Michel was complaining about being exposed, so as well as banning him from using this site ever again I am also going to hold a contest to replace his spot on the banner.

The contest is simple, simply head over to ratemytinydick.com and submit your dickpic. The person with the most votes in 2 weeks from now will get his spot.

Make sure when you submit your dickpic in the part where you can write text, write your username from this site. Submissions without usernames will not go towards the banner spot!


To clarify the person WITH THE MOST votes wins. You you don’t have to get the highest votes. If you get 50 1star votes and someone else gets 49 5star votes you will win.
Once you post your pic it will be automaticly approved then copy the link and go share it on all social medias to get the most votes! Tumblr/twitter/reddit/4chan whatever you want!

Visit ratemytinydick.com

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Sissy Steven Gold
6 years ago

Do pics posted before the Contest started count?

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