New feature…maybe.

We are thinking about removing all posts that are 1 year or older.

We can see 3 main benefits from doing this.

1. The website hosting fees will be signifinatly cheaper, as the more space we use the more we pay.  Saving money on hosting fees, means that money can be spent on new features.
2. It will encourage users with old content to post new content. New content = better search rankings.
3. Those who don’t want to pay to remove their images, but what semi permanent exposure, can now post their images knowing they will be up for a full year… and they must pay if they want them removed in that 1 year. But after the one year, they will be removed for free.

If you don’t like this, and feel all exposures should be kept and archived for the life of the site… let us know in the comments.
Also if people like this concept, it will not be introduced until exposure from free users are getting publsihed.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments


So from the comments. We would be able to add a page which lists all the exposures getting deleted that month since their 1 year is up. We would also send an email to all users 2 weeks before their exposure is removed so they can upload another.
We would also allow upgraded members to change the time frame in which the expousre is delted. So upgraded members would be able to override this feature. If their membership expires since they do not renew, then all their exsisting exposures would be removed 1 year from that date.

This site has almost 200gb of fag pictures. And it’s only really the last few months content that actively gets looked at. Sure some people go deep into the archieves, but not many. We would rather remove all the content people no longer look at and use the money we save from that to add features to the site people will use day in and day out. Not just look at once then never care about again.

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Sissy Dani for BBC Tate

Sounds good. Having a expiring soon gallery also sounds like a good idea.

2 years ago

Fotos that are published for a few months or more are allmost shared and spread to the Internet. The Fotos are published and Exposure can not be undone. It doesn’t matter If exposedfaggots archives / stores old fotos.
It is Just wasting Money.
I don’t know how many Users pay for removal of old Fotos. I think you save Money If you delete old fotos.

Brian Fairy
4 years ago

Good idea!

Oscar Gonzalez
4 years ago

Good idea yes.

5 years ago

Yes I thinks it’s a good idea & fair deal for everyone

Elmar S.
Elmar S.
5 years ago

Hello, I don’t like the idea. We’re faggots who have to be exposed forever. If it has to be, it would be better to get an email after one year asking if the pictures should stay on the site for another year.

Tommy JJ
5 years ago

Makes sense.

5 years ago

I think it’s a good idea, it’ll probably encourage more posts

Vivian Tootinyforher
5 years ago

I agree with saving money and energy. The page will also load quicker and all fags are forced to accept the new rules while exposing again and again. Master Ashton will have all the real names of us fags to humiliate us for ever. Good new start for permanent exposure and better results in search engines. Now it will be easy to find us on google and co.

5 years ago

i think some good exposure posts should stay….i sugest remove all old posts without pics or some partion pic in post not existing….

sissy faggot slave jennie

Good idea, forces us fags to make new posts.

5 years ago

not like it!

Sissy Steven Gold
5 years ago

I like the idea, forces you to add new pics and or update your descriptions

Bob the Sissy
Bob the Sissy
5 years ago

I’m on the fence and see pros and cons to both. That being said though I like the idea of “Fresh” or renewed exposures and the fact website costs would be less. I very much like both pyotrm2910’s and Duanbeinan’s suggestion to be prominently exposed prior to deletion and with a special Expiring Soon Gallery.

5 years ago

I think that after 1 year the exposures should be prominently exposed first. Maybe a gallery for those images about to expire.

Jenna Fab
5 years ago

I kind of like the idea , there are those that maybe post and then forget about it. Definatley a good way of keeping things fresh

5 years ago

A lot of sites have self-deleting exposures after so many months, so one year would be a step up from that

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