Ding dong the weed fairy is here and she brought pink diapers too! Oh lord, help me now.. we all know i’m gonna end up on the news now with new pink nursery print diapers to show off to the world. because you know the thick white diapers weren’t faggy enough. LOL

well to celebrate my new pampers I too some pictures and i know how much you’ll all get a laugh (or maybe barf) at just how ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’ I look. LOL

Draw me like one of your french girls..

green and pink.. wow no pride and no fashion sense

how else am I supose to spend a saturday night?

Amazing i don’t have girls crawling all over me huh?

Oh yeah, here’s the money shot

should go do this by the highway LOL

being such a loser sissy baby nappy faggot got me soo worked up i hadda wub my pink diapies

Oh gosh so cwose!!

Smoke weed: Check. Wear diapers: Check. Cum HARD to the thought of exposure: CHECK!!!

Bringing my sissy top into this..

wasn’t sure if I was gonna fart or crap myself..sadly just a fart.

Ta-da! the hairy beast shaved!

Fuck these crinkle so much I fucking love them<3

And you all remember Mr.Cuddles..

We’re still the best of fweinds!

Since he’s the man now. XD

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Paul Gibson
3 years ago

Can we share dirty diaper photos? Love to put my face in them

4 years ago

You are as pathetic as me.

Eddie Schupp
5 years ago

You’re the poster child of diaper fag cringe on a visual level.

Kyle Blebjørn
5 years ago

Yup, pretty $#%-ing sad, lol. Maybe one of these days you’ll take some decent-quality pics ;). Still, great exposure diaper-fag!!

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