My name is
Joseph Fleming
My photos are public property please do with them as you wish
If you see me in public please let me know you recognise me and remind me of how pathetic I am
I am a pathetic sissy. I love waddling around in diapers and filling them until they leak so I have to wear a pink diaper cover. I always wear a nightie and bonnet to bed. I suck on a dummy so that I can’t complain when I need a diaper change. I love licking ass holes clean especially sweaty ones and I always cum when they fart in my mouth. Nothing is to humiliating or degrading. I have licked public toilets clean, I have worn a buttplug all day then sucked it clean, I love drinking real mens piss. I have gone to work in lingerie under my clothes, I have gone shopping for women’s clothes for myself.