In order to speed up the site, we have removed the PEA and OfficialFag galleries from the home page. We will instead, replace the galleries with links. The links will be pictures of someones official faggot picture and someone’s PEA.
As the site continues to grow, it costs us more and more in bandwidth and storage to hold all the content, so to help pay the hosting costs if you want it to be your pea or official fag picture used as the link you must pay for this privilege.

If you are interested in this, either comment below or send a message to Master Ashton with the price you are willing to pay. The faggot who comes to us with the first decent offer will get the spot.
You can buy both the pea and official fag spots, or just one.

They will be placed below the exposures.

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Sissy Michelle
5 years ago


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