Hi my name is Trishelle Cooks and I’m a Canadian Ginger Exposure Cumslut from Vancouver, BC Canada. 🙂

I crave and beg to be breeded by all of your big hard cocks! They call me the Queen of Bareback because I always seem to find myself on my back legs up having big large men pump cum deep inside my sluthole by the loads. I regularly service several sirs and masters in hotel rooms. They one by one use me as a cumdump and move on to the next one. I’m such a filthy little Cumslut of a sissy fag. I’m told I’m pretty but I’m also told that I’m a worthless cumdump that’s only good for being a fuck hole. I regularly have my slutholes used and regularly find myself craving and begging for it. As a strict submissive bottom slut I’m forbidden by my sirs and masters to get hard and cum while my Slutholes are being plowed thick and long hard cocks. I am devoted to being a loyal and committed sissy fag or I must face the abuse of multiple cocks stretching my slutholes at once. Im forever obedient to my sirs and masters requests to keep my clitty limp like a good sissy.


I’m desperately in need of Exposure. I need to be exposed for the dumb, worthless, cumdump of a sissy fag that I am. Expose and share me all over the world and all over the internet! No limits! No mercy! I’m such a dumb fucking sissy fag that deserves no pity…make me pay PLEASE! I’m begging you please Expose me. Please message me and tell me where and when you do. My email is chakazahn@hotmail.com or message me here. I need all of you to break me and ruin me beyond repair!

Thank you for your service and time my loves! 😘🙂😉

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3 years ago

nice girly – so cute

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