I, Andrew Kodesch, am a pathetic sissy faggot cuckold. I love exposing myself online, and knowing that anybody else can google my name and immediately learn how much I crave being objectified as a urinal and as toilet paper and as a cumdumpster for real men. I love exposing myself as a pathetic faggot, desperate for cocks and cum and piss. I dont deserve pussy, not with my tiny little sissy faggot clitty. My little shrimp dick deserves to be locked in permanent chastity, and my fiance deserves to throw away the keys and make me her little faggot princess, worshiping her body and the bodies of her massive cocked lovers. I dream of being locked away in the tiniest chastity cage, pumped full of hormones and surgeries, feminized and pimped out by my wife-to-be and and of her lovers. I dont ever want to be allowed to cum like a real man, only like a sissy faggot, with either a vibe against my cage or a cock or dildo slamming in and out of my worthless faggot boipussy. I love this site for existing, so useless little dicked faggots like me can out themselves and live a life of contstant combined fear and arousal, knowing any of our friends and or family members can suddenly discover all our faggy exploits, outing us and destroying out lives entirely. And yet, knowing deep down, if we were outed so visciously, we’d almost surely cum buckets inside our cages and panties on the spot, confirming to our accuser how pathetic and useless we are except as public urinals and cumdumps. So, with my second exposure on here, I figured Id do a much better job exposing myself and declaring myself as the worthless faggot I am!


I, Andrew Kodesch, pledge to be a loyal pisspig cockslut whenever asked. I pledge to always drop to my knees and worship any cock that is presented. I pledge to gladly use my tongue to clean any alpha male genitals and asshole at a moments notice. I pledge to spend my life in service to alpha males and their superior cocks. I pledge to deny my fiance of any sex, forcing her to accept me as the pathetic sissy faggot cuckold I am, and forcing her to seek a much better sexual partner. I pledge to never use my genitals in any penetrative act with any person, instead choosing to either lock it up in permanent chastity, or only fucking sex toys as to demean my role in any relationship. I pledge to be the best faggot cumdump and urinal and toilet paper I can be for my fiance and her chosen partners. I pledge to never spend the money to have this declaration removed from exposedfaggots.com, as to do so would express shame and or humiliation of these declarations, and my express opinion and concern is that this becomes public knowledge and searchable, with any luck, by Google and other search services.



Please also check out my imagefap gallery where Ill continue to post faggy embarrassing photos to be blackmailed into permanent chastity with! And feel free to download and repost my faggot ass anywhere else online and use my full name so my faggot ass stays exposed for as long as possible! Lets make sure I cant back out and everyone finds out what a pathetic little dicked faggot I am!



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