Hello, ! My name is Larana Bella alias Thierry Bourguignon (but this name only serves me administratively) I am a sissy fagot trained and educated since the age of 14 years. I had the chance and the honor to meet my 1st Master at 14 years old who was able to reveal my true nature and this for our mutual well-being! He educated me with patience but firmness, but he knew that was what was my destiny. For years I was his full property and I thank him every day for his insight towards me. I belonged successively to 4 Masters who all contributed to make me what I am today. I am submissive, docile and obedient. I have no taboos. I am available without restrictions or moderation. To exhibit, humiliate, use to the best of my ability for the benefit and satisfaction of real men. currently without necklace, I am ready to become the property of a Master and satisfy his desires, wants and needs without any reluctance.
Respectfully yours

Phone +33 6 52904460

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3 years ago

cute dress you look very sexy sissy girl

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