Database problem, not letting anyone login, not even Admin! We think the user “gloria” is behind this. This is not a real user, but some sort of spam bot. We are currently looking into how the problem was caused and how to stop it in the future. We do not know if any of your data was stolen, but who really cares. You want your data all over the internet, that’s why you joined this site! And I doubt anyone wants data from faggots anyway LOL. If you use the same password on multiple sites, do not worry passwords are encrypted so they will not be able to see them. The site was reverted to a backup, so if you joined in the last couple days and still cannot login, more then likely you will have to join again. We apologize for the troubles this caused, but it seems some people do not like sites about humiliating faggots LOL and want to try and take them down. Bunch of cunts.

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