A mélange of pathetic Diaper-Faggot exposures:

So proud of my baby diaper!

Caught on camera being a Diaper-Fag

This pic is epic for me.  I selected it from a thumbnail and posted it on Tumblr. A year or so later I clicked on that post and realized the full pic showed my face. I’d never before posted a face-pic, and now I realized I was permanently exposed on the internet. That gave me the excuse I needed. Since I was already exposed I may as well go all the way, and devote my life to exposing my Diaper-Faggotry online, becoming permanently exposed.

So nice to frolic in my thick diaper by the river, hoping someone will see me

So serious, but how can I look so serious when my diapered ass is so huge? LOL

As big as my pathetic “dingle” gets. A full-grown man with a pointless, tiny nub

A nicely-thick baby diaper


My ultimate fantasy, and 

Licking my lips, feeling so exposed in my huge diaper

A goofy face & a great diaper

Ridiculously-thick diaper, see-through mesh shorts, public boat launch

More public exposure

Sitting on a massive plug

Diaper Faggot Caught in the Act

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