This pathetic faggot is Matt Thompson from Eureka, CA.

Phone # 714-366-4527


He’s the kind of ruined, exposed faggot we all aspire to be with his xhamster profile at over 12,000 views:

He’s already been outed to his wife who kicked his ass out, so all he does now is beat his useless limp dick while his wife fucks her hot new boyfriend every night after they laugh about what a pathetic loser Matt is.

He’s also been outed to everyone on his Facebook so all his friends and family can visit his xhamster page whenever they want to laugh at what a loser cuck Matt is.

He has accepted his place in life as a beta cuck, his place only to serve as a cum, piss, and shit toilet for real alpha cocks.  All he is anymore is two holes, and he is only useful when one or both of those holes is being stuffed with cock.

Enjoy his gallery of shame, made up of screengrabs from his videos that everyone he knows has now seen, and see a former man accept his place as nothing but a toilet for alpha cocks:

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