
I’m Faggot Brandon Xavier Gonzalez aka Sissy Faggot Candi Gonzalez from 940 W. Meadows Apt#8 Freeport lllinois.  I’m a Faggot that wants and needs to be exposed hardcore. I love and crave to be outed by strangers and exposers who love to help absoblutely destroy my image of me and ruin me permanently.  Personally years ago I used to be married and she ended up leaving me for another man. I was told how worthless and pathetic I was as a man. How small my penis was and I could never sexually satisfy her. Well personally I never liked having sex with woman I just thought it was the right thing to do and I was in the military when they were forcing the dont ask dont tell policy. Her leaving me and telling me those kind words was the push that I needed. I have been a faggot ever since that day. I’ve falling in love with cock and being a fucking faggot for real men. I’ve fallen in love with outing myself for the faggot I am and love to show the world how big of a faggot I am. Losing control is what I need. Any information, pictures I share and links are all for the public’s eye. I hope I get recognized locally and around the world. So spread the word and laugh at my faggot ass I have to be exposed humiliated degraded and ruined permanently.  I can be reached on here or via email sissyslutcandi83@gmail.com natalieblowz@gmail.com fagotbrandonxaviergonzalez@gmail.com .  Also feel free to call me faggot and laugh at my tiny clit. I hope to have a dominant master 50+ in age that is local find my exposures and use them to blackmail me into being his little faggot bitchboy who will be his faggot bitchboy willingly anyways. I hope you enjoy the pics and save download and repost every where.






Faggot Brandon Xavier Gonzalez aka Sissy Faggot Candi Gonzalez from 940 W Meadows Drive Freeport Illinois 61032 needs outed and ruined for the cocksucking cumswallowing Faggot I am.



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