Ray Small

Dedicated Diaper Faggot

Email – sissyray81@yahoo.com

Located – Gaylord Michigan

Kik Sissyray81

Phone – 9894649144

Ray Small is a cock sucking faggot, that wears women’s clothing more than men’s LOL.

During the day, he will only wear women’s panties, but at night this loser wears diapers!


His fantasy which he hopes to become a reality really soon is to be made into a house maid. This loser wants to clean your house dressed as a maid, while you humiliate, bully and tell him how stupid he is LOL. 

When this fag first contacted me, he wanted a custom contract to keep his exposure up permanently.  Seeing as he was a new fag coming to me, I didn’t make it permanent but instead raised the termination fee quite a bit so make it much harder to remove.

Then the faggot sent me his pictures, and instantly I recognized this loser LOL. Hes also got exposures at https://sissy-exposure.com/ray-small-diaper-wearing-sissy/ so I made him a deal.

If he keeps this exposure up for 1month or longer and also sucks 3 different cocks with video evidence. Ill adjust the contract terms for him free of charge.  Keeping the exposure up for 1month, that’s no problem I’m 99% sure he will.



He craves the humiliation after all. But sucking 3 cocks LOL. Damn, I feel sorry for whoever is letting a 50year in diapers suck their cock.



Each time he creates a video sucking cock, this loser will pay a fee and have me upload the video to this exposure and put it back first place on the homepage for everyone to see.




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Maid Carolin
4 months ago

Sexy Exposure, sweet sissy BABY…

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