Matt Thompson is a sissy cock-sucking meatpuppet cum dumpster from Eureka, CA who loves spreading his ass for anyone, online or in person.  He can’t get his own useless dick hard anymore so he services other dicks to make up for it.  He knows his place, on his knees or bent over, hard cock deep inside him.  No kink is too extreme, he cannot say no to a hard cock.  He loves when strangers laugh at his pathetic pics (text him anytime at 714-366-4527 and tell him you saw his faggot asshole on the internet).  He loves when his pictures and online profiles are shared, the more public, the better.  He knows it’s only a matter of time before he’s outed to everyone he knows but he’s too addicted to the shame to stop.

For hundreds more pictures of this sissy faggot and nearly 60 videos of him being hopelessly exposed and humiliated, check out his xhamster profile:

He’s so addicted to exposure he keeps a link to his Facebook on the xhamster, where his entire friends list is publicly viewable…

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4 years ago

Disgusting. Let me lick the cum off you.

© - Where faggots come to show themselves off

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