, and that doesn’t bother him. Becuase he knows faggots don’t like pussy LOL. There is no two ways about it, paul greenwell is the biggest loser on the internet and its not even close
April 17th
The updates are getting more and more frequent, paul greenwell the desperate pathetic faggot is craving exposure harder and harder he knows its all he has to live for. The faggot already has daily updates set up on his gallery, it wont be long before the bimbo loser is always paying daily for this expousre to be updated LOL. It takes the most desperate of desperate faggots to pay for exposure this much, but its what paul greenwell lives for. Without exposure and without paying me, his life is meaningless. There is only one other faggot that comes anywhere close and thats Mark Kessler. Ofcourse these two faggots have been jerking off together telling each other how much they love me and cant get enough of how I treat them like pieces of shit LMAO. Some fags on this site live twe lifes, in their normal day to day lives they are normal people. Then they come on here to get abused as losers. Not paul greenwell though… he lives one life. One life where hes a stupid desperate loser 24 7 LOL. He knows this all to well … which is why he loves paying. He knows without paying no one wants anything to do wtih him. I wouldnt be surprised if he pays Mark Kessler to jerk off with him LOL. The faggot owns more women’s clothes than men clothes. There pretty much is no point in him wearing mens clothes anymore. His whole city knows what a desperate bimbo he is. Just walking down the street people yell out abuse at him. There is no way he can step foot in any bars without getting ran out. People dont even want to look at the loser LOL These days the faggot dosnt bother going outside, after all in order to jerk off to sissy porn and pay me there is no need for the faggot to go out side. This loser is known to stay inside for days at a time wihtout any other human interaction rubbing his clit until he cums and then eating it up for dinner LMAO. He really is the most desperate fag you will ever see
April 15h
The desperate bimbo paul greenwell has messaged me on saturday morning desperate for more exposure. I was away for the weekend so I ignored the loser. But luckily for him I had set up the daily updates on his gallery so even though I was away he was still getting the attention he desperately craves LOL Each day this faggot goes to his gallery to see if the new update has been posted, while jerking his lil cock like no tomorrow LOL after he sees the picture he will go on google and spend hours typing in different phrases to see what brings up his content each time he sees his name appear in google he cums uncontrollably. Paul Greenwell really is as desperate as you can get. I gurantee all weekend long he did nothing but wear hisd sissy outfits while rubbing his clit. I know damn well he didnt dare go out side LOL. I messaged him not long ago telling the faggot I was home, knowing as soon as he seen my message he wouldnt be able to resist to sending his fagtax and sure enough within 15mins the dumb faggot had sent his tax LOL. Its second nature to the faggot now, as soon as he gets paid I get paid every single time. Besides me this loser has no one else in his life. All he can do is pay to have his content on as many sites as possible and hope people give a shit, which ofcourse no one does LOL.; Hes ruined beyond repair, paying me and exposing himself is all he knows. If he ever stopped he would be lost and have no idea what to do with him self. A total exposure addicted desperate faggot, and the Mascot of exposedfaggots.com
April 11th
10 30pm here in Australia, Im laying in bed watching netflix my phone starts buzzing. Of course its the desperate faggot paul greenwell messaging me telling me hes jerking her lil clit, while seeing how high his gallery has ranked in google LOL. I knew right away the faggot was desperate as ever, so I told him the amount I wanted and without hesitation, the stupid faggot sent it LOL. I showed him a screenshot of the show I was watching, the faggot tells me the show looks out there. I quickly reminded the faggot, that nothing is as out there as he is when he wears his fake tits and drinks his own piss LMAO. Its never enough, the faggot is also asking for daily updates to his new gallery. I told him the number I want, and i know the faggot will pay it. Hes way too desperate to say no to daily updates, and he knows first hand how well daily updates help you rank in google. Its one of the reasons his own website ranked so well.. a little too well scarring the shit out of the faggot LMAO. We both know it wont be long before he gets his site back up. He would already have it, if the price was cheaper since hes always broke from paying for updates to this exposue LMAO. Legit paying day after day for me to write the same shit about him each and every time LOL. There is only so many ways you can call a faggot pathetic. Ofcourse sissy paul greenwell does not care, as long as hes getting 5mins of attention its money well spent to that stupid faggot LOL. After all the only other ineraction he gets is from watching the sissy hypno porn on his tv while he jerks his lil cock and drinks his cum LMAO. This was was created for the bottom of the barrel fags, the lowest of the low and without even advertising it paul greenwell found it prety much as soon as it was made, like it was his destiny to be the mascot. A deadset loser LOL
April 6th
No I didn’t put a typo in the date. This faggot is so desperate he’s paid for two updates on the same day LMAO. Not only that, the faggot paid out the ass for his gallery to go back up. Which in a way is worse for him that his site. His site would have taken a while to rank on google, but the gallery should rank rather quickly since its on exposedfaggots.com. As soon as I gave him the link to say it was up the faggot came all over himself he didn’t even get a chance to look at LMAO. Hes on skype now, telling me how insecure and weak minded he is… the same thing I’ve been telling him for the last 20 updates LOL. The stupid faggot tells me he’s at the lowest of the low now. He used to have 1 or 2 straight friends that he could talk to, but now even they have disowned him. 90% of the time this pathetic loser is dressed as a stupid bimbo, and from now on I am legit the only person he will have contact with. He cant even pay others to communicate with him, he’s such a disgrace LMAO. The faggot ask me to do another update, I knew how desperate he is tongith so obviously I told him what to send to get it done, and ofcourse the desperate slut sent more than I asked. He knows with the gallery back up he can promote it everywhere, when someone goes to it they can see over 10 pages of his stupid faggot pictures. Its pretty much this sluts whole life in 10 pages LMAO. Plus the gallery can be made to get daily updates which will ruin him even more. Hes horny as every now, but that’s nothing compared to how horny the slut will be when he sees the gallery on google. I guarantee he will cum at least 7times that day eating every drop, god damn he’s pathetic
April 6th
Another update to the stupid fag paul greenwells exposure. They are getting more and more frequent, you know it means this fag is starting to crave it like he used to. There was a time, when he couldn’t sleep unless he was getting daily updates to his exposure. He ended up going too far, and his site was ranking so good in google, just typing in his first name would show the whole world what a pathetic bimbo loser he is. He paid for it to get removed, but 6months later it was still ranking in google LOL it scares the shit out of him, knowing this will happen again. But I can tell it wont be long, he’s so desperate he can try and resist all he wants, but its his life purpose to be exposed and the most desperate bimbo out there… He will be begging for the site, begging for it to have daily updates again. And when its up he will search google all day and night looking for his site URL to show up. When he sees it, he will cum like no tomorrow. Asking himself what has he done, he’s fucked again LMAO. But those few mins of regret will soon turn into 72hours of him jerking off over his exposure. He knows he needs it, he knows other fags are getting sites built and he cant handle if he’s not the most exposed sissy slut on the internet. After all he’s spend the last 12 years dedicating his whole pathetic life to ruining himself, so why not go above and beyond and be the most ruined bimbo out there. Like I tell the faggot over and over there is no reason for him to be scared, all his friends and family have disowned him. The whole word already knows what a loser he is. A faggot like paul greenwell, is so pathetic its not enough to to be featured amongst other loser faggots. He needs his own website dedicated to his own exposure where he is the center of attention on every page. Plus knowing WHEN he regrets it and pays for removal, it will take 6months or more for google to remove it. That thought alone is enough to get the stupid fags cock rock hard LOL. Once he has the site, he wont be able to stop he will then need his gallery back up, and back on the homepage popup. This faggot craves attention so much he will go broke making sure he’s the center of attention on every page.
April 3rd
Bimbo Paul Greenwell is back craving exposure again, just like you all knew he would be. Infact the dumb faggot has been messing me non stop the last few days. But I’ve been busy over the easter longwkend. Doing normal stuff like leaving the house and interacting with real people.. things paul greenwell knows nothing about LMAO. I can bet this faggot was inside all long weekend stroking his lil fag cock, spending every last cent he had on exposure. After all whos going to spend their time with this pathetic faggot unless he pays them too LOL. Alot of people wont even give him the time of day even if he pays, he truly is pathetic. For 4 days and 4 nights, this faggot would have been locked inside his room watching hypno porn. Looking over all the exposures he’s paid 1000s for over the years. It doesn’t take this faggot long to cum, and once he does he eats it up right away just to feel as pathetic as possible. For a short time after the faggot cums, reality hits him. He suddenly realizes that this isn’t a game, its his life and its ruined. He is way past the point on no return. There is no amount of money he could pay to have it all removed. Its just not possible. He has to live the rest of his life known as the cum drinking exposures addicted faggot bimbo. Knowing he cant even walk down the street, or go to the local bar without people yelling out insults at him LOL. And to top it all off, the fag has paid tens of thousands to do this to himself LOL. Its one thing to be a stupid fag and maybe pay for exposure once or twice for the thrill of it, but to spend money on it week after week, year after year. Paul Greenwell is legit next-level desperate. Thinking about all this would cause any normal person to lose their shit. Instead, paul thinks about it, and realizes there is no reversing it. Crying about it won’t make it go away, so the only logical thing to do is embrace it. Go with it, and go deeper and deeper. Its why it makes so much sense for this desperate faggot to dedicate his life to exposedfaggots.com and his destructions. After all, what else does he have? Absolutely nothing LOL
March 27th
Whats more pathetic than exposing yourself as a faggot? Paying someone else to expose you as a faggot LMAO. Another day, another payment from the desperate loser paul greenwell. These updates are getting closer and closer together. Soon they are going to be daily like they used to be. Paula the stupid bimbo got fired from her old job, and her new job isn’t paying as much so its harder for this faggot to afford the daily updates, but it doesn’t stop the bimbo going into debt to afford it LMAO. This faggot will do anything, if it means someone will just give him 10mins of attention LOL. Notice how I keep switching from her to him, its because I’m not really sure what this faggot is LOL. Clearly with its huge fake tits paula wants to be a sissy bimbo… but he still looks like one the most desperate pathetic guys I’ve ever seen LOL. From the very first email I got from paula, I knew she was on a whole other level compared to most faggots. Im not even sure when the first email was, well over 10 years ago now, and since then we have had contact weekly. And you damn well know I’m not spending my time talking to someone this pathetic if its not benefitting me LOL. Even before paul greenwell first messaged me, he already making a name for himself as the most desperate loser anyone had ever seen, a lot of other fags didn’t even know it was possible to be as desperate as paul LOL. Alot of fags aspire to get to his level, but when they realise how much this fag spends, how time and dedication he puts into making sure anyone who visits the internet sees what a stupid loser he is… they quickly realise they have no hope of attaining the level of depravity paul Greenwell has. It takes a special kind of loser to be on paul greenwells level, a lot of his exposure comes from having no1 else to interact with, since everyone thinks he’s so disgusting. When this loser pays for exposure he gets 10mins or so of human interaction which is enough to make him cum LOL, and ofcourse the faggot eats it all up straight after LOL. He tells he’s getting worse and more desperate, but he’s always been so desperate its hard to tell if he’s getting worse, there isn’t much further he can go.. but if you see his website back up, or his gallery back on the site you know for sure then he has fully lost the plot and is going all out with his exposure!!
March 25th
Its 2am here in Australia, I had to get up to go piss and decided to check my phone. Ofcourse there is a message from stupid faggot paul greenwell asking if im awake LOL. I told the faggot if he pays double what he normally pays ill be awake, without hesitation the loser went to his banking app and sent his fagtax LMAO. I told him to give me a few minutes to get my laptop, but I had already got it since I knew the fag wouldnt be able to resist feeling like a loser and sending his fagtax. Its what he lives for. I bet the faggot hasnt stopped jerking his lil cock since the last update LOL. I know for sure he hasnt changed out of his bimbo clothes, hes prob still got his fake tits on well. Such a stupid loser. Imagine being so pathetic that the only way you can get off is by paying people to ruin you LOL. The stupid faggot has literally paid 1000s upon 1000s to ruin himself. And he will never stop, he will never be ruined enough LOL. The other day he was messaging me at 7am asking me how much for his website to go back up, I know it wont be long before he cant resist anymore and he pays whatever I tell him to, to get the site back online. The daily updates it had really fucked him over, they got indexed on googles within days. Just typing in his name and his city would bring up the site letting everyone know what a stupid loser he is. Every morning he would turn on his laptop go straight to the site and see the new update then jerking his cock all day and all night waiting for the next update LOL. In the end it got too much for the faggot and he paid for the site to get removed. But it was still showing on google a year later LMAO. He knows thats going to happen again as well, i give it a month or two at most before he gives in. Hes such a stupid loser, there is no way hes waiting any longer than that
March 23rd
Pathetic paul greenwell is back for more exposure, to be ruined even more. I lost count months ago how many updates I’ve done. Alot of them are just me repeating the same stuff over and over, but paul greenwell doesn’t care about. Hes so desperate any little tiny bit of attention is enough to make his pathetic lil cock rock hard. Anytime this loser sees someone calling him a dumb faggot it turns him on so much, it just makes him want to eat his own cum LOL. Sometimes when this filthy faggot is really in the mood he will even drink his own piss LMAO. The word desperate doesn’t even suit Paul Greenwell anymore, he surpassed desperate long ago. There are many fags on this site that crave exposure, but none that crave it enough to spend their whole pay check on it…especially knowing the knew exposures cant really add much seeing as your already so ruined and way past the point of no return. When people see paul greenwell on the homepage they are no longer disgusted, so they are used to seeing him plastered everywhere. They just think to themselves oh this desperate loser must have got paid again LOL. Every week without fail this dumb sissy wanna be pays for his life to be more and more ruined. Nothing else gets him off anymore, even his fag lover sophie cant get him off. Infact that stupid slut just annoys him, all she wants to do is sniff glue while all paul greenwell wants to do is dress up like a bimbo and pay people to plaster him on as many sites as possible. When he goes to sleep all he dreams about is how he can be more of a loser bimbo the next day. His whole life is dedicated to being the biggest loser he can be, its why he’s so good at it LOL. He really has no choice but to dedicate his life to exposure, if he tries to get out of the exposure game.. he finds out very quickly that its impossible. Sure he can pay to have these posts removed, but he’s on hundreds of website many he don’t even know about. And say the off chance he got all his content removed, there is no way the internet is just going to forget about him. For over 10 years every week this loser has been degrading and humiliating himself online. And he will for the next 40 years. He is the most pathetic faggot the internet has ever seen. And so proud of it as well..until he cums that is LMAO
March 17
I know you didn’t think it was possible but the slut Paul Greeenwell has managed to sink ever lower. The stupid loser faggot spent all night jerking his lil fag cock with dipshit sophie. For those reading this that don’t know sophie, think yourself lucky. If there is one faggot out there more pathetic, more disgusting than paul greenwell it dipshit sophie. You will hardly ever see dipshit sophie without a methpipe in her hand, and if you see her without one its only because she has swapped that meth pipe with a glue stick. She really is the most pathetic loser you will ever come across. And to think paul greenwell spent 5 hours jerking his lil fag cock with her LMAO. I knew paul greenwell was a desperate loser, but to jerk with dipshit sophie that brings a whole new meaning to the word desperate LMAO. But that’s not all, not only were these two fags jerking off together but they were in a group chat with other fags who were abusing and giving them shit, all while those two confessed their love together LOL. Now if they were in a group chat full of masters giving them shit, sure that’s normal for fags.. but to have other fags giving them shit LMAO you literally cannot get any lower than this. To have an idea of how desperate and depressing this is… just think paul greenwell has been exposed over every site for over 10 years, and it doesn’t effect him, infact he loves it and cannot get enough of it. Each week he will pay for more and more exposure its his life, its what he lives for. But after 1 night of jerking with sophie he has never felt so much regret in his life, infact this desperate loser even starting to cry after he came. Not because of how exposed he is, but because of looking at sophie for long is enough to make anyone cry. He didn’t think it was possible to get any lower LOL. Ofcourse paul greenwell being the desperate loser he is, that craves to ruin his life.. the only thing left to do now is embrace the new level of loser he is and to marry dipshit sophie. After all these are the two most pathetic losers on the internet, so they belong together. They can sit on skype and jerk off other for many hours while getting humiliated and live happily ever after like the desperate loser faggots they are LMAO. I knew paul greenwell was desperate, but this truly is a new low for even him LMAO
March 14th
No surprise paul greenwell is desperately craving more and more exposure. Its never enough for this desperate faggot. I heard my skype buzz , and when it check it ofcourse it was the loser paul greenwell telling me had already sent his fagtax and was craving destruction. It always makes me laugh when he tells me he wants to be ruined, as if the faggot isnt ruined enough already LOL. The only way this faggot gets off anymore is by seeing his posts online, reading about what a loser bimbo he is lol. Ofcourse hes always dressed like a bimbo slut while he jerks off to his exposures LOL. This faggot owns more womens clothing than mens clothing.. which is understandable seeing as the faggot hardly ever leaves his house anymore. He will literally spends a whole week or more inside his house without any outside interaction, the whole time dressed as a bimbo jerking off to hypno porn and his exposures. He only stops when hes out of money and cant paying anyone for more attention LOL, unless he pays them no one wants anything to do this with this faggot. There are alot of faggot losers on this site, but none close to paul greenwell. This site has been around over 10 years, and almost every week since then paul greenwell has paid to be plastered all of the internet LOL. Nothing can be said about this faggo that hasnt been said before. But that dosnt worry the desperate faggot, untill the end of time he will going broke paying for more and more exposure LOL. When he finally does cum and eats it, the fag returns to reality and feels ashamed and disgusted, but he knows hes gone too far now there is legit nothing he can do to reverse it. So there is only one option for the faggot, and thats to start jerking his fag cock all over again LOL. Many fags tell me they want to be like paul greenwell, they ask me how to get exposure like him. Then when they realise what a loser he is, and how much money hes spent on exposure they want to be nothing like him LOL
March 9th
Pathetic faggot Paul Greenwell is as desperate as ever. As soon as I wake up my skype is already spammed with messages from this faggot begging for exposure. Telling me he has my fagcash ready to send and is ready for me to ruin him all weekend LOL. Just the other day he was telling me how he gets paid on Friday and is going to spend all weekend dressed as a bimbo slut paying to be ruined LOL. Hes such a pathetic slut, today he tells me spent all last night getting by a tranny LOL. He must already be broke now as no one is going anywhere near this pathetic faggot free of charge LOL. I asked him for a video of the fuck session, he tells me the tranny charged too much to allow him to take a video.. which makes sense. Not even the tranny wants anyone to know she was anywhere near paul greenwell LMAO. I guarantee this whole weekend paul greenwell will do nothing except jerking his lil cock until it hurts, then eat his cum and start jerking off again LOL. Not like the bimbo has anything else to do. When monday comes around hes going to realise hes broke becuase he spent all his money on exposure.. then he will have no choice but to jerk off again so he can forget about reality LOL. This month is going to be big in terms of paul greenwells exposure. Hes already back on the sissy-exposure.com age verification page, and when he gets his funds sorted he will have his gallery back up on exposedfaggots.com, then once he has that I just know the stupid faggot will be craving to have his own site back up. Its never enough for this faggot, he needs more and more and more. Exposure is his life, its all his has. Without it, he has nothing to live for. Hes a true exposure faggot, and thats why hes the mascot for exposedfaggots.com
March 4th
LOL Paul Greenwell the desperate faggot is it at again, doing the only thing he knows how begging for exposure, begging to be ruined. He had messaged me a few days asking for exposure but I wasnt home. He didnt message for a while after that, I can tell the desperate faggot thinks im sick of him LOL. Thats literally how pathetic he is, and he knows it. He thinks I would getting sick of him, even when he pays each and everytime. But im sure he will soon learn, as long as he he has his fagtax and im around ill be up ruining the faggot. This site has been around over 10 years, and I’m not sick of exposing you losers yet LOL. Faggots like paul greenwell are the exact reason this site was created. They are the lowest of the low with nothing to lose. He has no friends, no family nothing except me. He can go all out with his exposure, telling everything what a desperate, fake titiy wearing faggot he is, and because of what a loser he is no one will even care. Everyone is used to seeing this loser plastered on every single site, but hes so desperate day after day he keeps paying for more and more. Its a loop the faggot will be stuck in for the rest of his life. Which is perfect for me, because as soon as he gets paid I get paid. Exactly how it should be. This faggot will go days sometimes weeks without any real human interaction, he will stay in his house dressing up in his HUGE collections of womens clothes, trying on his massive collection of fake tits. Once he finds a fit he likes, he gets to work jerkiing his lil dick like no tomorrow. Often watching hypno sissy porn which gets him to go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of exposure. He has done this for so long, its all he knows. When hes not exposing himself, and trying to be a normal person hes so confused and has no idea what to do or how to act. So he goes back to doing what he was put on this planet to do. Paying me to be exposed as the desperate loser faggot he is
Feb 21th
Quite a long time between updates for this faggot, but rest assured nothing has changed. Paul Greenwell is still a desperate loser faggot bimbo that craves exposure daily. Hes tried to get me to update this post several times but ive been busy and couldn’t get it done. Luckily for the loser, he now has two separate blogs that he can update himself when im not around to expose him. Thats how desperate this bimbo is, if he cant pay for exposure he will sink so low as to write about himself in his own blog LOL. He will legit do anything to let you world know what a stupid loser faggot he is. How he will never be with another girl ever again LOL. All this faggots friends, family and co-workers have already disowned him, so he doesn’t have to worry about getting caught, everyone already knows LOL. Just one look at him, and you can tell hes the biggest faggot alive. Paul Greenwell has legit spent tens of thousands to ruin his life LOL. For the last few years hes pretty much been as ruined as a faggot can get, so ruined he gets chased out of local pubs and clubs and just walking down the street people will yell out faggot to him LOL. Yet the stupid loser still pays hundreds upon hundreds each and every week to keep all his exposures updated. Fags always tell me Paul Greenwell is their idol and they want to be like him, but when they see how much he spends, and what he goes through to get this level of exposure it’s the last thing they want LOL. Some faggots can be punished by exposing them even more, but Paul Greenwell ever needs to be punished, taking down his exposures is one way to make this fag go crazy LOL without exposure his life in meaningless. His whole purpose is to pay me and be the exposedfaggots.com Mascot
Feb 8th
Another day, another update LOL. Today this faggot came to be begging for me to tell the world how he once again loves sissy sophie and wants to make the disgusting faggot pregnant LOL. No idea how the faggot is going to do that, but im sure he will find a way LOL Im sure in the end, he will just end up making her drink his piss, they are the most disgusting faggots you will ever lay your eyes on. While Paul Greenwell was messaging me telling me to make this post, the other slut sissy Sophie was also messaging me. Telling me what a huge faggot paul is, and how shes has never seen anyone as fucked up as him.. in some way trying to insinuate that shes better than him LOL. Its funny how these two faggots talk behind eacho thers back but still love each other and want to get married LOL. They are already like a married couple, for a few days they will love each oother and cant go on without talking and jerking off to each other each and every day, eating their cum together LOL. Then for the next few weeks they will hate each other, and want nothing at all to do with one another LOL. I think this time might be different though. I think paul is going to be loving the shit eating bitch for quite some while. She sniffs glue and eats her shit, while he wears fake tits 4x the size of his head while jerking to hypno porn for days on end. These two faggots are made for each other. They have both been going broke paying for exposure for over 10 years now, it was destiny for them to link up and want to marry each other as pathetic loser faggots.. Im sure the faggot would love for me to be the one to marry them, but there is no way I could be in the same room as these losers without puking my guts up. Sophie looks like a dying dog on her best days LOL Legit only a faggot like Paul Greenwell could have feelings for such a piece of trash. Im not sure is sophie feels the same way about him, but considering she eats her cats biscuits, im sure shes also fuckled up enough to love a loser like paul greenwell LOL. This post was meant to be about how much Paul Loves sophie.. but its impossible to make a post without trashing the both of them they are pathetic LOL
Feb 6th
For days now faggot paul Greenwell has been hitting me up on skype and even texting my phone begging for exposure. He must have been lost without me, not knowing what to do, what to jerk off to LOL. This faggot is so pathetic, literally living for exposure. He has nothing else going for him, except ruining himself further and further. The faggot can’t even walk down the street without people yelling out abuse at him, and if he tries to go to his favorite bar, everyone calls him a faggot and chases him out LOL. Luckily for Paul Greenwell hes come to terms with what a faggot he is, and how pathetic he is. He knows he will never get pussy ever again, but thats ok since hes now dedicated his life to cock… Yes if you’re wondering, this faggot used to fuck girls, well thats what he tells me. Im not sure if its true or not LOL. Imagine the girls that he used to fuck seeing him now LOL, id love to see the look on their faces. Hopefully, they have seen this exposure of him LOL. The only pussy this faggot is getting belongs to sissy Sophie LMAO. Alot of fags claim they want exposure like paul Greenwell has, but when they see how much money hes spent, and how truly ruin his pathetic life is, its the last thing they want. I’m sure deep down inside, its the last thing paul Greenwell wants as well, but he knows there is no going back so what the point in regret, he might as well just go with it, and see how far he can take it, its all he can do. Living his days as a sissy whore, while paying me to write about it is all that makes him happy. He’s a true exposed faggot and the original Mascot for exposedfaggots.com. He has two blogs now, one about himself and one about me, it wont be long before hes begging for his site back up as well LOL. I can tell this faggot is going to take exposure even further this year, and he knows it too. He cant resist. Its his life.
Jan 29th.
I knew loser paul Greenwell would get worse and worse the longer he takes off. Every time he even has more than a 48 break from exposure he comes back so bad, craving to ruin his life like never before. He truly is a desperate no-life faggot. Its not enough for me to tell you what a desperate faggot he is, the faggot has now restarted his own blog where he tells you himself how stupid and brain fucked he is LOL. The faggots balls are so sore from wanking, its legit all hes been doing the last 72 hours. Literally, as soon as he got paid, he quickly messaged me to tell me had paid his fagtax and needed more attention LOL. He knows the truth and as accepted that hes just a loser cash faggot and an object for me to expose to promote my sites. He knows hes not good for anything else, and even with his money no one else wants anything to do with him. His life is truly ruined with no way back. Alot of fags from this site can reverse most of their exposures by paying for it to be removed, but not paul Greenwell. Hes exposed on so many sites that it would be impossible to remove, no matter how much he paid. I’ve exposed him on several other sites and forgot the passwords for the accounts used LOL. It dosnt matter to him tho, all that matters to this lose is that hes paying me, and getting plastered over all my sites. He doesn’t care if it makes him broke. All he needs is exposure. The most desperate brain fucked loser the internet has ever seen, and hes so proud of it LOL
Jan 27th
Its been over 10days since I last updated this faggots exposure, as you can prob see from the new title the stupid faggot finally lost his job. But no it wasn’t becuase of the exposure, im sure his boss and co workers already know what a stupid loser faggot he is, just once look at him and you could tell LOL. He lost his job for having too much time off. The dipshit is addicted to jerking his cock he would skip work to jerk off to sissy hypno porn, then spend all his pay on me to expose him LOL. He is the definition of a loser. As much as a worthless faggot that Paul Greenwell is, the faggot has somehow managed to land a new job already. Which is why im updating this exposure LOL. He claims its his old job, but i dobut it i think its more sucking cock in the alley way. That suits him a lot better, and he might actually be good at that LOL. I hope he sucks alot of cock, I know hes going to be craving exposure like never before having the 10days off, he would have been so depressed and scared not knowing if he would ever be able to pay for exposure again, i bet he thought his life was over LOL. Which makes me laugh. alot of fags think their life is over when they get outed, not paul greenwell. His life is over when he stops getting outed, a truly pathetic faggot that actually craves exposure. There is a reason this faggot is an idol to many other desperate losers, especially Mark Kessler LOL. The little slut owed fagtax, and seeing as he lost his job as punishment I removed him from alot of places on this site, but since the bimbo is now sucking cock for cash expect to see him plastered all over this site and all my other sites and social medias where the faggot belongs!
Jan 16th.
Paul Greenwell the dumb stupid slut, his worst nightmare just happened. He was craving exposure and needing to send me my fagtax but I wasnt around. All weekend and the start of the this week the stupid fag has been trying to get hold of me, hes been dreaming about paying me but I wasnt around. The fag was so lost, he didnt know what to do… so he just reverted back to what he knows best. Jerking off until he cums, then eating his cum LOL. Hes literally so pathetic. Tonight he messaged me while I was watching a movie, I knew the stupid bimbo would be desperate af, so I told him to pay out the ass more than he usually does for me to write about him. within seconds the faggot had paid. I knew there was no way he wouldn’t hes so desperate LOL. Ill be updating the banner so hes on it for another year where he belongs, and im going to put him next to the next most desperate stupid faggot Mark Kessler LOL, these two stupid fags are made for each other. But when it comes to desperate losers who crave exposure no one even comes close to paul greenwell. From the first year this site was live Paul Greenwell has been here paying to be ruined. At this point the stupid faggot cant even walk down the street without getting abused LOL and the stupid loser wouldnt have it any other way. He runs back home jerking his lil clit waiting for me to come online so he can send even more fagtax LOL. Hes legit all he lives for, and the reason hes the original exposedfaggots.com mascot
January 9th.
What did I tell you? I knew that 2024 Paul Greenwell was going to be more desperate, and more patheitc than ever. Earlier I was at the skatepark and I felt my phone going off, I knew it would be Paul Greenwell without even looking. I wasn’t home and couldnt ruin the faggot so I didnt even bother checking. Then my watch started buzzing which meant fag was texting me directly and not just messaging over skype, when he does I know hes next level desperate and is doing whatever he can to get my attention like a stupid sissy slut LOL. I texted the faggot back saying I wasnt home. Within minutes just becuas the loser had heard from me, he had sent his fagtax LOL. All he needed wasa reply from me, and it was enough to make the faggot so horny LOL. Made me laugh to my self knowing he was at home jerking his lil cock as hard as he could waiting wishing I would get faster LOL, the faggot cant even think straight until im exposing him. He needs to be number one on this site at all times, or he feels lost LOL. Paul Greenwell is the definition of pathetic. When I get home, he started asking me how much he had paid me over 2023 telling me how stupid he was, and how much he loved paying me. I told the fag I would add it up if he sent even more of his fagcash, within 5 seconds my phone was vibrating because of a new payment LOL. The fag was next level craving humiliation today! I added it all up, and as predicted the stupid fag had sent 1000s upon 1000s upon 1000s and that was just sfor 2023. This site has been around 13+ years now, and paul greenwell was here paying for exposure since the first year the site was up. Hes such a stupid faggot, and I still have every cent hes ever sent me still in my bank account. Everytime I view it I laugh at the faggot LOL. Paying 1000s upon 1000s for what? To ruin himself, the dumb faggot is also more ruined than any other faggot. He has no life, no family and no friends. This site, and paying me is all he lives for!
January 5th
LOL Paul Greenwell is so pathetic and desperate hes been begging for days for more exposure, I didnt do it yesterday because I was busy with other faggots and Paul was broke waiting for his pay to come in LOL. As soon as his pay came in today hes been messaging me, begging for more exposure. I finally have time to do it now and he stupid fag is so excited. So excited to read the 100th update on his exposure that pretty much says the same thing as all the other updates LOL fuck he’s so desperate. The bimbo faggot dosnt even care what it says about him, just knowing I spent 5 mins typing shit about him is enough to make him cum and eat it LOL. Today hes so desperate I wouldn’t be surprised if he even drinks more of his piss, just to remind him what a pathetic filthy faggot he is. Legit the second he got paid he was messaging me, telling me he had his fagtax ready LOL. Exposure is all he has to live for, he cant get off without it. Its friday here in Australia, I gurantee this loser spends all weekend alone jerking off to the exposure I made. Hes a train wreck, he goes WEEKS with no human interaction, just jerking off to his exposures and hypno porn. 2024 is the year paul greenwell goes even further than ever before. i can see it now, and so can see he. He will truly be ruined this year!
January 2nd
New year, new update fir the bimbo slut paul greenwell. I know I always say it’s impossible to ruin this faggot more than he’s already ruined, but 2024 is going to be next-level destruction of this faggot. I can already tell the stupid faggot is going to be paying more fagtax than ever before begging for harder and harder exposure. He knows his life is nothing without exposure, in 2023 he tried several times to take long breaks from the exposure game, but he felt so empty he legit had nothing to do while he was taking the breaks. Now he knows that exposure is his destiny and the sole reason for his existence. Hes going to go harder and harder craving it even more. I know it won’t be long before hes begging for daily updates on this site, and then begging for his own site to be up. Not caring anymore just wanting as much exposure as he can get. After all the faggot has nothing to lose. No friends, no family just exposure. Exactly how it should be for the exposedfaggots.com mascot. Wake up, pay master ashton, jerk off, eat cum, pay master ashton, eat, sleep, repeat that is legit this faggots life. Anytime he tries to stop this routine he gets so depressed knowing he has nothing else. Dont be surprised if you see paul Greenwell plastered on every spot on all my sites in the near future, i know this faggot is craving it hard he wont be able to resist not sending his fagtax to be the number one faggot everywhere he can be. Paul Greenwell is beyond pathetic.
December 23
Another day another message from the bigger loser on the internet paul Greenwell begging me for exposure LOL I told him i was busy and would expose the stupid bimbo more then I get hone. The stupid fag sat there and jerked his dick for hours waiting for me to get home The loser is getting worse, hes already exposed on all my sites, and everyone eleses sites but its not enough. Without new exposure this fag gets so lonely and dosnt know what to do with himself anymore. Hes already as exposed as you can get, and hes back talking to sissy sophie. I thought forsure the loser faggots would hate each other by now LOL they never last long. Maybe this time is different, only time will tell. I can already see sophie paying for her site to go back up, then faggot paul taking the opportunity to pay for daily updates on it… this will make Sophie hate the faggot again and the loop will continue LOL hes so damn pathetic. In 2days it will be Christmas, Paul Greenwell will be alone jerking off to sissy porn wearing his jumbo tits LOL. For Christmas lunch, he will probably eat his cum along with a cup of piss…The best present of all, will be the faggot sending me my fagtax, thats all that makes him happy these days, its all he lives for. He claims he wants exposure, but hes already exposed everywhere. The loser just wants an excuse to pay me, hes addicted to it. And so he should be, hes legit good for nothing else.
December 21
This loser’s post would have been updated soon if it wasn’t for me being busy, you know the fag has been begging for it LOL The dumb faggot messaging me telling me he can’t wait for me to fuck him over LOL. As if this faggots life can get any more ruined. He has no one in his life except me, and another faggot that sniffs glue in her free time. Its even difficult for this faggot to pay others to expose him LOL. This faggot could never go back to a normal life, no matter how much money he paid to try and get everything removed, and even if somehow he managed to delete everything it wouldn’t be more than a week later before the fag comes to me paying for more exposure LOL. This fags life legit revolves around paying for exposure, jerking his lil fag dick to the exposure, cumming.. eating the cum then he will jerk again until he can jerk no longer. After he cums for the final time the fag 100% regrets what he has done, but he knows there is nothing he can do about it so no point worrying about it. All he can do is jerk off again to forget about reality LOL. Lucky for him, he is such a loser, if anyone sees his pictures they forgot about it 2mins later LOL
December 12th
Its been a few days since I have updated this faggots exposure, but that doesn’t mean the desperate fag hasn’t been getting outed. Every day people use the media ive made to expose this stupid slut which good because after the long break the loser had, he needs daily exposure, it dosnt matter if its from me or someone else all that matters is this loser is getting outed! I know hes getting worse, last time I talked to the loser he was telling me how he loves sophie again… you gotta be a special kind of desperate dipshit to have any feelings towards Sophie. I thought it was just a once-off thing, and after that night he would hate her as everyone else does.. but nope tonight hes still telling me how much he loves her, and wants more pictures made that include her LOL. Loving Sophie is like loving that special ed kid at school who ate glue sticks for lunch LOL. Turns out these two losers are perfect for each other. Legit the two most pathetic faggots you will ever see on the internet. Both spend thousands upon thousands just to destroy their worthless lives. It really makes me laugh how these faggots pay to get abused, but then get upset if they get abused by one another LOL If anything when the faggot fight with each other it should make them love each other more LOL. A perfect night in for Paul and Sophie is them two web camming with each other while they fuck their cunts with the biggest dildo they can find while watching sissy Hypno porn and getting abused for being so pathetic. I can see it now, sophie getting her site back up and paul being jelous then either getting his own or paying for his images to be all over sophies, which will cause sophie to lose the plot and they will hate each other LOL then a few days later they will be back to fucking their cunts together LOL its a loop they will never get out off. Truly pathetic dipshits
December 7th
LOL well, the stupid faggot is finally back. This must be a record for the longest time this faggot has gone without paying me to expose him as the pathetic loser faggot he is… to be fair he has messaged me a few times and I have been too busy to expose him, but still the loser normally messages each and every day craving, begging for it. Who knows what the loser has been doing in the meantime, its not like he has any friends or family to hang out with hahaha. I always knew the faggot would message again begging for exposure, he cant resist. This is his entire life. sure the faggot may take a week or even a month or two break, but its 100% guaranteed he will come back begging to send his fagtax to be ruined. Of course now hes had a little break like always he feens for it 10x as hard. When he messaged me tonight I told him he had just missed me and that he had to pay 3x what he normally pays for me to expose him, within seconds the stupid faggot had sent it, and i knew he would LOL. Its 10pm here in Australia, I gurantee the pathetic loser is going to read this then jerk his cock to 10am tomorrow morining thinking about hes the no1 post again on exposedfaggots.com.. the faggot will then cum in a cup and drink it for his breakfast than start jerking again, he has nothing else to do hes such a loser LOL His only goals in life are to become the biggest bimbo anyone has ever seen and to pay me as much fagtax as he can afford LMAO
November 11th
You guessed it, another update about the loser paul greenwell. I told you this faggot is addicted he cant get enough. His whole life revolves around everything know what a deadset loser he is. This faggot is so pathetic he cant even remember the last time he was intimate with a girl, and he sure knows he will never be with a girl ever again. The rest of his life will consist of paying for exposure, watching hypno porn while wearing fake tits rubbing his clit and every now and then when hes not broke from paying for exposure he will pay some black guys to come fuck him LOL. This faggot has to jerk off all day long, if he stops reality sets it and he realises how ruined he is.. he cant handle it so he has to jerk off even more to forget about it LOL. His life is such a mess and the stupid faggot wouldnt have it any other way. The only way this loser can get excited anymore is by paying me to write these updates LOL. There is so many updates they all say the same thing over and over LOL but he knows hes a loser and there is much to say about the faggot that people dont already know. The faggot will be reading this thinking this is spot on my life is ruined and it will make his lil cock leak.. then he will go watch hypno porn the rest of the day hahaha hes so sad. No doubt tomorrow as soon as he wakes up the faggot will be messaging me wanting to pay his fag tax for yet another update LOL. Alot of fags want to be on paul greenwells level of exposure but when they realise how much of his life is dedicated to it and how much he spends they want nothing of the sorts. Paul greenwell legit is the biggest most dedicated exposure slut on the whole internet.
November 9th
No update yesterday as the faggot was broke, but you damn well know as soon as Paul Greenwell got paid today he messaged me telling me he had already sent his fagtax, and once he confirmed I was online and able to expose the lil deranged sissy whore even more, he straight ahead went and sent even more fagtax LOL hes so pathetic. Hes so used to having to pay for attention now, he knows hes so worthless and fucked up that no body will give him the time of day even if he pays. Hes telling me how he wants to make up for everyday he hasnt paid me LOL the stupid sissy has been jerking his cock non stop waiting for his pay to go in juust so he can send it to me LOL. This is the only thing that can get the faggot off. Imagine a life where you have to expose yourself as a pathetic stupid bimbo whore to even get your dick hard hahaha his life is so fucked. Not to mention when he does get his lil cock hard he cumts into a cum and drinks it… then starts jerking again. His life is one big never ending circle…. pay to get exposed, go broke, wait to get paid then pay to get exposed hahahah. Legit the dumbest sissy. But exactly the faggot this site was made for. Being the mascot of exposedfaggots.com gives this pathetic fags life meaning LOL
November 7th
LMAO dipshit paul Greenwell was excited for his new breasts he was having a marathon jerk off session. The pathetic loser didnt sleep for 3nights, was too busy taking pics of himself wearing his new tits…ofcourse after 3nights with no sleep the stupid faggot started going crazy, he started to get upset that he wasnt exposed enough LOL. Even though hes the most exposedfaggot on the internet LOLOLOL. The little dick faggot even complained that the text I wrote about him wasnt long enough LOL. Ofcourse I knew this faggot was just losing his mind since he hadnt slept, and I know he cant live without me. I told the stupid loser to go fuck himself and I would never expose him again, knowing that the worst punishment for this bimbo slut is no exposure LOL. What would you know… 24hours late this faggot is back apologzing, telling me what I already know that he cant live without me and hes sorry for being such a soooky little bitch and promises it wont happen again LOL. Within minutes the faggot had his fagcash sent and was thanking me for talking to him LOL, he truly is so pathetic. Alot of people punishment for them would be being exposed as the dumb faggot they are, not paul greenwell hahaha punishment for him is no exposure what a loser!
November 5th.
What would you know, as soon as I wake up my skype is going off with messages from the most pathetic loser paul greenwell, hes so excited to tell me about his new tits that he got LOL. These tits are not like the last ones you have seen the faggot with, but these are next level LOL. This fag is doing whatever he can to show that he truly is the biggest most pathetic bimob the internet has ever seen LOL. He got the tits on friday, its now sunday and he hasnt taken them off at all. The filfhty sluts has spent the last 3days makes pics and videos of himself, then jerking off over the pics of himself wearing the huge tits LOL what a stupid loser. I keep telling him his life is so ruined he cant possible ruin it anymore, but hes doing whatever he can to prove me wrong and show me there is still ways for him to ruin his life LOL hes a deadset loser. The biggest fag this site has and the internet has ever seen!
November 3rd
Been a while since I updated this dipshits post, but not because of the cock whore bimbo not wanting it.. ive been busy dealing with personal stuff. You can bet that whole time paul greenwell was flooding my skype begging me to expose him, every few hours a new message “are you here master’ “master will u expose me” “master take my cash” hahahah he’s legit so pathetic. His whole life revolves around exposure and these days he has been exposed so much that he needs new stuff written about him instead of daily posting the same pictures over and over. Everyone has already seen his images 1000 times and are probably sick of looking at the stupid exposure-addicted bimbo. But he dosnt care, any attention is good attention when youre so pathetic as paul greenwell. Since I havnt updated this in so long, there is a 100% chance he’s going to cum as soon as he reads the first line of this LOLOLOL. His life is 100% ruined, and there is no way to fix it. All he can do is pay to ruin it even more hahah
oct 26nd
Of course the pathetic loser faggot paul Greenwell paid the fagcash he owned, and ofcourse only a short time later is paying even more craving, begging for more exposure. Literally as soon as i woke up this morning I had several messages from the loser faggot telling me had sent more fagcash and needs more exposure, I told him i would update his exposure as soon as I got home, the lil fag couldnt wait and kept messing me telling me how much he craves it and how pathetic he is like I didnt already know LMAO. I knew this would happen…like I always mention the longer this loser goes without exposure the more he craves it in the end. Paul greenwells life revolves around exposure and me.. and it will be like this for the rest of his life and there aint shit he can do about it… not that it botheres him he has come to terms with what a loser he is. Somtimes he dosnt like how much money he sends as it sends him broke.. but now he craves sending the fagtax he knows its his purpose and hes not good for anything else. Such a stupid filthy bimbo faggot that drinks his own piss LMAO
oct 23rd.
Only a few days ago stupid faggot Paul Greenwell paid for his all-out exposure site url to be changed from sissysophiemtl.com to paulgreenwell.com. In reality, this did little to help new people find it, but being the stupid faggot he is he freaked out and within a few hours paid out the ass to have his site and all his posts removed LOL. Now only a few days later the faggot is back begging for me to restore his posts LOL. I told him when I deleted the site that it wouldnt be long before he was back begging for more exposure. This just proves that everything I say about the bimbo faggot is true. Its impossible for him to live without exposure, without it he doesn’t know what to do with himself, jerking his lil fag cock isn’t the same without seeing new updates LOL. Paul Greenwell truely is as pathetic as they come, a true exposure whore..like always the longer he goes without exposure the more he craves it in the end, no doubt after I post this he will be messaging me everyday begging that I expose him each and every day. Hes already shaved off all his body hair to feel like the biggest sissy he can.. and no doubt hes jerking his cock like no tomorrow waiting for this post to go live. The funniest part is he spent all his money paying the removal cost so he cant even afford to pay upfront for this update, but he will pay extra as soon as he gets paid. Its easy to trust he will pay because if he dosnt he knows ill ignore him, and him not getting attention from me is literally the worst possible thing that he can imagine LOL
oct 16th
Six whole days this faggot has paid for his exposure to be updated must be some kind of record. I know now he’s craving it more than ever, he needs to make up for the 6 days that he hasnt been exposed LOL. This faggot is so weak minded, so desperate he could only last 6 days.. well really it was only 4 or 5 days since he was messaging me it just took me too long to reply to him LOL. The stupid faggot gets jelous so easily, asking me if I have a new number 1 fag hahahahaha. Paul Greenwell will legit go broke now trying to catch up. Exposure is his life, without it this pathetic loser has nothing to live for. Being the mascot for this site, is the only thing that gives his life meaning.
Oct 10th
LOL another morning I wake up flooded with messages from this loser. Hes slowly starting to lose it, begging for more exposure then telling me he wishes he had something else other to do than exposure. Maybe its finally hitting him that his life is 100% exposure. Without it what does he have? Absolutely nothing. Hes as pathetic as you can get. Exposure is the only thing that keeps him going, and he knows hes such a stupid bimbo loser that he has to pay for it! One minute he goes from wishing he had something else to do, then the next hes begging for more exposure, craving to come up on google under every keyword to do with being a stupid loser faggot LOL. I always tell the faggot, embrace being a pathetic sissy. Its the only thing youre good at LOL. He begs to be destroyed and ruined, not realising that hes been ruined for the last 10 years LOL
oct 6th.
Before I had even asked, paul Greenwell the loser had sent his fagcash, along with a couple hundred pictures for me to use as daily updates for his site. sissyloserclub shutdown, so paul sent me all the pics he had made him so I can plaster them all over his site and this exposure, exposing him more as the worthless bimbo trash he is lol. Everyday the loser comes to me saying he needs it so bad, hes desperate for it LOL. No matter how much exposure this faggot gets its just not enough. He used to be worried about having his site, as he dosnt like it showing up in google… but i guess the stupid faggot realised that its only him that googles his name so who cares LOL. Legit no one else cares about this faggot, no one else except mark.. and mark eats shit so he doesn’t count. Its friday night here in Australia, i gurantee this loser will read this update jerk his dick for 2mins and cum, then wait 5mins and do it all over again.. he will repeat this all weekend not leaving his house LOL deadset loser.
Oct 5h.
Finally the loser Paul Greenwell has another Twitter https://twitter.com/paulsissy666. His last one got suspended for mentioning for this site LOL. But that wont stop him from mentioning it on his new one, hes too obsessed and craves exposure too much he wont be able to help himself. Ofcourse again today as soon as I told him to pay his fagtax within minutes he had it sent and had his hand on his lil fag cock jerking like no tomorrow anxiously waiting to see what ill type about him LOL. His exposure has so many updates there isnt anything new I can say that you dont already know, but that dosnt bother Paul Greenwell, as long as its updated it makes him cum like no tomorrow he dosnt care what it says. He knows everyone on the internet already knows what a faggot loser he is. All his friends, family and co workers know as well they have all dis owned him. Im pretty much the only person he has contact with anymore, and thats only because he pays me every time we talk, hes the true definition of a loser LOL
Oct 2nd.
Phone blowing up with messages ofcourse its paul Greenwell telling me he has fagcash and begging for exposure. I tell him not home, but just me replying is enough to make this fag stroke his cock like no tomorrow and send his fagcash LOL. Anyday this fag isnt exposed just makes him crave it harder the next day, hes life is ruined, and there is no going back. He can try all he wants to get out of the exposure game, but without exposure he has nothing. He has no choice but to expose himself LMAO. I told his fag 15mins ago i was updating his exposure, i know the whole time hes been refreshing this page over and over to see it updated for the 100th time LOL. Without a doublt paul greenwell is the most pathetic fag on this site. Which is perfect as this site for created for house the most pathetic fags the internet has to offer!
Oct 1st
I told paul greenwell to send me new pics and videos and i would update his exposure. Without hesitation the faggot made new content and sent it all to be right away, begging to be outed as if he wasn’t exposed enough already LOL. Paul Greenwell has dedicated his entire life to jerking off looking at how exposed he is online LOL. He kind of had to dedicate his life to this, as the loser legit has nothing else to do. No friends, no family, no one that gives a shit about him unless hes pay LOL. This fag is so pathetic there are even people out there that won’t give him the time of day unless he pays LOL. Exposedfaggots.com has been around over 10 years now, and almost every week since the site started, paul green has been paying for exposure. Not just this site either, every site he can find. Its so engrained into his fag brain that he needs to jerk off while paying for exposure. He legits knows nothing else, so pathetic LOL
September 26th
Another morning, another message from paul Greenwell begging me for exposure LOL I told him i was busy and would expose the stupid bimbo more then I get hone. The stupid fag sat there and jerked his dick for hours waiting for me to get home, as soon as I did he paid his fagtax straight away. The loser is getting worse, hes already exposed on all my sites, and everyone eleses sites but its not enough. Without new exposure this fag gets so lonely and dosnt know what to do with himself anymore. Hes already as exposed as you can get, and even have his own exposure site back up LOL. The only thing left to do is change the site url to his name paulgreenwell.com instead of the dumb slut sissysophiemtl.com. Im sure it wont be long before hes begging for this, but he knows once its done itt will take him over the edge and he wont be able to handle it LOL., Hes so dumb he will do it anyway, its just a matter of time.
September 24th
LOL 8am this morning there is messages from loser paul Greenwell begging for more exposure, and sending me new pictures. He is so excited to have his new pictures posted LMAO is so pathetic. I was away at the time he was messaging me, and every few minutes the faggot would message me asking when I would be home… course hes horny and control himself the slut had already sent his fagtax in advance to make sure I ruined him as soon as I got home. I knew this would happen, anytime he took a break even for just 48hours he would come back begging, craving for exposure more than ever, sending his fagtax as frequently as he could. His life is meaningless without exposure, anytime he tries to stop he feels empty inside. A true dedicated exposed faggot loser.
Septermber 22th.
Longest break Paul Greenwell has had in a while. This fag disrespected me, so I made it clear I was not going to expose him anymore unless he paid out the cunt in fagtax. He was already on the brink of losing the plot because of the daily updates, so this was a great opportunity for the faggot to step back and take a break. Ofcourse the stupid pathetic loser didnt last long, he came back paying the amount I wanted plus more. Now hes back to begging to be ruined, this little break really truly showed him that everything I say is 100% true. He legit cannot live without exposure, when he tries to take a break he dosnt know what to do with himself, hes a loser that craves attention and the only attention he can get is by getting humiliated… but this faggot will take whatever he can get hes so pathetic LOL. Now its back to daily updates ruining this fag even more if thats even possible.
September 8th
Friday night, and guess what loser faggot Paul Greenwell is back begging for more exposure. I told him im logging off a 10 pm and to send to his fagtax and id expose him until I logged off. He ended up sending his fagtax at 9 45, meaning this faggot is paying to be exposed all of 15mins LOL. But thats more then enough for him, all he needs is a few minutes of attention and to see his pictures back first place on the homepage and thats enough to make him cum LOL. He tells me he needed a few days off, as the site was getting a bit much… the fag pretty much lasted 48hours before he was back begging for more. When he stays away from exposure hes lost, he dosnt know what to do and it quickly hits him that exposure is his life. The one thing that ruins him, is all he has LOL. Looking at google results of his site, and jerking his lil fag cock is all he lives for these days… well actually its all hes lived for, for the past 10 years LMAO. He is a deadset loser, and this will be what he does for the rest of his life. A true exposed faggot.
September 5th
Another day, another fagtax payment from paul greenwell begging for more exposure LOL, this fag can never get enough. Hes so pathetic. There is so many updates on his exposure im running out of things to say about the faggot, but that dosnt bother the faggot. In fact Paul Greenwell is so stupid all these updates could say the exact same thing and he would still pay for more LOL. As long as hes getting attention he dosnt care. Plus now he has his own dedicated exposure site back up these posts are a second thought to him, he only things about his site these days. Especially with the daily updates, every day he goes on the site seeing if it has been updated then he spends hours googling his name seeing what comes up jerking his dick. As soon as he cums reality hits him and he regrets the site, knowing how destroyed he is… but then being the faggot he is he starts jerking off again which makes him want more updates and more exposures. He cant stop jerking off long enough to get out of the loop, this is the fags life and all he lives for. A true exposure faggot and the reason hes the exposedfaggots.com mascot
August 31th
Even with his site backup, and daily updates activated its not enough. Sissy slut paul Greenwell is still paying daily for exposure! Having his site makes him so horny, he cant stop rubbing his clitty. I just made him a new banner for sissy-exposure.com, I know he will probably cum in 2minutes, then start jerking off again begging for more LOL’s so pathetic. Nothing in his life means anything except for exposure. Sophie was only other faggot that showed any interest in him and he threw it all away for more exposure LOL. Without exposure he’s empty inside.. and with exposure hes ruined. Hes trapped with no way out, all the faggot can do is jerk off while looking at his site and spending hours googling different keywords to see how well the site ranks LOL. Hes knows its well past the point of no return and its only a matter of time before he loses the plot wanting the site removed LOL
August 30th
Yesterday as soon as I changed the title of paul Greenwell’s exposure site to say paulgreenwell.com instead of sissysophiemtl.com the fag came instantly. It reminded him of how he used to have his own exposure site, and how ruined he was from it appearing over google. Without hesitation the loser bimbo sent his fagcash again today along with new pictures and videos to post all over his exposure site, hes so excited that its starting to rank all over Google, and he knows the more its updated the better it will rank! I can tell that the reality is slowly hitting him, that this is him having his own all-out exposure all over again. Everything on the site is about him, its no different to the other site he had, and its going to ruin him just as much as that site did LOL. The fag has mentioned a few times that he dosnt know how long he will be able to take it. I dont know either LOL I have a feeling he will only be able to take the daily uploads for another 2 or 3 weeks before he completely loses it just like his ex boyfriend Sophie did. But until then hes going to make the most of it paying each and everyday for the daily updates jerking his lil fag cock 15times a day, and cumming anytime he opens the site seeing paulgreenwell.com haha. There is a $500 fee for the site to be taken down, which is nothing for a fag that spends all his cash on exposure LOL. Lets see how long the loser lasts
August 29th
Time for another update LOL. Its only been so long because this faggot had ran out of fagcash the other day and still wanted me to make changes to his all out exposure site. Ofcourse I made the faggot promise to pay a large amount when he did get paid in order for me to make the updates then… Normally i wouldn’t do this but the stupid wouldn’t stop begging and he had been a good loser latly paying atleast every 2nd day. When Friday came, he paid the amount as promised, but of course the faggot expected more exposure… which I didn’t give him until he paid even more LOL so the faggot had to wait until today to send more, as soon as he got paid he messaged me and sent the fagtax straight to my account like a godd lil faggot. As well as updating this exposure, I will update his all out exposure site, so almost every instance of his ex bf glue nose sophie is gone from the site. Paul Greenwell will 100% own sissysophiemtl.com and be the only faggot exposed on that site! The next step is to change the url to paulgreenwell.com, it wont be long before the stupid faggot is begging for me to do that!
August 24th.
The update would have been sooner but I have busy, bimbo paul had already sent his fagcash the other day waiting for the update to his post LOL. Stupid slut thinking the updates will give him more exposure when hes already the most exposed loser on the internet LOL. Hes starting to lose it, one minute hes telling me that he cant handle it and he dosnt know how much longer he will be able to deal with having his own site… then the next minute hes telling me to promote the site everywhere and update it with all his old posts LOL. I give it a week or two before this bimbo faggot loses it just like his boyfriend sissy sophie did LOL. These two faggots are so alike, they are 100% made for each other. Since I havnt exposed paul greenwell the last few days I know hes crying it more than every, feeeling as stupid as ever. As soon as he cums he will regret it.. then he will have to start jerking off again so he dosnt go crazy knowing his life is ruined and there isnt anything he can do about it. At this point no matter how much he pays for removal there is no way all his content could be removed LOL. Hes legit RUINED FOREVER. Such a dumb slut
August 21th.
Didnt take long at all. Paul Greenwell’s boyfriend sissy slut sophie has lost the plot. Shes demanding Paul Greenwells site be taken down. But Paul Greenwell keeps using her money to pay for daily updates, so I guess its not going anywhere LOL. Bimbo paul is already showing up in google search results for his website. This faggot craves exposure so much he doesn’t care about any body else as long as he gets exposed, he has no problem using his boyfriends money to pay for his own exposure LOL. I knew these two fags wouldn’t last long together. But that dosnt change anything, paul greenwell is still going to be paying for daily updates, and jerking his lil dick like no tomorrow knowing his life revolves around exposure. The only thing it changes is now Paul Greenwell once again has his very own exposure site..it might not have his name in the title but make no mistake it’s his LOL. sissysophiemtl.com is dedicated to what a loser paul Greenwell is LOL. As with all fags addicted to exposure, sissy slut sophie will come crawling back anyday with her wallet out begging to send money to be exposed.. and once again that money will be used to expose paul more LOL its a vicious cycle these two fags are stuck in
August 19th.
Paul Greenwell messaged me this morning, like a good faggot telling me he had already sent his fagcash and is waiting for more exposure. Hes excited more than normal today, because he has his very own exposure site backup! His online faggot boy/girlfriend sissysophie paid for it LOL. Paul Greenwell is such a loser, he craves exposure so much he took over her site, used all her fagcash to pay for him to be plastered all over her site so its pretty much his site now. Sissysophiemtl.com. Faggot paul greenwell dosnt give a shit about what his bf thinks, all he thinks about is exposure LOL. I cant blame him tho, sissysophie sniffs glue no one gives a shit what she thinks. It wont be long before paul greenwell is showing up all over google for sissysophiemtl.com back to daily updates and exposed like he used to be when he had his own site under his own name. This is the next best thing. How long till he regrets it lmao
August 14th
Another day another update, Paul Greenwell paid out the ass in fagtax just the other day to get his content all over his boyfriends site sissysophiemtl.com, and today he comes back saying how much he couldn’t wait to send even more fagtax hahaha this fag truly is a mess. He told me he wouldnt be with the disgusting loser faggot sophie for more than 24hours… but what you would you know these two patheitc losers are still with each other LMAO. They are made for each other after all, every single day begging for exposure and paying for the exposure LOL. They are the only two fags that can tolerate each other. I didnt think Paul greenwell could get any lower… but this really is a new low for him. Lets see how long it lasts LMAO
August 12th
Stupid slut Paul Greenwell just messaged me telling me he feels like its been forever since we last spoke, the dumb faggot legit paid me just the other day hahahaha. Hes craving my attention more and more.. and whats more pathetic is the faggot is still in love with dipshit Sophie the glue-sniffing faggot. As soon as paul Greenwell sent his fagtax he tells me “please do something to really ruin me” insinuating that he’s not already ruined hahahah. As soon as he cums and takes his hand of his lil cock and comes back to reality he will realise how ruined he is, how he cant even walk down the street without someone yelling out at him, if he goes to any bars he gets ran out for being such a stupid faggot LOL. Its been years since this faggot has been with a girl, or even seen a girl naked, and I can pretty much guarantee he wont be with another girl ever again. But thats only a problem for this faggot when hes not jerking off… luckily for him all he ever does is jerk off, and pay to be exposed. Its all his life is, at least now he can share that messed up life with his lover sissy sophie LMAO
August 9th
Paul the stupid loser faggot as if he couldn’t get any more pathetic, tonight he comes to me telling me hes made for sissy Sophie and in love her. To know how stupid this is, you have to realize that you will NEVER see sissy sophie without a crackpipe in her mouth or a glue stick to her nose LOL shes a total piece of shit, as pathetic as you can get..in a way that makes sense why paul loves her, they are both similar in that they have no friends or family and spend every 2nd of every day thinking about how to expose themselves more. Exposure is the only attention these 2 losers get, and they are such pathetic losers they have to pay for it, and they are happy to do so LOL. It wasnt that long ago these to putrid faggots where talking about getting married, then sissy Sophie had a meltdown like she does every few weeks because of all the meth shes smokes, she started really hating paul Greenwell, and bimbo paul would always talk about how hes nothing like her and nowhere near as bad as him … no the faggot cant stop saying how they are made for each other and begging me to make a picture of the two of them… I think they are made for each other as well so of course I made the pictures and took his fagtax LMAO
August 3rd
Another day, another Paul Greenwell exposure update LOL. This fag is back to his old ways craving exposure every single day and paying every single day for exposure. After all, it is the only thing this loser has to live for. 7 am this morning I was plastering this faggot all over Twitter, but it wasn’t enough of course he had to come and pay for even more humiliation LOL. Ive been spending hours upon hours with developers to speed up this site, and all so I can upload more of paul green wells pictures and videos to his gallery and expose the faggot even further. No doubt the loser will be back tomorrow begging to send his fagtax and begging for his expousre to be updated LOL
August 2nd
Probably hasn’t even been 24 hours and of course loser Paul Greenwell has sent more fagtax to be even more exposed LOL. The more exposure this loser gets the more he craves it. And as if I didnt have enough of this loser’s pictures and videos, the dumb slut gave me access to a google drive with over 15gb of content. All pics and videos of him dressed as a bimbo looking like a clown LOL, he’s so pathetic. Within 1minute of me telling him to send his fagcash he had it sent, and I knew he would. This loser always pays, because he knows if he doesn’t no one will give him attention LMAO. Check out his gallery to see his latest pictures, and ofcourse he will be plastered all over sissy-exposure.com as well.
August 1st
Sissy Slut paul greenwell has been craving exposure like no tomorrow. He messaged me last night at midnight… but i was asleep so the stupid faggot had to wait until today before he could exposed by me. Im sure the pathetic paid some others to expose him while waiting for me to come online, he really can’t help himself. He needs more and more exposure each and every day. He’s for sure getting worse. But hes the exact type of faggot this site was built for. No matter what one thing is for sure, Paul Greenwell will always be back craving exposure. Alot of fags want to be exposed like him… but then when they see the amounts he pays and how he has no life, no friends and no family… its the last thing they want. Paul Greenwell is one of the very few exposure faggots out there… many fags think they want exposure until they actually it.
July 28th
You guessed it… Dumb slut loser paul greenwell is back again begging for more exposure. Ive lost count on what update this is. But I’m sure you don’t care and paul doesn’t care either, as long as there is new updates thats all he cares about hahah hes so stupid. All of these updates could say the exact same thing and he would be too stupid to notice he would just be sitting jerking his clit knowing his exposure was updated LOL. He dosnt even bother asking me if he can pay anymore, he just sends his fagcash and messages me after…. what all good fags should do. He’s such a loser he will do anything to impress me LOL. You will notice above the picture of him with his cock cage, i thought it was just a picture of it.. didn’t realize he was wearing it, had to look at the picture for a few minutes to realise his lil dick is legit that tiny HAHAHA how can anyone fit into that thing. No wonder he turned into a faggot, he could never please a women with that thing.
July 25th
LOl Paul Greenwell is back again, doing what he does best… craving more exposure and paying his fagtax. He tells me has the whole day to be ruined, of course, he does. What else would the loser be doing? He has no friends or family. All he has is me, and his hypno porn LOL. He knows exposedfaggots.com is his home, and where he belongs. This site was built especially with fags like paul Greenwell in mind. Stupid losers with no lives, that want permanent exposure and are dumb enough to pay for it LOL. This is why Paul Greenwell is the first and original mascot of exposedfaggots.com. No other faggot craves exposure like this dumb slut, and there is 0 chance this faggot is coming to be complaining that he’s exposed too much. He will only complain if he’s not daily exposed LOL. When paul greenwell is dressed in his bimbo outfit, wearing his fake tities jerking to the posts of him exposed hes in his happy place LOL. Truly a pathetic loser with nothing to live for except exposure. And he wouldn’t have it any other way
July 22th
Pathetic loser paul greenwell is back again begging for exposure, what a surprise LOL. This faggot legit cannot get enough, no matter if hes already the most exposed loser on every site… its still not enough LOL. As soon as I told the faggot to send his fagtax he had it sent within 2minutes, faggot was probably just sitting at his laptop dressed as a stupid bimbo waiting for my command to send, hes so pathetic. I knew there was no way he would say no LOL. Its saturday here in Australia, I can gurantee this loser isnt going to do a thing all weekend except wear his bimbo outfit and watch sissy hipno porn. When he cums hes going to eat it, and when hes all out of cum he will prob drink his piss. This loser is so pathetic LOL,
July 18th
11 30pm, got up to take a piss checked my Skype, and of course, there is the stupid sissy slut paul Greenwell messaging me begging for more exposure. I knew that if I told him I will stay up and expose him if he sends his fagtax there is no way he could say no LOL. Of course, the lil slut sent his fagtax straight away, thanking me for taking it. Hes so pathetic. He also tells me hes had his cage on since Saturday, im not sure I believe him or not. There is no way this faggot can go 2 hours without jerking, when he’s not jerking reality sets in and he realizes how ruined he is, and how fucked his life is. He cant even go down to the local bar without getting ran out, hes really that exposed LOL. The only thing he can do is jerk off, which makes him want more and more exposure. Its a cycle that will never send, and there is not a thing he can do about it. The fag is so dumb, that even if he could go back and change things, he wouldn’t. This is the life he wants to live, which is good…seeing as the fag has no choice LOL. Totally ruined.
July 16h
Another day, another message from Stupid Slut Paul Greenwell wanting even more exposure. As if this stupid bimbo isn’t exposed enough LOL. When you’re as addicted as Paul Greenwell and when expose is legit your entire life then it can never be enough. Sissy Slut Greenwell can be the front page of all my sites and plastered all over twitter and still not enough for the faggot. Sure the dirty fag will jerk off and cum all over himself then eat it… then 10mins later he will want more and more. His life is so sad and pathetic, nothing makes him happy except ruining himself LMAO.
July 15th
Again, as soon as I wake up multiple messages from the dumb slut paul greenwell begging, craving for exposure. Like always I give the dumb slut an order to send his fagtax and wait for me to be ready, without hesitation the stupid faggot sends it. Then I make him wait for me to have breakfast until I update his exposure. He sits there patently jerking his lil cock waiting for me. Seeing this post updated is the highlight of his day, he’s so fucking pathetic. I guarantee today he won’t do anything besides jerk his clit and beg me to plaster him everywhere all day long. hes such pathetic low life slut, and he knows if he didnt pay no one would give him attention. Even when he does pay some people still don’t give him attention LMAO. His life is for sure ruined
July 11th
As soon as I wake up and open my laptop course there is a message from Paula Greenwel begging for exposure, begging to be ruined. Of course I told the fag to send his fagcash, he already had the app on his phone open waiting for me to tell him to send haha hes so pathetic. Without a doubt hes going to spend all day today jerking off to sissy hypno porn and looking at his exposures. And today is Tuesday LOL. Once he cums reality will set in, he will realize how hes ruined his life.. it will sink in that hes paid thousands upon thousands to be ruined, he cants even go to the local pub wihtout getting laughed at and ran out LOL The only way for him to mask reality is to start jerking again.. then of course he starts paying again and is back to getting even more exposed. Hes trapped in this loop and will never escape, its impossible for him to escape now. All he can do is embrace it, and go all out with the exposure
July 7th
12 30am and the dumb slut Paul Greenwell just messaged me on skype, I knew the fag would be desperate after his long break.. so i told the little slut if he wanted me to expose him he has to send $150 straight to my bank account. Without hesitation the dumb slut opened his payment app and sent his fagtax, there is no way he could resist LOL. Such a pathetic faggot. Anytime he thinks of the gallery I made him, his lil clit starts to tingle, only takes the faggot a few minutes to come after reading his exposure update… then reality sets in. His life is so ruined he cant cope with reality for very long so the dumb slut starts jerking again LOL hes tripped in this cycle, and has been for many years LOL truly pathetic the exact type of loser this site was made for
July 5th
Ofcourse faggot paul Greenwell couldn’t help himself. As soon as I woke up there is a message on skype from him, straight away I told the loser to send his fagtax without hesitation he had it sent, he was waiting for my command all morning LOL. I knew because of the recent breaks hes had that he would be craving it more than ever. Today is like all his Christmases and birthdays coming at once as I put him and the other pathetic loser faggot Mark Kessler on the age verification page. This means anytime anyone visits the site they will see mark and paul first, straight away letting them know this site is for the biggest losers the internet has to offer! Paul is on skype right now telling me how much hes craving exposure, how much he misses me and how hes going to be paying me everyday LOL hes such a loser.
July 2nd
Without a doubt the longest time this year without updating Paul Greenwell’s post. The stupid fag is going to be craving exposure like crazy now! He tried to pay earlier in the week but there was an issue with my bank… even with the 10s of thousands he has sent throughout the years I still don’t give this faggot any freebies LOL He knows how pathetic he is and knows he doesn’t deserve anything for free, a stupid loser bimbo like him has to pay to get any kind of attention LOL. Fag Paul tells me hes been sick with the flu… im not sure how since the faggot never leaves his house LOL Im certain because of this long break he wont be able to control himself and hes going to be begging to be ruined faily. It always happens when he takes along break the fag is trapped in the exposure loop with no way out. This is his life for ever, and he cant do anything about it except embrace it.
June 20th
The faggot Paul Greenwell is back, doing what he does best craving exposure, craving attention. Jerking his cock being as pathetic as he can. 7days have passed since the last update, this is a VERY long time for someone as pathetic as Paul Greenwell. The Loser was probably broke from paying for daily updates, the funniest part is no one even noticed he was gone except his lover Mark Kessler. I bet if this loser never came back no one would notice, that’s how much of a loser he is. One thing is certain, because of having such a long break as soon as the faggot reads this his tiny lil fag cock will explode with his slut cum, then he will eat it LOL.
June 13th update.
The loser faggot Paul Greenwell tried to stay away, he tried he hardest this time. But still the loser only lasted 4days LOL. He knows exposure is his life, without it he has nothing to live for. He needs to be reminded daily what a pathetic loser bimbo he is. I know since he hasnt an update for 4days hes going to be craving it so bad now LOL. Even though the fag is already exposed all over the internet its not enough, he needs more and more. Its truly an addiction he will never be able to break. Once he stops for a few days the reality hits him that he has no friends and all his family has disowned him, so what else is there for him except to get exposed even harder LOL. This really is a never ending cycle for him.
June 9th update
Paul Greenwell the bimbo loser is back again, doing what he does best craving more exposure LOL. Hes so happy hes on the sissy-exposure.com popup next to Mark Kessler, both these fags are as pathetic as each other and they suit it! Paul tells me its been a very long time since someone has loved him as much as Mark does, and i believe him LOL. Im not sure whos more pathetic out of the two. But i do know, no matter what paul greenwell will always come back for exposure. There is no way he can last a week without it. You can see he tried since the last update was on the 4th.. but its only been 5days. To be fair its the longest break this loser has had in quite some time. It just means the next few days hes going to crave it like never before, it always happens when he has a break. He comes back worse and worse LOL. On and check below the faggot has a new favourite toy LOL.
June 4th update.
Another day, another post about Paul Greenwell LOL. This loser really is getting worse, I didn’t think it was possible but Paul Greenwell is craving exposure more than ever before. The dumb faggot knows it as well, hes telling me hes going to paying everyday this month for daily updates to his exposure, he’s dumb enough that I believe him LOL. Hes already paying at least every 2nd day, he can’t help himself. Hes that bad now, he dosnt even try and help himself. He goes to bed wearing his sissy outfit so as soon as he wakes up he doesn’t waste any time and can get straight to sending his fagtax for more exposure. He dosnt think about anything else now, only about paying me and getting more exposure from me. The dumb slut is exposed so much at this point then the exposures I do really don’t add to anything, but hes that stupid he still pays for it daily. Its because the stupid sissy craves attention, any attention he can get. You dont get much more pathetic than this LOL. Paul Greenwell is both an IDOL to many fags but always a warning to just as many other faggots at what can become of them if they get too deep into the exposure game. It all starts out as fun and games then quickly consumes your whole life until you have nothing left except your posts on the internet LOL
June 3rd update.
Not even 10 am here, Paul Greenwell is messaging me begging for exposure, telling me how he’s getting worse. Such a stupid faggot, he cant get any worse hes already the most exposed bimbo slut on all of the internet LOL. He legit cant go a day without me posting about what a loser he is. Hes begging me to plaster him all weekend, ruin him like never before. Its funny that this faggot thinks he can get any more ruined. Just googling this loser’s name brings up 20 diff sites with posts about what a no-life faggot he is. He will legit spend all day long jerking his lil clitty while watching hypno porn. Some weeks he doesn’t leave the house at all, and im the only person he has interactions with LOL. Hes telling the truth though, hes getting worse much worse. It won’t be long before paulgreenwell.com is live again. We all know it, he won’t be able to resist. He needs the next level of exposure.
June 1st update.
The only reason there hasn’t been an update before now is that I had a procedure and have been on heavy pain meds. After ignoring a bunch of losers paul greenwell messages, I finally responded and told him that if he wanted exposure he had to pay but would only get 10 – 15mins of my time. Without hesitation, this loser opened his bank app and sent his fagtax. He has been lost not being able to pay me every day and getting exposed by me every day. If you dont think thats pathetic enough, today the faggot tells me he’s getting jelous of Mark Kessler, the one who fag who actually likes/loves paul Greenwell LMAO. I have been plastered Mark on my Twitter alot so I knew this would happen sooner or later. Fags are so pathetic. Exposure isn’t enough, they need more exposure than any other fag LMAO
May 29th update.
This has been a record month for Paul Greenwell, he just can’t stay away. Hes so addicted to sending his fagtax and having me expose him for the pathetic faggot he is. Exposure is just not enough for Paul Greenwell he also needs to send his fagtax to show what a complete loser he is. Hes reminding me that the month isnt over yet, he wants to go harder and harder with the exposure making sure its 100% permanent and no matter what, no matter how much he pays it will be impossible to remove his exposures LOL. The most pathetic part about this all, is hes had this level of exposure for the last few years, yet he keeps sending his fagtax for more and more LOL, the desperate faggot craves any sort of attention he can get. Just reading this is enough to get him off and make him pay even more LOL. The only thing that scares this faggot is his website paulgreenwell.com but it wont be long before hes craving, begging for it to go back up. I know hes getting worse and wont be able to resist.
May 27th update.
Paul Greenwell messaging me again, he finally got some new videos and pictures. I can see why he hardly ever takes new content LMAO. The loser bimbo would fit right in at a circus. I told him im going out and I only have 10minutes if that to expose him before my friend arrives to pick me up, that didnt bother this pathetic slut. Without a second thought he was sending his fagtax and my phone was beeping with another payment from dumb slut paul greenwell. Over 1200 in fagtax this month. 1200 for more exposure when hes already the most exposed faggot on the internet. He truly is a dumb slut in every sense of the word LOL. A true mascot to exposedfaggots.com
May 25th update.
10am and like clock work sissy slut paul Greenwell is begging to send his fagtax, begging to be exposed. Its Thursday and without a doubt this loser has been jerking all week long, and has no plans on stoppping anytime soon. I told this fag if he made a video eating his own cum that i would expose him for free. The stupid slut has been jerking so much he has no cum left hahahah. He had no choice but to pay again, but thats no problem for the loser. It just makes him feel like even more of a worthless faggot knowing he has to pay each and everytime.
May 22nd update
The bimbo Paul Greenwell just cant help himself. Hes 100% getting worse. The very next day he’s back begging for exposure. Of course, as soon as I replied he had his fagtax sent within 3 minutes. He knows at this point there really is no going back. So he might as well embrace it and go all out. I think it wont be long before hes back begging for this site and daily updates. It’s the only thing left for this faggot. The dumb bimbo is on every single exposure site you can find, and probably also on every adult site as well. Its one thing to be an exposure whore, its another to spend 1000s each month paying for it, he really is such a dumb slut. And the perfect face for exposedfaggots.com
May 21st Update
Guess whos back? Pathetic fag Paul Greenwell is back craving and begging for more exposure. The stupid fag goes to my Twitter sees all the other fags exposed and instantly gets jealous. As soon as his pay goes in he messages me telling me that he NEEDs more exposure and has sent his fagtax in advance to pay for it. He’s such a pathetic stupid loser he knows he has to pay for any attention he gets LOL. When he looks at his bank statement and sees how much he has sent me this month alone he instantly cums. Then reality starts to set it, all he can do is start to jerk off again so he doesn’t have to think about how ruined his life is LMAO. But he and I both know, this is his destiny and he was born to be the face of exposedfaggots.com. Paul Greenwell is not only a Mascot for exposedfaggots.com but an IDOL to many other exposure faggots. Showing them how to be a true exposure slut
May 18th update.
No surprise Paul Greenwell is back with more fag cash, begging for more exposure. This pathetic loser now has dedicated galleries on both exposedfaggots.com and sissy-exposure.com but it’s not enough. He needs daily exposure. He’s getting worse and worse, he can’t help himself no matter how hard he tries. He can’t go 2days without begging and paying for more exposure LOL. If he keeps this up he will have his paulgreenwell.com site back up in no time with daily updates getting published! The most pathetic part is he knows hes a loser and no one except Mark Kessler wants to look at him, but every week he will pay multiple times just to be exposed to hope to get that tiny bit of attention the bimbo craves
May 13th update
10 pm Here in Australia about to log off, was thinking to myself I haven’t heard from that Loser paul Greenwell tonight. Then what would u know, like clockwork the bimbo slut messages me begging for exposure, and straight away he sends his fagcash like the pathetic fag he is to make sure I stay on and expose him LOL.
He and Mark Kessler are becoming lovers, both jerking to each other while sending fagcash, those losers are made for each other. Paul Is such a pathetic faggot desperately asking how many people have viewed his gallery, this loser craves attention so bad LOL. Hes getting worse if thats even possible LOL, literally coming to me almost every second day begging for send his fagtax begging for any exposure he can get. Hes nothing without exposure, it won’t be long before he’s begging for his site to go back up. The only thing that actually scares him LOL. Im not sure why as he’s already exposed all over the internet.
May 10th update.
Paul Greenwell that stupid bimbo loser you all know is back, begging like he always does. Begging for more exposure, and more attention. He wants to be the no1 sissy fag on all of the internet LOL. What a pathetic loser. All day he’s been stroking his clitty waiting for his pay to go in, as soon as it goes in he messages me to start plastering him all over Twitter and putting him in the number 1 spots on my site. It’s never enough, he jerks his clitty cums, waits a few minutes then does it all again LOL He truly is a pathetic loser. Some people don’t understand how he can be so pathetic. But once you realize this is his life, it’s all he has it starts to make sense. This loser has no friends, he has no family, and he’s too pathetic for other fags to talk to (except mark Kessler LOL) so what has he got to live for? Not a thing. So he might as well stick to the one thing he’s good at, paying people to expose him. He has to keep masturbating, so reality doesn’t sink in. As long as he keeps thinking about more and more exposure he’s fine LOL
May 4th 203
Another week, another message from Paul Greenwell begging to send his fagcash and be exposed anywhere he can be. Just like you can be sure the sun will rise each morning you can be sure Paul Greenwell will be playing with his little clitty begging for any attention he can get. He has no problem paying for it, he knows what a pathetic loser he is, and he knows people will only communicate with him if he pays LOL. Regularly Paul Greenwell will sit in his room finding the biggest objects he can to shove up his ass while wearing his fake tities and dressing in his best sissy clothes. He will jerk his lil clit like no tomorrow and not leave his room for days on end. The only interaction he has is with the people he pays to talk to him LOL. Once his money has run out, he’s alone until payday LOL
Sometimes reality gets the best of him, and he realizes what hes done with his life. He thinks he will change his ways and go back to living a normal life. Once he tries he quickly realizes that’s impossible. He can’t even go to the local bar without people calling him a stupid bimbo fag and running him out of the place. Somedays hes too ashamed to go outside knowing that everyone knows what a stupid bimbo loser he is. In the end, though he knows, that this is his life now. And there is no going back. No amount of fagtax can undo the damage he has done. The internet, the world will know what a cock sucking faggot bimbo he is till the end of time. The only thing for him to do is go further and further down the exposure hole. He legit has nothing else to live for.
I knew paul greenwell would be back. I know he can’t live without me, and he knows it too. Within days he was back begging or exposure apologizing. Letting me know I’m his world, and without me he’s nothing. Exposure is legit all this faggot has, and he knows I’m the best at exposure!
Paul Greenwell is such a loser he paid for this exposure to back to the front page, he desperately craves attention But he’s so pathetic the only way he can get it is by paying for it LOL
He knows his life is ruined from all the exposure, but it’s way past the point of no return now. The only thing he can do is embrace it. His family, co-worker, and all his friends have disowned him. He has no one. Exposure is all he has to live for.
2016 was the year Sissy paul Greenwell contacted me begging for exposure, since then this pathetic bimbo has messaged me weekly begging for more and more. This loser craves exposure like no one else, it’s the only way he can get any attention LOL. He keeps wanting to be more ruined, but what he doesn’t realize was that he was ruined from the first day he messaged me 😉
Every now and then, Paul Greenwell realizes the reality of what he’s done. He realizes he has no friends and his family has disowned him. So he goes away for a few days, thinking it will all go away… but it doesn’t. He’s exposed as a faggot loser for the rest of his life. So the only thing to do is to dedicate the rest of his life to becoming the most exposed sissy faggot on the planet.
Sissy Sophie is the only faggot anywhere near Paul Greenwell’s level of exposure and stupidity. It just so happens, Sissy Sophie the love of pauls life LMAO
9 30am on Sunday morning this stupid dipshit is texting my phone begging for exposure. (When you spend the best part of 10 years paying each and every week for exposure you get my personal number) I can already tell Paul Greenwell is going to crave exposure like never before this year, if that’s even possible.
It’s only been one week into the new year and this faggot is already making more pictures and videos to expose himself with. It won’t be long before he’s begging for his site paulgreenwell.com to go back online and start getting daily updates again. When it was up, just googling his city with his first name made his exposure site rank first! He was scared shitless of this. I don’t know why, it’s not like anyone gives a shit about this loser faggot. They will view his site and think oh not this attention-seeking faggot loser bimbo again. This dipshit is actually an IDOL to many fags on this site, they wish they could have this level of exposure but they either cant afford it or cant bring themselves to this level of stupidity LOL. But for Paul Greenwell exposure is life, without exposure life isn’t woth living. This is an addiction he will NEVER break. Till the end of time, he’s going to be dressing up as a sissy bimbo and fucking his asshole while watching sissy Hypno porn… oh and of course paying out the ass for me to post about it hahaha what a deadset loser
The most pathetic bimbo sissy loser the internet has ever seen. This faggot craves exposure like no other faggot. Exposure is legit paul greens well life…. well exposure and fucking his asshole with the biggest dildos he can find. Paul Greenwell will legit go weeks without human contact… fucking hiss hole watching Hypno porn. All his friends and family have already disowned him, so he doesn’t have to worry about anyone he knows finding out. He knows what a pathetic loser is, so it’s no issue to him going broke paying for exposure. After all, who gonna spend any time with this bimbo if he doesn’t pay? Every now and then he thinks about what he has done and regrets it. But within hours he’s back rubbing his clit fucking his asshole craving exposure even more. This is a loop he will be stuck in for the rest of his life.
The official Mascot of exposedfaggots.com
Paul Greenwell is the dumbest fag you will ever see on the internet and he’s proud of it! He knows he’s a worthless bimbo slut, and embraces it. For days sometimes weeks all he does is rub his clit watching sissy Hypno porn waiting until payday. He knows no one will interact with him unless he pays them. Paul is suck a dumb fuck loser, and even paying sometimes isn’t enough to get others to talk to him LMAO. He loves this, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Exposure is his life, without it he’s nothing
Paul Greeenwell
The internet biggest exposure addicted sissy faggot
Paul is the most pathetic faggot on all of the internet, and hes proud of it! This pathetic faggot is addicted to jerking his cock, taking pictures of him looking like a sissy and ofcourse sending ME my fagcash.
He knows hes that pathetic that no one will give him attention, unless he pays out the ass for it, so thats exactly what this dumb slut does LMAO.
OMG…Paul do it, fuck me bareback…every Day please !
i want to make carolin pregnant
My Sister Paul has been a great influence on my journey to becoming a good EF faggot.
I really enjoy our exchange of ideas…it helps me focus my life on Master Ashton.
OMG…Master Ashton,
what can I say? Paul is my Role-Model and Sister at the same time.
I love this devoted faggot so much that I constantly have to think about him,
but that’s not all.
Paul showed me how much he adores and respects you.
With a devotion that is unparalleled.
He is unique and that is exactly why I admire Paul so much.
Please Master Ashton, help me to serve with the same devotion and to become as obedient as my beloved Paul.
curtsey your Mascot MaidCarolin
fuck i look at this page at least 3 times a day so exposed i spend most of my day and nights touching my clitty
pMG thank you Master
woukd love to be the next ugly diddy FAGGOT to br outed
wow great page!
What poetry Master Ashton, Paul is an exception, no one comes close to him…no one reaches this level of devotion to Master Ashton.
thank you my darling i cant stay no1 for ever you are the next one you have the commitment your on here everyday like me we have nothing else in our perverted lifes but the site and Master Ashton
Paul Greenwell really deserves this exposure. He is by far the biggest loser here on exposedfaggots.com…nobody can keep up, absolutely nobody, and it will stay that way, I’m sure of that.
mmmmmmmmmmm come to Daddy
omg im so horny day and night thanks to Master Ashton my clitty is leaking constantly i
Hello Paul ,i think you are the most exposer sissy on exposedfaggots.com
i can no longer cum without paying master first im so proud of what he has done to me
Master Ashton, you are right!!!!
Nobody can get close to that level…Paul is dependent on you, that’s really true…you are his GOD, without a doubt.
Although I can understand Paul a little…this exposure shows it once again.
The person who is hit is really ruined as a man, he doesn’t fuck women anymore and he has lost his family, acquaintances and friends…forever, an absolute loser!!
curtsey Mascot Whore MaidCarolin
Hello dear
Hello , am new here ,seeking friends
So Hot! Paul, your exposure is the Hottest and I love to view it every day while I wank my tiny dick looking at your pics and reading what Master Ashton writes. OMG I just love it! I wish you could take a trip and stay by SeaTac Airport so I could come visit and suck your beautiful cock and swallow your faggot cum. We could also make some great videos of 2 faggot playing and visit the local ABS to suck real men off together.
its taken 10 yrs and 1000s of dollars its also cost me all my friends and family
now i only have Master Ashton i speak with him daily and truly worship him he controls me and continues to destroy everything in my world making me even more dependent on him fully owned by him
omg Master Ashton has found another way to destroy sissy faggots like me daily updates on my gallery
no one left in my life due to my intense relationship with master ashton that i have payed dearly for ive ended up isolating myself devoting all my time to serving master ashton whilst he might spend 15mins a week ruining me ive never felt so degraded alone useless and totally helpless before. afyer pegging and of cause paying him hes put my gallery back on this site causing me to spend hours spreading it and searching google to see where else it is he controls me daily without him i have nothing
Cant help but read and reread Paul’s exposure, wanking to you is such pleasure
i look at this exposure everyday its so massive now Master Ashton has written so much about me its all true he is so smart he knows whnat im going to do before i do its an evil curse this addiction its ruined my life Master Ashton reinforces how much of a perverted loser ive become so fucked up i depend on him for everything in my life now even though he has taken thousands of me and destroyed everything good in my life i cant go more than a few days without his attention
Fucking A, Paul gets me horney
Proud Fagg
fuckin hot
its taken me years of destroying everything good in my life untill i have ligit nothing else or anyone else but my full owner and GOD Master Ashton to worship whilst this leaves me feeling i completely failed as a real man knowing all women look at me as a co
mplete fucking freakshow unable to even hold a conversation with a female ever again it leaves me pussy free and free to serve Master Ashton everyday
Such an example to all of us
i have devoted my life to Master Ashton my life is empty and worthless without him.im plasted all over his sites i pay for this privilege and have done for 10yrs its ruined my life iso much so that he is all i have left and i love and respect him so much for what he does to me
Master Ashton is never wrong he has well and truly broken me every update he does of me pushes me further down the road of destruction enforcing the cold hard facts that i failed as a real man unable to please a women in the bedroom after trying for years to do so i love and respect Master Ashton so much for making me his offical mascot to all his sites
Paul Greenwell is an inspiration. No one degrades it’s self better and more than he. I ❤️ PAUL GREENWELL
Too bad you were suspended at Twitter. Everyone loves how far you have gone.
this never ends Master Ashton posts me every single day i begged and payed him thousands for this privilege even if i am not here and thats not very often in 2023 he is still exposing me constantly ruining my already ruined life reinforcing the cold hard facts that im a fully gay sissy faggot and will beFOREVER i have no control over any of my pics and vids from the past or the future he controls everything in my life and i love and respect him so much
Love seeing Paula Faggot continuing to be destroyed.
sexier and sexier every exposure. so fucking hot
im fully dependent on Master Ashton now speaking to him daily has had an amazing affect on me once in his inner circle nothing else matters but Master Ashton my life would be hollo and worthless without him
OMG ive never craved cock and cum as much as i do now thanks to Master Ashton fucking me over every day driling into me where i belong
my life is worthless without Master Ashton ruining me he is ruthless i deserve everything he has done to me
every thing Master Ashton writes about me is 100% true i love and respect him in return he plasters me all over his site daily
mmm come suck mt dicl in swallow mt cum let me fuck the faggot ass now
Paul you are really awesome.
The absolute top fag on this site and across the web.
A hardworking girl for the good of our owner.
I am very happy to be here… together with you.
kisses from Caroline
Very good work, exposure at its finest, as it should be.
Paul really is an excellent fag to set a good example for everyone…Master Ashton can be proud of his online whore.
What a superb post by Master and my ultimate idol , xxxxx
Paul you are the completely sissywhore for Master Ashton
you look so hot in pink!
Great Exposure for the Greatest ExposedFaggot
WOW… the biggest Exposure… FOR EVER PAUL THE TRUE MASCOT
Yes you are a total swishy faggot & deserve to be totally exposed, degraded & humiliated permanently here & in your own community.
I love sexy video
I just *love* the first pic with you holding the sign. Your clitty ring must be so tight, your clit looks swollen and dark. I know that feeling, and love it!!!